12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Полянская Ирина Николаевна294
Россия, Москва, Москва

Студнетка МПЭК группы (11) Б-22

Environmental problems in my area. In my city of Klin, as in all cities of Russia, there are problems with the environment. A small amount of garbage, exhaust gases, which are enough in almost any city, these are the very negative effects on the environment. If I were the head of an environmental company, I would introduce fines for improper garbage disposal and incentives for the right lifestyle, namely, to move more often on bicycles so that there are no exhaust gases from cars. There are a lot of trees and shrubs in my city, there are parks where you can walk, enjoy the view and ducks that swim in the local river. There are clean places where you can safely swim in summer weather. There is a road nearby in the house where I live, but I can safely open the window at night to get some fresh air and cars will not interfere with me, since they simply will not be heard. In general, my city is very favorable in terms of ecology, I like to live in it, it is very small, everything is close.

Автор материала: В. Никонорова (2 курс)

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