12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Головко Ольга Сергеевна799
Россия, Ставропольский край, ст. Суворовская

Conflicts Differ

There are a lot of different conflicts in life. Speaking in general and in general, life itself is one big conflict because of the nature of man and his desire that everything goes as he wants. But, as you know, never happens. The most prudent at all stages of human life is respect for the interests of others, concessions and the search for a compromise. One of the most famous is the conflict between parents and children. It often happens that in the context of this conflict, it is still impossible to find a compromise. What are the underlying causes of this particular conflict? How to solve it? How to find so much desired compromise for all parties?

The desire of parents that children always follow their advice is always clear and understandable. Parents feel responsible for the children. They are convinced that the health of children, their lives and successes are entirely dependent on them, on their parents. And if the children do not obey, they will certainly harm themselves and nothing else. On the one hand, this is true, because children do not have life experience, knowledge and everything else for a conscious life. On the other hand, sometimes this parental care is too close, and sometimes children grow up, become mature, and they are still considered small and such, who do not understand anything in life. It is quite clear that this causes irritation.

Children, in turn, refuse to understand the reason for such care by their parents. They do not understand that parents worry about them more than about themselves, and they perceive each child’s failure as their own. It is fully understood that, realizing this, children would be able to gain an understanding of their parents. However, sometimes children are right in their desire to be independent. After all, all people make mistakes, these mistakes are an inalienable experience of every person, and without such experience, it’s quite difficult to imagine a serious life. It is quite logical on the part of children to demand more rights and freedoms, because they feel that without this, their adult life can be far from what they should be.

How to solve this problem? Most importantly, avoid quarrels and various emotional breakdowns. Everything must be done calmly and measuredly, it is important to exchange arguments and look for a compromise. Superfluous emotions are never useful to a person. They rather even harm, and there is a lot of evidence. Inaccurately spoken word can hurt, it can lead to aggravation of the conflict, which is absolutely unnecessary. You can always find a compromise, but for this to happen, both parties must go to each other for a meeting. In the end, parents and children are native people who have common features and must understand each other.

Автор материала: В. Матухнова (9 класс)

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