Презентация по английскому языку на тему: "The impact of modern technologies on the professional structure of the labor market" ("Влияние современных технологий на профессиональную структуру рынка труда")

Материал опубликован 30 April 2021

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The impact of modern technologies on the professional structure of the labor market Выполнил: Моисеев Богдан, ученик 11 «В» класса МОУ СШ №83 г. Волгограда

Project relevance Modern technologies are developing rapidly and have a great impact on the professional structure of the labor market. The labor market must be taken into account when choosing a profession in order to find a job in the future. What professions are perspective? This information is very important for school leavers. .

Project goals and objectives The aim:: to study the impact of modern technologies on the labor market. Tasks: Analyze sources about new professions that have appeared on the labor market. Analyze sources about aging professions. Systematize the studied material .

Factors affecting the professional structure of the labor market Globalization Changing Management models in business and Government Eco-friendly lifestyle CHANGING PROCESSES IN INDUSTRIES SOCIAL PROCESSES Changing the practices of development, production, management, and maintenance; changing the workplace ICT AUTOMATIONNEW TECHNOLOGIES

Professions in the labor market Developing professions New professions Obsolete professions Modern technologies are developing rapidly and have an impact on the professional structure of the labor market

Modern technologies Ecology Robotics Biotechnologies Nanotechnology Information technology

Biotechnologies This industry is one of the most promising in the new technological order.. It will radically change such industries as medicine, energy, raw materials production, urban and agriculture .In many cases biotechnologies allow us to find new solutions at the intersection of industries (for example, biofuels at the intersection of energy and microbiology).

Application of biotechnologies in industries It is represented by a large number of small and medium-sized private companies timber processing industry veterinary medicine agro-industrial complex medicine and pharmaceuticals The labor market in the industry

New professions in the field of «BIOTECHNOLOGY» Professions of industries Gmo agronomist City Farmer Biopharmacologist Architect of living systems System biotechnologist Urbanist-ecologist This industry is one of the most promising in the new technological order.

New technologies in medicine In medicine, there is a transition from diagnostics and treatment of dysfunctions and diseases of individual organs and tissues to systematic work with human health. Mass treatment methods are being replaced by personalized therapy at the level of the human genome. Medicine actively merges with the biotechnological industry in matters of pharmacology and the construction of transplanted tissues and organs. Various types of robots and cyber devices will be used for diagnostic,and treatment.

NEW PROFESSIONS IN MEDICINE New professions Clinical Bioinformatician IT geneticist GeneticConsultant Architect of medical equipment IT Medic Bioethicist Medicine actively merges with the biotechnological industry in matters of pharmacology and the creation of transplanted tissues and organs.

Nanotechnology In recent years, there has been a revolution in materials science, associated with the spread of new materials-composites or complex heterogeneous materials consisting of a reinforcing component and a matrix, which (in comparison with traditional materials such as wood, metal and stone) have increased strength, lightness, and ductility. In addition to the already familiar plastic and metallized composites, glass-based composites are widely used/.

New professions in the field of nanotechnology Research Engineer Nanoengineer Security specialist in the nanoindustry Designer of Nanotechnological materials System engineer of composite materialsв Smart Environment Designer» New professions

IT technologies Information technology (IT) is one of the fastest growing industries. Changes in this industry set new technologies and practices for virtually all sectors of the economy. Design, transportation, resource management, marketing, people management-all these and many other areas are changing under the influence of IT. In the field of IT, there are several important issues.

New professions in the IT sector Virtual World Designer INTERFACE DESIGNER INTERFACE DESIGNER Virtuality Architect Information Systems Architectм Network Lawyer Information technology are the Iatest growing industries. Changes in this industry set new technologies and practices for virtually all sectors of the economy. New professions

Why are professions becoming obsolete? Modern technologies lead to the fact that many professions are becoming obsolete. For example, the digitization of all libraries and archives with the ability to access any information from anywhere in the world is revolutionizing archival and library science. .Online consultation will be needed in a much smaller number of cases, so the demand for such specialists is falling sharply. Photos

Professions that are becoming obsolete Professions Travel agent Journalist Lecturer, archivist Stenographer Cost Estimator Copywriter

Literature https://volgograd.hh.ru/article/25673 https://invlab.ru/texnologii/professii-budushchego/ http://www.asi.ru https://ru.wikipedia.org http://dic.academic.ru

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