Материал на проверке

Тест "Достопримечательности России"

Материал опубликован Сегодня в 19:42

Test on the topic "Russian Landmarks"

Task 1. Match the landmarks with their locations.

1. The Moscow Kremlin                                                        a) Sochi

2. Peterhof Palace

b) Moscow

3. Kazan Cathedral

c) Saint Petersburg

Answer: 1b, 2c, 3a

Task 2. Choose the correct answer. What is the most famous museum in Russia? A. Hermitage B. Tretyakov Gallery C. Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts D. All of them are famous

Answer: D

Task 3. Answer the question. What is a landmark in your hometown? Describe it in English.

Example answer: In my hometown, there is a beautiful park called [name of park]. It's a great place to relax and enjoy nature. There are many trees, flowers, and walking paths. Visitors can also see some interesting sculptures and fountains.

Task 4. Complete the sentence. Russia is famous for its... A. ...mountains. B. ...lakes. C. ...forests. D. ...all of these.

Answer: D

Task 5. Translate the sentences into English.

В России есть много красивых городов.

Москва — столица России.

Санкт-Петербург известен своими белыми ночами.

Task 6. Fill in the missing word. The ____ is the heart of Moscow. A. Kremlin B. Red Square C. St Basil's Cathedral

Answer: A

Task 7. Answer the questions. What are the symbols of Russia?

Possible answer: The symbols of Russia are the flag, the coat of arms, and the national anthem.

Task 8. Make up a short story about one of the Russian landmarks. Use the following plan:

Name of the landmark.

Where it is located.

Its history or interesting facts.

Sample answer: One of the most well-known landmarks in Russia is the Moscow Kremlin. It is located in the center of Moscow and has a long history. The Kremlin was built in the late 15th century and served as a fortress and residence for Russian tsars. Today, it is home to the President of Russia and is open to visitors.

Task 9. Translate the text into English. Россия — большая и красивая страна. Она славится своими достопримечательностями, такими как Московский Кремль, Эрмитаж, озеро Байкал и другие. В каждом городе можно найти что-то интересное. Например, в Москве можно посетить Красную площадь, а в Санкт-Петербурге — Зимний дворец.

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