American landmarks

Материал опубликован 13 April 2021

Автор публикации: А. Молчанова, ученица 7Б класса

Автор публикации: С. Морозова, ученица 7Б класса

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American landmarks Sveta Morozova & Angelika Molchanova «7Б» IL NSTU

Hollywood Sign Memorial sign in the Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles, California.

On July 13, 1923, the United States officially opened the famous Hollywood sign, located at an altitude of 491 meters in the Hollywood Hills in Los Angeles, California. Today the place called "Hollywood" is an entertainment district, home to major film studios, thousands of stars and the most popular films. The sign itself means much more than a simple set of large white letters. It became widely known, becoming the trademark of the entire US film industry.

This sign can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. This sign is filmed in many films.

If you have ever wondered why there are no houses or buildings next to the Hollywood sign, there is an explanation. Howard Hughes bought land near the sign in 1940 to build a house. This did not happen, but he remained the owner of the land. In 2002, his estate was sold, and film studios, actors and various foundations raised more than $ 12 million to buy it from an investment firm and keep it as a protected parkland.

1. The Hollywood sign is over 90 years old. 2. At the beginning the inscription was "HOLLYWOODLAND" In 1949, the city removed part of the LAND. Interestingly, many Hollywood residents consider this fact an city legend. Interesting 3. Before, the inscription glowed at night, but today it is not glows. 4. The sign is an official landmark.

Hollywood Walk of Fame - A row of sidewalks on Hollywood Boulevard, on Vine Street, in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA.

In the 1950s, E. M. Stewart provided credit for the implementation of the original idea-the creation of Walk of Fame. Construction began in 1958 but two trials was not allowed to complete the construction. For the restoration Alleys spent $4.2 million.

Charlie Chaplin is the only one who has been selected twice for a Star in the same category. In 1956, he was selected to the first group, but the committee excluded him. In 1978 Mickey Mouse became the first fictional character to receive a Star.

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