Задания к обучающему видео «Princess Diana» (7 класс)

Материал опубликован 19 July 2019 в группе

Princess Diana

Where and in what family was Diana born? Why was she called Lady Diana?

What was Diana’s occupation?

When and where did Diana and Prince Charles marry?

When were their sons born? What were their names?

What did Diana receive Nobel Prize?

When and where did Diana die?

What do you know about her funerals?

What is Princess Diana remembered for?



Earl /ɜːl / – граф

Style icon / staɪl  ‘aɪkɒn / - икона стиля

AIDS = HIV - / eɪdz / - СПИД

Leprosy / ' leprosy / – проказа (инфекционное заболевание, распространенное в тропических странах)

Celebrity - / sɪˈlɛbrɪti/ - известная личность

to ban landmines – запретить использование мин

paparazzi - /ˌpæp(ə)ˈrætsi  / - папарацци (фотографы)

funerals / ˈfjuːnərəlz/ - похороны

philanthropy- /fɪˈlænθrəpi /любовь к людям


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