Предварительный просмотр презентации
Travelling English teacher Mukhina I.A.
Contents Epigraph for the Lesson Introduction: What it means to Travel To hit the road – an English Idiom Vocabulary Travelling and Мental Sphere Tourism Virtual Tourism Prepositions What Do We Need for Travel? Project Ideas Ментальная карта по теме “Travelling" Informational Recourses
Epigraph for the Lesson
To hit the road – an English Idiom to hit the road Перевод: 1) отправиться в путь, двинуться в путь 2) (разг.) проваливать, убираться с глаз долой, сматываться Синонимы: to set out, to depart, to skedaddle, to scram, to make off, to take to one's heels, to scarper Примеры: If I could be a country music star, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'd hit the road and just jam out. (Justin Deeley) Age is just a number. Unless, that is, you live in Hollywood, where there's this notion that if you haven't hit it big by your 20s, you may as well hit the road. (Kate Walsh) Происхождение: Идиома «to hit the road» известна даже тем, кто не владеет английским, исключительно благодаря легендарной песне «Hit The Road, Jack» Рэя Чарльза. Сегодня она по-прежнему настолько популярна, что в США исполняется в моменты удаления с площадки во время баскетбольных или хоккейных матчей, и все трибуны подхватывают: «Hit the road, Jack, and doncha come back no more, no more, no more, no more!» – «Скатертью дорога, катись отсюда!» По одной из версий, эта идиома в своем «агрессивном» значении появилась благодаря звуку, который издает тело нетрезвого человека, когда его вышвыривают из питейного заведения. Изначально идиома появилась в эпоху, когда лошади были основным видом транспорта, который создавал постоянный уровень шума на улицах, а каждое путешествие проходило под аккомпанемент равномерного цокота конских копыт. Сейчас используются множество равноценных вариантов идиомы – «to hit the pavement», «to hit the bricks», «to pound the pavement», «to hit the trail». Проверьте себя: I’m ready to hit the road and go to Goa, life is so cheap there that you can travel on a shoestring budget. you’ll need a companion to pay your bills. you’ll have to save up to afford going there.
Vocabulary Background information — Справочная информация • the population — население • the geographical location — географическое положение • how to get there — как туда добраться • local transport — местный транспорт • some historical details — некоторые исторические детали • the major industries — основные отрасли промышленности • the weather — погода Things to see and do — Вещи, чтобы увидеть и сделать • the surrounding area — окружающая область • tourist sights — туристические достопримечательности • shops — магазины • nightlife — ночная жизнь • sports and leisure activities — спортивные и развлекательные мероприятия • museums and galleries — музеи и галереи
Мental Sphere broad-minded [brˈɔːd mˈaɪndɪd] - с широким кругозором narrow-minded [nˈærəʊː mˈaɪndɪd] - с узким кругозором quick-minded [kwˈɪk mˈaɪndɪd] - сообразительный slow-minded [slou mˈaɪndɪd] -несообразительный
quick-witted [kwˈɪk wˈɪtɪd] – смышленый slow coach [sloukoutʃ] ] – туповатый bright [brˈaɪt] - сообразительный dull [dˈʌl], (dummy [dˈʌmi]) - тупой clever [klˈevə] - умный sluggish [slˈʌgɪʃ] – медлительный good points – хорошие моменты bad points — плохие моменты Vocabulary
To broaden the mind – расширять кругозор
Tourism Tourism has changed a lot over the past few decades. It is actually quite a new thing. It probably didn’t exist fifty years ago. The only people who travelled then were rich, and they were called travelers. I guess tourism started in the late 60s and early 70s when airplane travel became cheap. The idea of foreign travel suddenly became very popular with millions. Everyone wanted their two weeks of sun in the summer. Tourism today is a multi-billion-dollar industry. There is hardly a corner of the Earth untouched by tourism. The number of tourists is also rocketing. Millions of people from Russia, India and China are now taking vacations. Tourism really is making the world a global village. I’m not sure if this is a good or a bad thing.
Virtual Tourism Special cameras, setups, and software are used to do this. The final product can then be seen using a virtual reality headset, a standard computer, or a mobile device. Many people believe that virtual reality content can only be watched with a specialized VR headset, however, this is not the case. Although viewing VR in this manner makes it more immersive, it can also be viewed on any platform, including mobile phones. VR tourism films produced for VR headsets are sometimes referred to as virtual reality travel experiences. These virtual travel experiences are designed to provide the impression of being at the real destination as closely as possible. Virtual reality travel experiences, which are at the bleeding edge of 360 VR, offer the user something really unique and unforgettable. The number of travel agencies and organizations using this technology is steadily increasing, indicating that the sector has a bright future ahead of it.A virtual platform might potentially allow individuals to tour regions where terrorism is affecting or being combated. Imagine visiting the Gurez Valley in India's union region of Jammu and Kashmir, with its rich fauna and snow leopard.
