Проблемы окружающей среды

Материал опубликован 28 January 2019

Essay “Environmental problems”

There are a lot of problems in our world but the most important is the environmental problem.

People occupy almost all parts of our planet. You can hardly find a part which is uninhabited.

But we always forget to take care of the place where we live.

Unfortunately, people pollute their surroundings. They pollute soil, water, even air. Nowadays pollution became a very large problem. Of course, people living in the countryside, can’t produce a great amount of pollution.

But people, living in the cities, produce huge amount of waste. The problem is that recycling centers couldn’t recycle the whole waste. It leads to dangerous effects, including all kinds of pollution.

Industrious development of the cities also leads to serious danger. It pollutes air. So people couldn’t freely breathe. And they suffer from smog. Lack of oxygen is also caused by rainforest cut down. The other result is disappearance of animals, birds and fish. A lot of seas, rivers and lakes are filled with poison like industrial and nuclear wastes, chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

As you see, the pollution of air and the world's ocean is the result of man's careless interaction with nature.

People should be more careful to the nature in order to prevent ecological crisis. And they should do it in the nearest future. In other way, we’ll have nothing to care about.

What should we do to prevent ecological crisis? I think we should not only think it over but take extra steps to prevent it. First of all, we should reduce the amount of waste. Secondly, it’s important to use alternative power, e.g. solar or wind power. Thirdly, we should do something with a large amount of cars. It would be better to use cycles instead of cars.

We can name a lot of ecological problems. Our main aim is not to name, but to solve these problems together. Our planet is our great value.

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