The Olympic Games


Curling was invented in medieval Scotland, in February 1541.


Rugby, is a contact team sport, which originated in England in the early 19th century.
Rugby, is a contact team sport, which originated in England in the early 19th century.

BC ( Before Christ) – до нашей эры
BC ( Before Christ) – до нашей эры
AD ( anno Domini) – нашей эры

Ancient Olympic Games
Modern Olympic Games
When appeared ? ( Когда появились?)
776 BC
1896 AD
Where appeared? ( Где появились?)
What kinds of sport were included into the Olympic programme or their number?( Какие виды спорта были включены в программу Олимпийских игр их число?)
running, wrestling and the pentathlon - 3 (running, wrestling, jumping, throwing the discus and throwing the javelin)
Women’s participation? ( Участие женщин?) Yes/No?
What awards were in the Olympic Games? ( Какие награды были на Олимпийских играх?)
a wreath from an olive tree
The Olympic medals

The symbols of the Olympic Games