12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Ерёмина Юлия Александровна37

 Тест по английскому языку , 8 класс.

Тема «Фразовые глаголы».

Choose the correct item.

  1. He is not very good at getting his ideas _________.
  1. across
  2. along
  3. over
  4. down
  1. The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went ________.
  1. on
  2. off
  3. up
  4. in
  1. Her parents died when she was a baby and she was brought __________ by her aunt.
  1. out
  2. up
  3. round
  4. about
  1. I asked  the bus driver to put me ________ near the town centre.
  1. away
  2. out
  3. off
  4. with
  1. Please call your dog _______-it’s frightening the children.
  1. on
  2. out
  3. for
  4. off
  1. I try to set _______ a few minutes each day to do some exercises.
  1. off
  2. aside
  3. up
  4. down
  1. He gave ________ most of his money to charity.
  1. up
  2. away
  3. out
  4. back
  1. Your daughter doesn’t take ________ you at all.
  1. to
  2. up
  3. off
  4. after
  1. This wet weather is getting me ________.
  1. across
  2. along
  3. over
  4. down
  1. I had to go _________ breakfast this morning.
  1. with
  2. off
  3. through
  4. without
  1. Please bring _______ my book tomorrow.
  1. about
  2. round
  3. back
  4. out
  1. We put the central heating ______ when we moved here.
  1. in
  2. through
  3. on
  4. out
  1. We saw fire in the neighbor’s windows and called _______ the fire brigade.
  1. in
  2. on
  3. out
  4. for
  1. If we all set _____ we can finish the cleaning by lunchtime.
  1. off
  2. aside
  3. back
  4. to
  1. Her patience finally gave _______.
  1. up
  2. away
  3. out
  4. back
  1. The little boy’s mother took ________ his shorts.
  1. to
  2. up
  3. off
  4. after


1 a

2 b

3 b

4 c

5 d

6 b

7 b

8 d

9 d

10 d

11 c

12 a

13 c

14 d

15 c

16 c


Опубликовано в группе «УРОК.РФ: группа для участников конкурсов»

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