Почему я изучаю английский язык

Материал опубликован 30 January 2020

Автор публикации: Ш. Анастасия, ученица 4 класса

Why am I learning English?

Learning foreign language is important in our life. Today English is one of the common languages in the world. English is the standard language of international relations. Also English is the international language of businessmen, pilots, sportsmen, scientist. Some people learn English because it is necessary in work, others learn English for travel. For some people English is a hobby.

Why am I learning English? It is not possible to make good career without English. I think that people who do not know languages know little about the world which we live. I think English is one of the most important subject in school. Speaking English we can make friends with people from other countries.

Many films and books are published in English. I really like them. When you listen to a song in English you think about the translation and understand it. It inspires me more and more to learn English.

I want to travel a lot. If I know English I can travel free without boring excursions. Listening and speaking English is one of the best ways to decided these problems. My English is not great but I think that with regular exercises I will success.

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