12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Павлюк Эльвира Ивановна181
Люблю свою профессию, нахожу общий язык с детьми и подростками, ответственное отношение ко всему, чем занимаюсь в жизни, в свободное время много читаю, в том числе классическую английскую литературу в оригинале, занимаюсь проектной деятельностью.
Россия, Волгоградская обл., Волгоград

Урок на тему «Если вы не думаете о будущем, у вас ничего не будет»

Пояснительная записка

Актуальность использования технологии развития критического мышления в учебном процессе.

Согласно требованиям ФГОС, базовым звеном образования является общеобразовательная школа, модернизация которой предполагает ориентацию образования не только на усвоение обучающимся определенной суммы знаний, но и на развитие его личности, его познавательных и созидательных способностей. Общеобразовательная школа должна формировать целостную систему универсальных знаний, умений, навыков, а также опыт самостоятельной деятельности и личной ответственности обучающихся, то есть ключевые компетенции, определяющие современное качество содержания образования. Выпускник школы должен уметь применять полученные в школе знания и умения в реальных жизненных ситуациях.

Современного ученика чрезвычайно трудно мотивировать к познавательной деятельности, к поиску пути к цели в поле информации и коммуникации. Происходит это потому, что дети часто испытывают серьёзные затруднения в восприятии учебного материала по всем школьным предметам. Причина этого - в недостаточно высоком уровне развития мышления и, прежде всего, критического.

Одна из интереснейших современных технологий в сфере образования, которая позволяет вырабатывать указанные компетенции - это технология развития критического мышления. Данная технология основана на творческом сотрудничестве ученика и учителя, на развитии у школьников аналитического подхода к любому материалу. Она рассчитана не на запоминание материала, а на постановку проблемы и поиск ее решения. Критическое мышление, т.е. творческое, помогает человеку определить собственные приоритеты в личной и профессиональной жизни, предполагает принятие индивидуальной ответственности за сделанный выбор, повышает уровень индивидуальной культуры работы с информацией, формирует умение анализировать и делать самостоятельные выводы, прогнозировать последствия своих решений и отвечать за них, позволяет развивать культуру диалога в совместной деятельности.

Школьник, умеющий критически мыслить, владеет разнообразными способами интерпретации и оценки информационного сообщения, способен выделять в тексте противоречия и типы присутствующих в нем структур, аргументировать свою точку зрения, опираясь не только на логику (что уже немаловажно), но и на представления собеседника. Такой ученик чувствует уверенность в работе с различными типами информации, может эффективно использовать самые разнообразные ресурсы.

Учебная ситуация: «Технология критического мышления по теме: «Если вы не думаете о будущем, у вас ничего не будет» («If you dont think of the future, you will have no thing»).

УМК: Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.

Класс: 8 «E»

Цели урока:

образовательные: 1. активизировать пройденнуюлексику в соответствии с темой урока; 2. совершенствовать навыки говорения в устной и письменной речи: 3.

воспитательные: 1. Развитие личностной активности учащихся, развитие способностей к анализу, обобщению и формулированию собственных выводов. 2. воспитывать личностные качества учащихся.

развивающие: 1. Развитие обеспокоенности экологической ситуацией вокруг, формирование ответственного отношения к природе, воспитание правильного экологического поведения.

Оборудование урока: картинки с видами природы; плакаты, выпущенные учащимися; лозунги: “If you dont think of the future, you will have nothing”, “Keep the country tidy”, “He, who doesnt love his country, can love nothing”, кластер; рассказ-подсказка, тонкие и толстые вопросы, сводная таблица.

Приобретаемые навыки: формируется коммуникативная и социокультурная компетентность в процессе мозгового штурма.

Формы организации работы детей: индивидуальная и групповая.

Используемое оборудование: компьютер, экран для показа слайдов.

Тип урока: взаимообучение, урок-исследование, мозговой штурм;

Технологические особенности: формирование коммуникативной компетенции посредством применения ИКТ, что позволяет повысить качество визуальной информации, воссоздать ситуацию общения, стимулировать высказывание и осуществлять контроль. Возможность осуществления личностно-ориентированного подхода в обучении ИЯ, основой которого является учет индивидуальных интересов и возможностей обучающегося для более эффективного достижения целей.

Ход урока:

Opганизационный момент. Установка учителя.

Teacher: Today we will be talking about the problems of protecting trees. We will focus on planting trees in our region, and consider efforts to make our city well designed. We will also look at the question a different way: We will think about problems that are caused by conservation. Trees are cut down for many reasons but main reasons are to make space to build new houses. Moreover, the trees which are cut down are sold and made into paper and furniture. Take a minute and think of some threats to trees. Then turn to your face partner—the person sitting in front of you—and share your answers. After a minute, the teacher invites answer from four of the pairs.

Pair 1: “We think people cut them for their economic benefits.”

Teacher: True, in the past, trees could reduce the impact of storms and flood waters by slowing the movement of water and soil erosion through their roots.

Pair 2: “Maybe people are selling the trees to make furniture?”

Teacher: That is another big threat. Much of their habitat has been taken over the years to make a furniture, new roads, new houses. That is why the number of trees in the world are slowly disappearing.

After a minute the teacher calls on another pair.

Pair 3: We are reluctant to go to a clean-up day and be busy with working.

Pair 4: It`s possiblewe are indifferent to what our parks look like.

Teacher: But people have paused a little and have taken some steps to protect them that are left. Can you think of what some of those steps are? Take a minute and think of some. Then turn to your elbow partner—the person next to you—and share your answers.

