Тренировочный тест для подготовки к ГИА на тему «Алиса в Зазеркалье» (9 класс)

My workbook of test tasks in the form of BSE
Сказка Льюиса Кэрролла «Алиса в Зазеркалье» является продолжением «Приключений Алисы в Стране Чудес». На основе данной сказки собран материал для рабочей тетради со специальными тестовыми заданиями, которые тренируют навыки чтения обучающихся.
Результат такого чтения с удовольствием может мотивировать любого учащегося подготовиться к сдаче ОГЭ успешно.
Looking-Glass House
1. Choose the right variant:
1. Alice was sleeping in the great arm-chair.
2. Alice was talking to herself and to the kitten.
3. Alice was doing her homework.
4. Alice was reading a book.
2. Why was Alice angry with the kitten?
1. The kitten was very noisy.
2. The kitten played with the ball of worsted.
3. The room was in a mess while the kitten was playing with the ball of worsted.
4. The kitten was very dirty.
3. What was Alice’s favourite phrase?
1. Let’s play...
2. Let’s build a snowman!
3. Let’s go for a walk!
4. Let’s pretend...
4. What time of the year was it?
1. Winter
2. Summer
3. Spring
4. Autumn
5. What was so interesting in the Looking-glass House?
1. There were a lot of children in Looking-glass House.
2. The great arm-chair was walking about the room and talking to itself.
3. The pictures on the wall were alive, and the clock on the chimney piece had got the face of a little old man.
4. Everything was in a mess in the Lookingglass House.
6. Choose the right variant:
1. Alice was frightened and wanted to come back home.
2. Alice was invisible and chessmen couldn’t see and hear her.
3. Alice made friends with the chessmen.
4. Alice helped the White King and he thanked her.
7. Did Alice understand anything in the poem?
1. Yes, she understood everything.
2. She understood only the part of it.
3. No, she didn’t understand it at all.
4. No, she didn’t understand it, but her head was filled with some ideas.
8. Choose the right verbs:
Alice ......... the Red Queen, and ......... it to the kitten.
But the kitten couldn’t ......... properly.
1. gave, showed, behave
2.got, gave, held
3. got, put, see
4. took, showed, sit
9. Insert the right prepositions. a) out, b) up, c) into, d) on, e) through
1. She sat back ......... the arm-chair.
2. You can see a room ......... the glass... it’s just the same as our living room.
3. She picked ......... the Queen and set her ......... the table to her noisy little daughter.
4. The King took a big note-book ......... of his pocket, and began writing.
10. Complete the table.
1.be |
2. |
understood |
3. |
got |
4. |
begun |
5.think |
6. |
CHAPTER 1 (Looking-Glass House)
9. 1.c) 2.e) 3.b),d) 4.a)
1.be |
was/were |
been |
2. understand |
understood |
understood |
3. get |
got |
got |
4.begin |
began |
begun |
5.think |
thougnt |
thougnt |
6.run |
run |
The Garden of Live Flowers
Choose the right statement:
1. It was easy to reach the hill.
2. All the flowers were very polite and nice.
3. The flowers thought that Alice was a flower too.
4. The Red Queen was shorter than Alice.
2. Why could these flowers talk?
1. The flowers were magical.
2. The flowers learnt a lot from the books.
3. People talked to them very often.
4. The ground was hard, so the flowers were not asleep all the time.
3. What or who took care of the flowers?
1. An oak-tree
2. A dog
3. A willow-tree
4. A gardener
4. What flowers were the noisiest?
1. Daisies
2. Roses
3. Violets
4. Lilies
5. Point out what directions the Red Queen gave to Alice.
1. Look up, speak nicely, and don’t twiddle your fingers!
2. Don’t be so shy and speak first!
3. Curtsey while you’re thinking what to say, it saves time.
4. Call me Madam!
5. Turn out your toes as you walk... and remember who you are!
6. Speak French when you don’t know what to say!
6. What chessman did Alice want to be?
1. A castle
2. A pawn
3. A queen
4. A knight
7. Choose the right verbs:
Alice didn’t ......... when someone ......... her, so she ......... asking questions.
1. understand , criticized, stopped
like, criticized, began
hear, called, began
like, offended, stopped
8. What were Alice and the Queen doing to stay under the tree?
1. They were jumping.
2. They were running.
3. They were counting.
4. They were crawling.
9. What would be in the Eighth Square?
1. Alice would meet a Knight.
2. Alice would return home.
3. Humpty-Dumpty would have a conversation with her.
4. Alice would be a Queen.
10. Complete the table:
1.say |
2. |
taken |
3. |
found |
4. |
gone |
5.put |
6. |
sat |
CHAPTER 2(The Garden of Live Flowers)
