12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Киприянова Елена Андреевна18
Россия, Архангельская обл., Северодвинск


Данная публикация представляет собой контрольно-измерительные материалы по теме «Способы выражения будущих действий». Предназначена для обучающихся 6-11 классов общеобразовательных школ. Задания представлены разной степени сложности.

Автор: Киприянова Елена Андреевна, учитель первой квалификационной категории, МАОУ «СОШ№6 с углубленным изучением иностранных языков», г.Северодвинск, Архангельская область























Ways of expressing future tenses:

Способы выражения будущего времени

Fill in the table:

Future Simple







Future Cont.

to be going to

*1. обещание/угроза/предложение 2. действие, которое будет длиться в опред.момент в будущем 3. план, намерение 4. решение, принятое в момент речи 5. предсказание, основанное на том. что мы видим 6. предсказание, основанное на том, во что мы верим, как мы считаем (после Ithink, Ibelieve, Ihope…) 7. конкретная (запланированная) договоренность 8. расписание/программа

I. Explain the usage of the verb form:

1. I think he will win the race.

2.I’m going to visit my Granny on Saturday.

3. I’m visiting the dentist next Monday.

4. Oh, I’m so cold! I’ll put on my sweater!

5. Don’t be so noisy, or I will punish you!

6. This time next Sunday I’ll be driving to Moscow.

II. Choose the correct answer:

1. Perhaps they are going to buy/ will buy/are buying a new house this year.

2. The plane is going to get off/ will get off / gets off at 8 p.m.

3. We have/are having/ will have an important meeting with a lawyer at 8 tonight.

4. The train leave/will leave/leaves at midnight.

5. I don’t think the train arrives / will arrive/ is arriving on time

6. They fly/ are flying/will fly to London on Friday evening.

7. There are clouds in the sky. It will rain/rains/is going to rain.

8. The phone is ringing, I answer/will answer/am answering.

III. Choose the correct form.

1. The movie __________________ (to start) at 8 o’clock tomorrow.

A) starts; C) will start;

B) is going to start; D) are starting.

2. We ____________________ (to sell) our old house this summer.

A) sell; C) will sell;

B) are going to sell; D) are selling.

3. The bus ________________ (to arrive) in Belfast at 9:40.

A) arrives; C) will arrive;

B) are going to arrive; D) are arriving.

4. – I’m thirsty. – Oh, I ____________________ (to bring) you a drink.

A) bring C) will bring;

B) am going to bring; D) are bringing.

5. Mr. Brown __________________(to see) his accountant tomorrow.

A) sees; C) will see;

B) is going to see; D) is seeing.

6. The train ______________________ (to get off) at 8 p.m.

A) sets off; C) will set off;

B) is going to set off; D) is setting off.

IV. Fill in the blanks with Present Simple, Present continuous, Future Simple, to be going to

1. Which show do you want to go to? The film … (start) at nine and eleven.

2. Why have you got the flowers? — Because I ... (to visit) my teacher.

3. I … ( sell) my car. Do you want to buy it?

4. I …(never/ do) it again. I promise !

5. We … (have) dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday.

6. I think we … (have) a cold winter this year.

7. The ceiling looks as if it … (fall down).

8. It's so hot in here. I …( open) the windows.

V. Find the mistakes in using future tense forms. Correct the mistakes where necessary.

1. Look! The child will fall!

2. People go to Mars in the next decades.

3. It’s raining. Maybe I will stay in.

4. I think he will be very successful.

5. There are clouds in the sky. It will rain.

6. What are they going to do in London next weekend?

7. Helen is changing her hairstyle.

8. I can’t get this rule. Will you help me?










1. обещание/угроза/предложение

4. решение, принятое в момент речи

6. предсказание, основанное на том, во что мы верим, как мы считаем (после Ithink, Ibelieve, Ihope



7. конкретная (запланирован-ная) договоренность


8. расписание/программа



Future Cont.


2. действие, которое будет длиться в опред.момент в будущем


to be going to


3. план, намерение

5. предсказание, основанное на том. что мы видим


I. 1. предсказание, основанное на том, во что мы верим; 2. план, намерение; 3. конкретная (запланирован-ная) договоренность 4. решение, принятое в момент речи; 5. угроза; 6. действие, которое будет длиться в определенный момент в будущем

II. 1. will buy; 2. gets off; 3. are having; 4. leaves; 5. will arrive; 6. are flying; 7. is going to rain; 8. will answer

III. 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. a

IV. 1. starts; 2. am visiting/am going to visit; 3. am going to sell; 4. will never do; 5. are having/are going to have; 6. will have; 7. is going to fall; 8. will open

V. 1. Look! The child will fall! – is going to fall

2. People go to Mars in the next decades. – will go

3. It’s raining. Maybe I will stay in. - correct

4. I think he will be very successful. - correct

5. There are clouds in the sky. It will rain. – is going to rain

6. What are they going to do in London next weekend? - correct

7. Helen is changing her hairstyle. – is going to change

8. I can’t get this rule. Will you help me? - correct



Список источников:

1. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика сборник упражнений/ Ю .Б. Голицынский . – 9-е изд., испр. - Санкт-Петербург: Каро, 2022. – 576 с.

2. Звёздный английский. Starlight. 6 класс. Рабочая тетрадь. Углубленный уровень. / Баранова К. М., Дули Д., Копылова В. В., Мильруд Р. П., Эванс В. – Москва: просвещение, 2020.- 93 с.



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