12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Евдакименко Виктория Викторовна3828
Россия, Свердловская обл., Нижний Тагил

Test 7. form 3

1. Look and translate. Посмотри и переведи.

1) watch TV - 2)paint a picture - 3) play a game - 4) drive a car - 5) fly a kite –

2.Look and write. Например, Дейв спит. Dave is sleeping.

1) Бетти катается на велосипеде. Betty ………

2) Сэм и Рон играют в футбол. Sam and Ron …….

3) Том запускает змея. Tom ……..

4) Кети и Пет играют в баскетбол. Cathy and Pat …….

5)Роза смотрит телевизор. Rose ………

3.Look, read and choose. Выбери ответ.

1) Are you having lunch? A)Yes, please. B) Yes, I am.

2) What are the children doing? A) They are jumping up and down on the bed. B) They are tall and thin.

3) What’s Ted eating? A) He is fine. B) He is eating an ice cream.

4) What is Ron doing? A) He is swimming. B) He is 12.

4. Look, read and write. Раскрой скобки.

The family is at the beach today. Look! Everybody is having (have) a great time! Roy and Tom 1)…………………. (play) volleyball. Little Rick 2) ………. (sleep) . Their mother, Wendy , 3) …………. (read) a book under the big umbrella. Their father , Jim 4) …………. (enjoy) the sun and the dog 5) ………………. (run) along the beach.


Test 7. form 3

1. Look and translate. Посмотри и переведи.

1) watch TV - 2)paint a picture - 3) play a game - 4) drive a car - 5) fly a kite –

2.Look and write. Например, Дейв спит. Dave is sleeping.

1) Бетти катается на велосипеде. Betty ………

2) Сэм и Рон играют в футбол. Sam and Ron …….

3) Том запускает змея. Tom ……..

4) Кети и Пет играют в баскетбол. Cathy and Pat …….

5)Роза смотрит телевизор. Rose ………

3.Look, read and choose. Выбери ответ.

1) Are you having lunch? A)Yes, please. B) Yes, I am.

2) What are the children doing? A) They are jumping up and down on the bed. B) They are tall and thin.

3) What’s Ted eating? A) He is fine. B) He is eating an ice cream.

4) What is Ron doing? A) He is swimming. B) He is 12.

4. Look, read and write. Раскрой скобки.

The family is at the beach today. Look! Everybody is having (have) a great time! Roy and Tom 1)…………………. (play) volleyball. Little Rick 2) ………. (sleep) . Their mother, Wendy , 3) …………. (read) a book under the big umbrella. Their father , Jim 4) …………. (enjoy) the sun and the dog 5) ………………. (run) along the beach.



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