1.say |
said |
said |
2.take |
took |
taken |
3.fined |
found |
found |
4.go |
went |
gone |
5.put |
put |
put |
6.sit |
sat |
sat |
Looking-Glass Insects
1. Choose the right statement:
1. Alice visited elephants and made friends with them.
2. Alice lost her ticket to the train.
3. Alice forgot her name in the wood.
4. Alice loved the insects very much.
2. Why was the Guard so angry with Alice?
1. She didn’t have a ticket.
2. She was very noisy.
3. She had a lot of luggage.
4. She forgot her name.
3. What kind of insect was speaking to Alice in the train?
1. The Dragon-fly
2. The Gnat
3. The Butterfly
4. The Ant
4. What is a Rocking-horse-fly made of?
1. Stone
2. Horse
3. Wood
4. Flesh
5. Did Alice like insects?
1. Yes, she liked them, especially big insects.
2. Yes, she liked them, because they could talk.
3. No, she didn’t like them, because she was afraid of them.
4. No, she didn’t like them, because they could talk.
6. Why couldn’t Alice and the Fawn remember their names?
1. They had no names at all.
2. They had a very bad memory.
3. Somebody stole their names.
4. They were in the wood, where all the things had no names.
7. Find the right statement:
1. Alice was happy when the Fawn ran away, because it was very ugly.
2. The Fawn was afraid of Alice and ran away.
3. The Fawn wasn’t afraid of Alice and it helped Alice to remember her name.
4. Alice stood looking after it, she was ready to cry because she lost her dear friend so suddenly.
8. Was it easy to find a way out of the wood?
1. Yes, it was. There was only one road in the wood.
2. Yes, it was. There were a lot of finger-points in the wood.
3. No, it wasn’t. There was a lot of twisting road sin the wood.
4. No, it wasn’t. Nobody wanted to help Alice.
9. Choose the right verbs.
Alice ............ looking after it, she ............to cry because she ............ her dear friend.
1. began, stopped, saw
2. stood, began, loved
3. was, was ready, needed
4. stood, was ready, lost
10. Complete the table:
1.lose |
2. |
come |
3. |
made |
4. |
risen |
5.stand |
6. |
got |
CHAPTER 3(Looking-Glass Insects)
1.lose |
lost |
lost |
2.come |
came |
come |
3.make |
made |
made |
4.rise |
rose |
risen |
5.stand |
stood |
stood |
6.get |
got |
got |
Tweedledum and Tweedledee
1. Choose the right statement:
1. Alice visited Tweedledum and Tweedledee and decided to stay with them for a day.
2. Alice didn’t know who was who, when she met Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
3. Alice forgot to say ‘How do you do?’
4. Alice didn’t like poetry.
2. What is Tweedledee’s favourite word?
1. No how
2. Contrariwise
3. Wow
4. Hush
3. Why did Alice want to find a road out of the wood as sooner as possible?
1. She didn’t like the wood.
2. She was afraid of Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
3. It was getting dark and she wanted to get to the Eighth Square.
4. She didn’t want to get lost.
4. Why did Tweedledee decide to read out a poem “The Walrus and the Carpenter”?
1. It was the longest poem.
2. It was the shortest poem.
3. It was a funny poem.
4. He hoped Alice would like poetry after it.
5. Did Alice like the both characters of the poem?
1. Yes, she liked them a lot.
2. No, she liked only the Walrus.
3. No, she liked only the Carpenter.
4. No, she liked none of them.
6. Why was Alice crying?
1. Tweedledum and Tweedledee wanted to have a battle with her.
2. She didn’t know how to get out of the wood.
3. Tweedledum and Tweedledee said that she wasn’t real.
4. She didn’t want to help to dress them.
7. Why did Tweedledum want to have a battle with Tweedledee?
1. Tweedledum didn’t love his brother Tweedledee.
2. Tweedledee broke his rattle.
3. Tweedledee didn’t want to play with him.
4. Tweedledum was very naughty.
8. Insert the right prepositions. a) under, b) about, c)over, d)at, e)out of
1. «Do you see that?» he pointed with his finger ...... a small white thing that was lying ...... the tree.
2. «I was thinking». Alice said very politely, «which is the best way ......this wood».
3. «You shouldn’t be so angry ...... an old rattle» said Alice.
4. Tweedledum opened a large umbrella ...... himself and his brother.
9. Choose the right verbs:
And the two brothers ............ each other a hug, and then they..........out the two hands that were free to ............hands with Alice.
1. got, raised, clap
2. gave, put, hold
3. began, clapped, shake
4. gave, held , shake
10. Complete the table:
1.hang |
2. |
shaken |
3. |
meant |
4.wear |
5. |
rode |
6. |
held |
CHAPTER 4(Tweedledum and Tweedledee)
8. 1.d) ,a) 2.e) 3.b) 4.c)
9. 4
1.hang |
hung |
hung |
2.shake |
shook |
shaken |
3.mean |
meant |
meant |
4.wear |
wore |
worn |
5.ride |
rode |
ridden |
6.hold |
held |
held |
CHAPTER 1 (Looking-Glass House) ………………3-5
a) Keys…………………………………………………….5-6
CHAPTER 2(The Garden of Live Flowers) ………..6-9
a) Keys…………………………………………………….9
CHAPTER 3 (Looking-Glass Insects) …………….10-12
CHAPTER 4(Tweedledum and Tweedledee) ……...13-16