Презентация к научно-практической конференции на тему «История клонирования»

Материал опубликован 26 June 2019

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Автор публикации: А. Каплунова, ученица 9А класса

История клонирования, будущие перспективы, мнение автора.
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The Cloning выполнила: ученица 9А класса Каплунова Александра руководитель: Ковалёва Вероника Анатольевна

What is it cloning? - it is a process or a method of receiving several identical organisms in the artificial way: coping of cells, genes , antibodies and in multicellular organisms in laboratory’s conditions.

The problem: Nowadays , a lot of people need in organ transplant operation , but tens of thousand of patients dies because of lack donor‘s organs . Transplantology is developing very quickly but the main question remains without answer ‘”Where to get organs for transplant?”

Ways to solve the problem: 1. The cloning 2. To take the organ of the donor and suppress immunity during all life in order to overcome organ rejection 3. Artificial analogue

Advantages of cloning : 1. The organism will accept the cloned organ as its own and rejection will not occur 2. The cloned organ will be fully – functional than an artificial analogue which partially performing functions

Based on advantages of cloning, we conclude that a patient with a cloned organ is more likely to return to a full life

Disadvantages: 1. Taking organs from a human clone is extremely unethically 2. To make organs we need cells which have possibility for reproducing and give a large number of new generations therefore ordinary cells are useless . But there are stem cells in our body it is ideal for cloning. However, there is serious problem – the formation of tumor.

! Important nuance ! Now, scientists work with the question : “How to force cells to connect with each other and perform all necessary functions ? “ because organ transplantation requires cellular systems connecting with other organism’s ones, performing all functions and having a special structure

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