Презентация на тему «Птицы Смоленска и Смоленской области»

Материал опубликован 30 May 2023 в группе

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Презентация на тему "Птицы Смоленска и Смоленской области"
Презентация "Birds in Smolensk"PPTX / 3.25 Мб

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Предварительный просмотр презентации

Birds in Smolensk Chernikova Svetlana Smolensk 2023


Heron Цапля

Stork Аист

Mallard Кряква


Mute swan Ледедь-шипун



Snake-eater Змееяд

Golden eagle Беркут

Pigmy eagle Орел-карлик

Oystercatcher  /ˈɔɪstə(r)ˌkætʃə(r)/ Кулик-сорока

Lapwing Чибис

Gull Чайка


Great bittern (Water bull) Большая выпь (Водяной бык)

Cuckoo /ˈkʊkuː/

Birds only in Russia According to the latest data, there are roughly eight hundred species of birds in Russia, but only the following are considered endemic, which means they cannot be found anywhere else.

Birds only in Russia Red-breasted goose It is a rare species of goose, which nests on the Taimyr Peninsula and other places in the Russian tundra and fly south in winters - to the Black Sea and Caspian Sea areas. 

Waders (Кулики) Great knot, Long-toed stint, Sharp-tailed sandpiper and Curlew sandpiper (pictured above) - all are closely related to the snipe family that are only found in Russia. They nest in the north of Eastern Siberia, in the Far East and even in the harsh conditions of the Arctic tundra. 

Baikal Teal Байкальский чирок This handsome duck is the only one in the Sibirionetta genus, which tells us its habitat is Siberia or, to be more accurate, the northern regions, from the Taimyr Peninsula to the Sea of Okhotsk.

Birds in Smolensk Sparrow Heron Stork Mallard Swan Duck

Birds in Smolensk Goose Snake-eater Eagle Oystercatcher Lapwing Gull

Do you know these birds? Sparrow Heron Stork Mallard Swan Duck

Do you know these birds? Goose Snake-eater Eagle Oystercatcher Lapwing Gull

Sparrow Heron Duck Swan Match the pictures with the words

Gull Snake-eater Goose Eagle Match

Eagle, Gull, Woodpecker or a Cuckoo? Eagle is a large, strong bird with a curved beak that eats meat and can see very well __________ is a bird that uses its strong beak to make holes in tree trunks in order to find insects to eat __________is a type of bird that lays its eggs in the nests of other birds _________ is a seabird with long wings and usually white and grey or black feathers Woodpecker Cuckoo Gull

Name the birds

List of birds in Smolensk Sparrow Heron Stork Mallard Swan Duck Goose Snake-eater Eagle Oystercatcher Lapwing Gull Woodpecker Cuckoo

Can you write them? Lap_ing H_ron Sto_k M_llard Sw_n Du_k w r a e a c

Have you ever seen them? Lapwing Heron

Have you ever seen them? Swan Mallard

Do you know what “Birding” means? Guess what it means.

What is Birding? the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment bird-watching

What do you need for Birding? Camera/mobile phone Pen/pencil Binocular Team (for competiotion) Bird watching

Answer the questions What birds do you know? What birds have you seen in your region? What does “birding” mean?

Answer the questions Have you ever heard of birding? Have you ever heard of competitions of birding in your region? Would you like to take part in a competition of birding? Why? / Why not?

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