Women Day

Материал опубликован 10 March 2023

At the International Conference of Women Socialists in Copenhagen, at the suggestion of Zetkin, it was decided to celebrate International Women's Day, later timed to coincide with the anniversary of the demonstration of New York textile workers on March 8.

How many Russian women have been in space?

Elena Vladimirovna Kondakova

Elena Olegovna Serova

Yulia Sergeevna Peresild

Becoming a female astronaut is a difficult task, but quite real in our modern world.

The first in the world

The first female professor in the world and in the Russian Empire.

Sophia Kovalevskaya's craving for knowledge appeared in childhood. Her uncle Pyotr Korvin-Krukovsky liked to talk with young Sonya about mathematics. It was from him that the girl first heard about the "squaring of the circle." According to another version, mathematics fascinated Kovalevskaya because one of the children's rooms in the house was covered with sheets of lectures on differential calculus. Sophia first studied at

The first female professor in the world and in the Russian Empire.

Sophia Kovalevskaya's craving for knowledge appeared in childhood. Her uncle Pyotr Korvin-Krukovsky liked to talk with young Sonya about mathematics. It was from him that the girl first heard about the "squaring of the circle." According to another version, mathematics fascinated Kovalevskaya because one of the children's rooms in the house was covered with sheets of lectures on differential calculus. Sophia first studied at

Of the Russian Empire, but could continue her education only abroad. The girl entered into a fictitious marriage with a young scientist Vladimir Kovalevsky. As a result, she got the opportunity to study abroad and even received an award for discovering the third case of the solvability of the problem of rotation of a rigid body around a fixed point.

Conclusion: girls have occupied all spheres of life since ancient times and are still trying to participate in the sphere of the country

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