II. Работа над пройденной лексикой.

Student 1: What you might find a bit strict of set fines for dropping litter on the park grounds.

Student 2: It could us motivate for whom taking the empty packs to the bin to put in.

Student 3: To set up few new rules for trash makers.

Работа над грамматикой.

Косвеннаяречьпослевыражений: (I think; I don’t think; I’d want to know; What about the kinds of things).

Teacher:We have some interesting questions. Now, I’d like you to turn to a neighbor beside you and think of three or four things you might know about designing the park. Remember, that you are interested in thoughtful questions that provide not only answers, but some reasons for the answers.

Student 1: “I’d want to know where city councils might build it. Should it be near the bazaar?”

Student 2: “I think the important question is whether or not it would have some places to buy soft drinks or other treats.”

Student 3: “I don’t think it is important to know whether people will sell things in the park.”

Teacher: Remember, in brainstorming, we just give our input; we will discuss the merits of the ideas later.

Student 4: “What about the kinds of things people will have in the park? Will they have a carousel or a football field? I think that is important to know.”

Teacher:Now, I’d like you to turn to a neighbor and think

of one argument you know about the conservation of trees—things you are fairly sure about. Don’t limit yourself to the points we just mentioned.

The teacher draws the K-W-L chart on the chalk board:

What What do we know

What Whatdo we want to know

What Whatdid we learn

Now the teacher asks pairs of students to tell some of the points they thought of about conserving the trees, writing them in the

K-W-L chart under What do we know?

Teacher: Let’s write down the important things we already know about the conservation of trees and the problems related to it.

The students mention all habits that people are having.

What do we know

What do we want to know

What did we learn

People cut them for economic benefits

People sell trees for furniture

People cut the trees, because they prevent them from the sun to appear on the morning through the window

People cut down the trees? because they need new

roads and houses to be built.

The teacher now asks the students about the things they are unsure of, and helps them turn their uncertainties into questions, recording them on the K-W-L chart. The teacher begins by reading out loud the points in the What do we know? column.

Teacher: We know a lot about the destruction of trees. But what more do we need to know?

The students wonder aloud if people ruin trees and how much damage people have done etc. The teacher writes the questions on the chart in the column labeled What do we want to know?

IV. Teacher: I want to check your homework now. You task was to right a letter to a magazine editor complaining about the trees to be cut down.

To chief editor of “The city Magazine”

Mr. Ivanov I. V.

Dear Sir,

My name is Ilya Skobey. My name is in Oak Street right near the Central Park. Recently I got the news that the more than half of the park trees are so to be cut down for the sake of constructions of a new building.

I know how the housing problem is acute in my city. And it is also clear that the location of the supposed new buildings will be very convenient for its future residents.

However, I know as well that ecological problems in my city are no les acute. The monthly monitoring shows that air pollution and amount of dust in the air are critical. More than 50 per cent of the city residents suffer from allergic and respiratory diseases caused by the air pollution. And the situation is getting worse from year to year.

Many scientists and doctors believe that only planting of new greenery and caring for existing trees could protect us from negative effects of industrial development. I agree with their opinion and strongly ask you to highlight the situation about the Central Park in order to attract attention of the city authority and protect the parks trees from cutting.

I believe that together we are able to make our lives better and our native city more safe and beautiful.

Yours sincerely,

Ilya Skobey

Dear Sir,

My name is Maksim. I am a pupil of the school 33. I live in the wonderful city of Volgograd.

I am writing a letter on the cutting down of the trees. I am not happy that the forests are cut down for buildings. Trees for nature are as important as for humans. Trees for as animals give both a house and protection from predators. And for a man, the trees produce the air we breathe. If there are no trees then all the living things on the planet will die, including me. I want to ask the authorities to stop cutting down forests for building construction.

Yours faithfully,

Kochetov Maksim

Dear Sir or Madam.

I am writing to complain about a big tree which is growing near the south side of my house.

It is a kind of broad-leaved tree. I don’t know who planted it; the seed may be brought by a bird or an animal. Five years ago only small bushes grew near my house. Surprisingly, in recent years the tree has grown. At first I didn’t notice it because it was only one of many other plants and trees, which grew around my yard. However, the tree grew up very quickly and nowadays it has become a real trouble for me. I cannot even see from my window what is happen on the street because its branches are too wide and try to get into the window. The shadow from the tree is so thick that I have to switch the light on even in sunny days. Moreover, the couple of very noisy birds build a nest in its crown, so I cannot even have a good rest at home because they make an incredible noise from sunrise till sunset. Last but not least during heavy rain and strong storm 2 weeks ago, it swayed so much that I was afraid it could be uprooted. As a result, it cracked closer to the bottom so it is about to fall. All these things annoy me and make me feel unhappy, so I wonder if you could send a special machine or group of workmen to cut this tree down. I realise that cutting it can cost a big sum of money for authorities, so I am ready to pay half of it because I want to get rid of this real trouble as soon as possible.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Danil Panov

V. Заключительныйэтап.

Teacher: So, as you see at our lesson we recognize that trees connecting with our careless are very important part of modern people`s lives. I advise you to be care and kind and do all necessary things for trees to save. Just think how hard it would be for us without the trees if we are indifferent to them. If we have known of what consequences should be followed, we would be deep in thinking, just then.

All obstacles will be overcome and this world will be turned to a better life if you are able to teach ourselves to protect our nature. I wish you to know what to do in our situation.It`s a pity, but our lesson has finished. I`m quite satisfied with your answers given perfectly. See you later. Good bye.


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