Тест по английскому языку для 6 класса «Module 2, 6th form»

Материал опубликован 2 March 2020 в группе

Module 2, 6th form

1. Write the dates in English and match the events with the pictures

A) t1583133570aa.jpg

B) t1583133570ab.jpg

C) t1583133570ac.jpg

D) t1583133570ad.jpg

E) t1583133570ae.jpg

F) t1583133570af.jpg

1) January 1 –

2) February 23 –

3) April 12 –

4) June 22 –

5) 1 September -

6) August 19 –

2. What time is it?




3. Describe the room. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions. Then draw the picture according to the description.


1) The brown fireplace is _____________ the mirror.

2) The yellow lamp is _______________ the blue sofa.

3) The grey coffee table is _____________ the sofa and grey TV stand.

4) The white flowers are ________ the coffee table.

5) The cushions are ____________ the sofa.

6) The painting is _______________ the sofa.

7) The light-green carpet is ________________ the coffee table.

3. Read the sentences, find mistakes and correct them.

1) You can buy a bicycle at the baker’s.

2) They can buy stamps at the toy shop.

3) We can have lunch at the supermarket.

4) Jane can buy some aspirin at the post office.

5) David can swim at the coffee house.

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