12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
Материал опубликовала
Земченкова Татьяна Владимировна103
работаю учителем с 1998 года
Россия, Волгоградская обл., Волгоград

TEST 2 (Spotlight 6) Name: ________________________

Variant I

What time is it?


1. 2:15_____________________________________________

2. 15:00____________________________________________

3. 10:20____________________________________________

4. 4:30_____________________________________________

5. 8:40______________________________________________

6. 18:45 ____________________________________________

II. Complete the sentences: in, on, behind, between, under. Use each preposition one time!

1. The cat is ______ the coffee table.

2. There are some pictures _____ the wall.

3. There are no flowers ____ the room.

4. The ball is _______ the sofa.

5. There is a clock ______ the windows.


III. Fill in: on, in, at.

1.___ 2.15

2.___ Tuesday

3.___Tuesday afternoon

4.___ weekends

5.___ Christmas

6.___ February

7.___ 1st May,

8.___ summer

9. ___ 2001

10. ___ the evening

IV. Fill in: some, any, a/an.

There’s ….. photo on the wall.

There are ….. cushions on the sofa.

Are there … flowers in the room?

Is there ….. carpet on the floor.

V. Write a short paragraph about your room. You can start like this:

I have my own room (I share a room with………….).

It’s big (small). There is…. There are…. It has…..


TEST 2 (Spotlight 6) Name: ________________________

Variant II

I . What time is it?








II. Complete the sentences: in, on, behind, between, under. Use each preposition one time!

1. The bag is ______ the table.

2. There is a big widow_____ the sofa.

3. There are four flowers ____ the fireplace and the window.

4. The book is _______ the bag.



. There is a carpet______ the floor.

III. Fill in: on, in, at.

1___ ten o'clock

2___ Monday

3___Monday morning

4___the weekend

5___ Easter

6__ January,

7__ 7th June

8__ 1930,

9___ winte

___ the afternoon

IV Fill in: some, any, a/an.

Is there….. shelf on the wall?

Are there ….. English books in the bookcase?

There aren’t … posters in the room.

There is ….. clock on the wall.

V. Write a short paragraph about your room. You can start like this:

I have my own room (I share a room with…………).

It’s big (small). There is…. There are…. It has…..



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