Рабочий лист по теме 'All the things I like'

Материал опубликован 24 November 2024

Spotlight 3

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3.Поставьте на месте пропуска глагол

like или likes

1. He ____________ ice cream.

2. They ____________ pizza.

3. She ____________ ­ vegetables.

4. It ­ ____________ cheese.

5. You ____________ eggs.

6. We ____________ chocolate.

7. Ann ____________ burgers.

8. Tom ____________ water.

9. My sister and I ____________ chicken.

10. I _________ sandwiches


На месте пропусков поставьте глаголы

dont или doesnt

She ____________ like ice cream.

We ____________ like water.

He ____________ like chicken.

You ____________ like chocolate.

I ____________ cheese.

They ____________ like sandwiches.

It ____________ like lemonade.

My friends ____________ like burgers.

Grandmother ____________ like pizza.

Cats ____________ like vegetables

5. Oбразуйте вопросы, поставив на месте пропуска глаголы Do или Does

______ you like lemonade?

______ she like chicken?

______ we like vegetables?

______ they like sandwiches?

______ I like water?

______ he like cheese?

______ she like chips?

______ Ann and her sister like burgers?

______ John like chocolate?

______ brothers like eggs?

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