12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
Пользовательское соглашение     Контактная и правовая информация
Педагогическое сообщество
Материал опубликовала
Земченкова Татьяна Владимировна112
работаю учителем с 1998 года
Россия, Волгоградская обл., Волгоград

I Variant (Sp 5 – module 4)

I. Complete the text with FAMILY WORDS.

Hi, I’m Steve. This is a picture of me family. My ___ is Dave. He’s 37 and a driver. Look at my ___, Rosy. She’s kind and caring. Kate is my ___. She’s 14. I have a baby ___, he’s only 3.

My ___ is great!

II. Answer with CAN or CAN’T.

1. Can Simon skate? – Yes, ________________________

2. Can you help me? – Yes, ________________________

3. Can your parents play the guitar? – No, _____________

4. Can your Granny cook well? – Yes, ________________

5. Can your friend swim? – No, ______________________

III. Fill in the correct pronoun:

1. This is my friend. ________ name is Den. Look at ____!

2. _______ name is Kate. Look at ______!

3. They are my grandparents. _______ house is 25.

4. It is my room. I like ______.

5. We are Roy and Sam. ____ family is great. Come and visit __!

IV. Write sentences as in the example:

Mike, bike. It is Mike’s bike

Bob, gloves. They are Bob’s gloves.

1. Larry, helmet. __________________________________

2. the boys, balls. __________________________________

3. my parents, room. _______________________________

4. the children, books. _______________________________

II Variant (Sp 5 – module 4)

I. Complete the text with FAMILY WORDS.

Hi, I’m Betsy. This is a picture of me family. My ___ is Sam. He’s 37 and a dentist. Look at my ___ Susan. She’s kind and clever. Nick is my ___. He’s 16. I have a baby ___, she’s only 3.

I love my _____ !

II. Answer with CAN or CAN’T.

1. Can Mark speak English? – No, ________________________

2. Can you help me? – Yes, ________________________

3. Can your parents play football? – No, _____________

4. Can your friend dance well? – Yes, ________________

5. Can your grandpa swim? – No, ______________________

III. Fill in the correct pronoun:

1. This is my friend. ________ name is Ann. Look at ____!

2. _____ name is Bill. Look at ______!

3. They are my friends. _______ house is 41.

4. It is my schoolbag. I like ______.

5. We live in a flat. ____ flat is great. Come and visit __!

IV. Write sentences as in the example:

Mike, bike. It is Mike’s bike

Bob, gloves. They are Bob’s gloves.

1. Tim, skateboard. __________________________________

2. the girls, hats. __________________________________

3. my friend, pencil box. _______________________________

4. the women, bags. _______________________________


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