12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
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Тимофеев Юрий Александрович979
Преподаватель иностранных языков
Казахстан, город Караганда

Control testDOC / 28.5 Кб

/data/files/o1684855309.doc (Control test)Control test

1) Find sentence with Past Simple Tense

a) I have many lessons today

b) I has many lessons yesterday

c) I had many lessons yesterday

d) I have many lessons yesterday

2) Find row with irregular verbs

a) make, play, write

b) write, see, be

c) be, play, manage

d) knock, play, see

3) Finish sentence: I bought many apples in__________ yesterday

a) hospital

b) school

c) market

d) living-room

4) Find right question

a) Is he a pupil?

b) Are he pupils?

c) Was he is pupil?

d) Are she were pupil?

5) Find forms of verb "be" in Present Simple Tense

a) do, did

b) am, is, are

c) am, does, be

d) was, he, been

6) Find forms of verb "be" in Past Simple Tense

a) am, is, were

b) was, be

c) am, is, are

d) was, were

7) Finish sentence: I played football____________

a) today

b) month

c) yesterday

d) after

8) Find antonym: black-

a) green

b) white

c) yellow

d) purple

9) Put article if is necessary: ______Everest is____ highest mountain

a) the, the

b) -, the

c) a, the

d) a, an

10) Find indefinite articles

a) a, the

b) an, the

c) be, the

d) a, an

11) Find adjectives

a) slowly, simple

b) quickly, slowly

c) bad, look

d) new, big

12) Insert verb in the sentence: She ____________for her keys very long.

a) touches

b) finds

c) looks

d) writes

13) Make a question: ____________ they water sunflowers yesterday?

a) was

b) were

c) do

d) did

14) What is "yellow"?

a) subject

b) dish

c) color

d) transport

15) Find transports

a) green, bus, car

b) bus, car, motorbike

c) egg, yellow, car

d) train, high, blue


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