Предлоги направления To - к предмету From - от предмета I go to the Institute. - Я хожу в Институт. I come from the theater. - Я иду из театра. Into - в предмет I go into the Institute. - Я вхожу в институт. Out of - из предмета I go out of the theater. - Я выхожу из театра.
Предлоги места in, on, at In - нахождение где-либо The students are in the room. - Студенты находятся в комнате. Здесь предлог указывает только на то, что студенты находятся в комнате. At - нахождение где-либо с конкретной целью. The students are at the theater. - Студенты находятся в театре. Здесь предлог свидетельствует, что студенты не просто находятся в театре, а смотрят пьесу. I am at school. - Я в школе (учусь). I am at the lesson. - Я на уроке (занимаюсь). On - нахождение одного предмета на другом. The book is on the table. - Книга находится на столе.
Предлоги времени (at, on, in, for) At - для обозначения времени по часам At 5 o’clock - в 5 часов. Кроме того: at night - ночью, at noon - днем. On - для обозначения дней On Monday - в понедельник, On the fifth of May - пятого мая. In - 1) для обозначения более длительного отрезка времени In May - в мае, in 1960 - в 1960 году, in summer – летом. Кроме того: in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon. 2) через I’ll be back in two days. - Я вернусь через 2 дня. For - 1) в течение, в продолжение He was doing it for two days. - Он это делал в течение двух дней. 2) на He has gone away for two days. - Он уехал на 2 дня. By - к (обычно с перфектом) He has come by five o’clock. - Он пришел к пяти часом. Time prepositions
Предлоги, обозначающие отношения Предлоги, выражаемые в русском языке падежными окончаниями (of, to, by, with) Of - указывает на отношения, выражаемые в русском языке родительным падежом (кого, чего?) The roof of the house is red. - Крыша дома красная. To - указывает на отношения, выражаемые в русском языке дательным падежом (кому, чему?) I sent a book to him - Я послал ему книгу. By, with - указывает на отношения, выражаемые в русском языке творительным падежом (кем, чем?) By - для одушевленных “деятелей”. With - для орудия действия. The book was written by him. - Книга была написана им. We write with a pen. - Мы пишем ручкой.
Prepositions used for travel and transport: by bus, by road, by plane Every year students at Bristol University have a competition to see who can travel the furthest in 24 hours, without spending any money on transport. Last year the winner was Danny Green. 'l couldn't travel by air or by rail, because you need a ticket to go by plane or by train and we weren't allowed to spend any money on transport. You can't usually travel free on a plane or on a train, so the only solution was to go by road and to get a lift in a car or a truck. Put in prepositions. I Danny knew he couldn't go ... air or ... rail. 2 He couldn't go ... a bus or ... a coach, because that cost money. 3 He had to go ... road, ... a car or ... a truck.
Prepositions used for travel and transport: go to, arrive in/at Get into/out of a car, on/off a train . Co into/out of a building Arrive in a town/a country . Arrive at a place Danny contÍnued: ,, I did the first two kilometres of my trip on foot - I went out of the university building and into the first shop I could find to buy some food. Then I walked to the beginning of the motorway. I got into the first car that stopped for me. The driver was going to London. We got to London at 2.1 5. I got out of the car and my next lift was even better - a motorcyclist. I got on his motorbike and I arrived in Folkestone, on the south coast, at 4.30. When‘ l got off the motorbike, I walked for a bit and arrived at the Shuttle Terminal ten minutes later. Now I needed to get to France as quickly as possible. I had to get on a train and through the Channel Tunnel - without paying!' on foot. (= I walked.) Put in prepositions. I He got ... the car and they got ... London two hours later. 2 When he arrived ... Folkestone he got ... the motorbike. 3 He soon arrived ... the Shuttle Terminal.
What Do We Need for Travel? What do you need to do to prepare for a trip / holiday? First you need to make a list of what you need / pack / put clothes in your suitcase / backpack. You need to make sure you have a passport / an identity card / sometimes you may need special injections / vaccinations / tablets for countries that have diseases like malaria. If you are travelling by train / boat / plane, you will have to have a ticket. You have to exchange foreign currency / money if you are travelling abroad. Speaking Card: Travel and Holidays
Project Ideas Public Transport in My City/Town/Region — Общественный транспорт в моем городе / регионе Landscapes of My Hometown Favourite Holiday Destinations in Russia — Любимые направления отдыха в России
“Travel empties out everything you’ve into the box called your life, all the things you accumulate to tell you who you are” ― Claire Fontaine
Ментальная карта по теме "Travelling" Do you like travelling? Why? How do you like to travel? What countries would you like to visit?