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Oxford — small town on a coast of Thames. More than 10 % of the population — the students. It is the statistical data. It seems that they are everywhere. Due to such congestion of youth in one place, the life there simply boils.

University church St. Mary the Virgin first was mentioned in chronicles, was constructed in 1315 on place of former church, from which was saved tower 13 in. University church St. Mary the Virgin first was mentioned in chronicles, was constructed in 1315 on place of former church, from which was saved tower 13 in.

University of Oxford - one of the oldest and prestigious universities in the world. In colleges of Oxford not always it is possible to get: many from them are closed for visiting or suppose the visitors at the strictly certain o'clock, in some the payment for visiting is raised.

The round Chamber Radcliffe Camera, 1749. Initially served library for the scientific literature, and now individual reading hall Bodleian Library, one of the largest libraries of the world, since 1610 receives a copy of each book issued in the country

Christ Church College (1525) - largest and most interesting college. He is based the cardinal Wulsy as theological college.

The sundial, which up to the present time perfectly functions. Unless without transition to summer.

This is the restaurant, where the assemblies of faculties in Harry Potter are spent. It is a working restaurant for the students of college, at lunch o'clock it is closed.

On it the field, should be, any sports measures are spent. In general, the large importance is given to sports in Oxford, it that you have not thought, that there only people in science.

In Oxford is complete of the bicyclists. It there most popular type of transport. The students, professor, old people, business people, go all - by bicycles.

The most famous book shop in Britain. Its area is about 10 000 ft

Only in Oxford it is possible to meet cab, pasted over by the table of Mendeleev.

There is marvelous nature here in Oxford. One of the most liked entertainments people in Oxford - driving by boats. So the students, park, huge tree, book. Complete idyll.

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