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The 24th of March. Classwork

desert polar regions wetlands tropical rainforests woods savannah

“We should close all zoos and return the animals to their natural habitats”

pros cons pros pros Are zoos good or bad for animals? C O N C L U S I O N cons cons Nature conservation Endangered species survive Zoos are educational Animals are in cages Educational documenta-ries Zoo is not a habitat

For-and-against essay Plan State a problem. Pros (+) Cons (-) Conclusion + your opinion On the one hand, In addition, On the other hand, Furthermore, To sum up, I believe

Home task Write pros and cons of wild animals living at home. In the form of: A table A fishbone Pros (+) Cons (-)                  

3-2-1 strategy 3 new words 2 interesting things 1 difficult thing

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