12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Ханахмедова Гюльшан Наврузбековна79
Россия, Дагестан респ.





















Предварительная работа:

Ознакомление детей с историей и национальными особенностями празднования «Дня Святого Валентина».

Разучивание с детьми английских песен, стихов, игр, танцев.

Изготовление сердечек - валентинок для украшения зала к празднику и поздравления детей и педагогов.


Класс украшен валентинками, шарами в форме сердца, плакатами по теме урока.

Цели урока:

Развить творческие способности учащихся.

Привить интерес к предмету.




Ход урока.


Организационный момент.



Good morning ,children

Sit down

b) Объявление задач урока:

Today we shall speak about holidays, we shall recite poems, sing our favorite song and ,of course ,we shall play.

c) Речевая разминка:

Now let's start our lesson.

T: - What is the date today?

T: - What is the weather like today?

T: - Now look at the pictures and say what party belongs to this picture?

(Christmas, Easter, New year's day, Halloween, St. Patrick's day, Columbus day, Independence day)

T: - And what holiday is it?

P: It's a Valentine's Day.

T: Now I want you to tell us about this holiday, are you ready?

II. Рассказ стихов по теме урока.

Ведущая 1. Ежегодно 14 февраля все англичане и американцы отмечают День Святого Валентина. В этот день они дарят специальные подарки людям, которых они любят. Они посылают открытки с поздравлениями, которые называются валентинками. Часто поздравлениями бывают сладости и цветы и, конечно, песни.

Ведущая 2. On Valentine's Day people buy or make Valentine cards and send them to people they love. They should not write their names. Those who get them must guess who sent them.


Ведущая 1. О любви сложено много песен и стихотворений,

и вот одно из них.


I love you more than applesauce.


I love you more than applesauce, Than peaches and a plum,

Than chocolate hearts,

And cherry tarts,

And berry bubble - gum.

I love you more than lemonade, Than seven- layer cake,

Than lollips,

And candy drops,

And thick vanilla shake.

I love you more than marzipan Than marmalade on toast .

For I love pies

At any size

But I love you the mоst.


A Valentine Poem


5 little valentines just for you

The first one says:

"My love is true"

The second one says,

"You have my heart"

The third one says,

"Let us never part".

The fourth one says,

"Won't you please be mine?"

The fifth me says,

"Till the end of time".


Ведущий 2. Поздравления в этот день могут быть разные, например, вот такие:

It's a Valentine Day (by Jack Prelutsky)

It's a Valentine's Day. And in the street

There is a freezing rain, and slush, and sleet

The wind is fierce. The skies are grey.

I don't think I'll go out today.

But here inside the weather warm

There is no trace of wind or storm

And you just made the morning shine

You said you'd be my Valentine.

Valentines say I love you.

Valentines say I love you,

I love you, I love you.

Valentines say I love you .

Yes, I really do!

My Valentine.

It's nice to have a friend like you

I'll tell you what I'm going to do.

Because you make me feel so fine,

I'll take you for my Valentine!

Ведущая 1. В этот день дети спешат отдать валентинки cвоим любимым учителям.

A Valentine for my teacher.

My, teacher is very special

So I'm making her a heart

a Valentine that's sure to be a proper work of opt.

I've worked on it all morning

So it should be ready soon

I'd like to sleep it on her desk Before this afternoon.

It's colored in with crayons,

And it's trimmed with paper face

It has flowers hearts, and Cupids

I can't wait to see her face.

My Valentine Heart

When I say I love you

It comes from my heart

You hear it in your ear

And it sounds very smart

I love it when you are proud of me

You, say it all day long

And when I hear you say it

My heart sings a merry song

Ведущая 1. Каждый в этот день идет в школу с надеждой, что он получит самое большое количество валентинок.

Об этом рассказывается в следующем стихотворении.



Our classroom has a Mailbox (by Jack Prelutsky)


Our class room has a mailbox

That we painted red and gold

We stuffed it with more Valentines,

Than it was made to hold.

When we opened it this morning,

I was nervous as could be

I wondered if a single one

Had been addressed to me

But when they'd been delivered

I felt twenty stories tall

I got so many Valentines,

I couldn't hold them all

Ведущая1. Валентин и Валентина служат примером дружбы и верности.



Friends care

Friends share

We need friends

Every when!

Make new friends

But keep the old

One is silver

But the other gold

Circle round T

hat has no end

That's how long

I want to be your friend!


Roses are red

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I have a friend

And that friend is you!!!



Friends are forever.


Friends are forever.

They should always be together

Friends are forever

They should never part

Friends are forever

In each other heart.


III. Выполнение игровых задач.

Т: Thank you boys and girls very much.

Now I prepared some Valentine tasks for you.

And I want you to do them.

I'll give you a heart for your right answer

Then we shall count your hearts and know who.

Will be the cleverest Valentine.

Len’s begin.

Задание 1.

T: You are to fill in the brackets:


Задание 2.

You are to find the words and write them down.









Задание 3.

A guessing game

Sometimes we can't just talk about love, we must show it.

Try to show these words to the class so, that they can name them

(guitar, kiss, heart, cake ,song, a flower, a letter)

Задание 4. Funny ballons.

Now I need 5 boys to do the next task.

Эти шарики не обычные. Вы должны проколоть их, взять задание и выполнить его.

How can we love somebody? (with all one's heart, deeply, tenderly, really, truly).

What king of love do you know? (blind, burning, deep, platonic, young, secret, pure, undying).

What can we do (use the love words)

(fall in love, feel love, find love, give love, look for love, need love, send love)

Describe your Valentine, (wonderful, pretty, nice, clever, beautiful, smart).

Make a sentences.

Made, I, red, a, bright, Valentine (I made a bright red Valentine) be, will, my, you, Valentine(will you be my Valentine).


Задание 5.

Now, I see you know what love is, but what well-known lovers pairs can you name

(учитель называет одного из влюбленных, класс называет другого)


Juliet and Romeo

Eve and Adam

Desdemona and Othello

Cinderella and Prince

Master and Margaret

Ophelia and Hamlet

Задание 6.

Now I want 2 pupils for the next task …here are blue, red and yellow hearts.

You are to look , I min, them close your eyes and take only red hearts.


IV. Заключительная часть урока.

a) Звучит музыка, дети поют песню «A bright red Valentine»


I’ll make a bright red Valentine, Valentine , Valentine.

I’ll make a bright red Valentine and give it right to you.

I’ll trim it with low and bows lace and bow,

I’ll trim it with lace and bow and give it right to you.


Подсчитываются сердечки, полученные за правильные ответы, выставляются оценки, объявляется победитель.

Объясняется д/з: повторить весь материал по теме «Holidays». Мини – сочинение «My Valentine».



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