12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Зубык Галина Владимировна30
Россия, Амурская обл., Экимчан

Ten rules of success

1. Clear vision of the goal. It is necessary to have a clear idea of the purpose of their progress towards success. Success is inevitable if the goal-the result will be beneficial, good, good to others. The more joy and happiness people get, the greater the success.

2. Don't stand still. Move forward. If it is not time to act, think about which direction you should move on. In any case, you can not stop halfway. Do what you like. Seek agreement with yourself. Do not change your nature and personality.

3. Look for the solution long and carefully. Ask, consult, weigh, find the best solution. Make an action plan. Provide for anything that might interfere with moving forward. Have spare options at each stage of its movement. A wise, balanced action plan is half the success.

4. Act firmly and aggressively. If the decision is made, do not disturb. If we began to act, bring the matter to an end. Fix bugs as you move forward.

5.Keep health and good performance. Physical capabilities must be consistent with the work being performed. Your body doesn't belong to you. Make a Pact with him. It will provide performance, and you will provide it with food, fresh air, good sleep, comfortable clothing. Rest is a restoration of working capacity. The body can store energy through exercise of the body and improvement of skills.

6. Be realistic. To preserve the sense of reality and maintain a sense of success every day, do a specific thing. For example, their life. Nail, washed dishes, clean floors — good exercise for success. Housework gets rid of melancholy and doubt.

7.Learn all the time. Get an education, learn from others, especially in the area to which you are devoted. Read, discuss, reflect. Notice anything that might be useful in the case. As a sponge, absorb the necessary and useful information. According to the results of research scientists, a person uses his brain only 10-15%. However, this applies to active-minded people.

8. Strengthen your faith in yourself, in yourself. Believe yourself, your experience, your intuition. Be realistic in assessing yourself. Rely on the goodwill of others. Faith in oneself is enhanced by the desire to help others.

9. Always be honest with yourself. Try to keep the utmost objectivity in assessing your mistakes. Take responsibility before other people take it. Remember: we are responsible for our actions.

10.Procedure of any case where the result is required:

1. Formulation of the goal, the result. The main effect of the result — good, benefit. Motivation for success.

2. Analysis of the situation, problems. Putting forward solutions.

3. Discussion of options, choosing the best and optimal. Taking decision. Action plan. Tactics and strategy. Intermediate results are defined-means on the way to success. Deadlines are set, if it is important to achieve the goal.

4. Tools, techniques, and methods to achieve the result.

5. Appointment of the contractor after the preliminary assessment of its readiness, ability, experience. Motivation. Distribution of tasks and functions, taking into account the individuality of the participants.

6. The beginning of action. Execution of plan.

7. When a goal is defined as to fasten, to restrain, to develop the success.




Created by English Teacher

Galina Vladimirovna Zubyk

For pupils of the 9 th form



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