Презентация о Михаиле Врубеле к уроку английского языка по теме «Русские художники»

Материал опубликован 7 April 2019 в группе

Пояснительная записка к презентации

Автор публикации: Е. Пищальникова, ученица 11А класса

Презентация о Михаиле Врубеле к уроку английского языка по теме "Русские художники". Яркий представитель художественной элиты рубежа XIX–XX веков Михаил Врубель был уверен, что творчество подобно направляющему человека магическому кристаллу, который в зависимости от личных устремлений и пристрастий может привести заблудшего в лабиринтах искусства путника либо в рай, либо в ад. Не нарушая общепринятых канонов композиций, творец умел со всей силой своего дарования проникать за грань земного бытия, зарисовывать недоступные глазу простых обывателей картины и представлять их на суд.
Михаил Врубель
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The Mystic Painter of Russia: Mikhail Vrubel (1856–1910)

Early life Mikhail Vrubel was born in Omsk, into the family of a military lawyer. Due to his father’s work in the army, the family had to move often. Mikhail studied in different cities such as Omsk, Astrakhan, St. Petersburg and Odessa. Although Vrubel had shown early signs of being skilled at art, his father, was set on a career for his son in the civil service. He was admitted to the Law Faculty of St Petersburg University. Having moved to the big city, he was gradually introduced to famous Russian artists and composers of the time, and eventually understood his true calling. He completed his university course, but directly afterward he was admitted to the St Petersburg Academy of Arts.

His early career started with icon painting Upon the recommendation of his teacher at the Academy of Arts in St Petersburg, Vrubel was commissioned to travel to Kiev in order to complete the renovation of icons at St. Cyril’s Churc. Despite this being a splendid opportunity for a young artist, Vrubel was inconsistent in his efforts. He did not wish to be limited by the strict genre of icon painting and instead explored new techniques and themes. His innovation was not welcome by the Church, and Vrubel decided to return to Moscow.

He met his wife through opera music Vrubel was a big fan of opera music and coincidentally his wife,  Nadezhda Zabela, was an opera singer. Their first meeting happened at a theatre backstage, after her performance. An absolute stranger rushed up to Zabela and started kissing her hand, telling her how beautiful her voice was. He was later introduced to the stunned singer as Mikhail Vrubel. He proposed to her within a few days of their meeting, and surprisingly enough Zabela said ‘yes’. Mikhail Vrubel, The Swan Princess, 1900

He was renowned for painting demons Demons became a common theme in Vrubel’s work, a trademark of his art. He began painting demons at an early stage, when he was working on icons in Kiev. Then, demons followed him throughout his life. Among his famous works was a commission to illustrate none other than a poem about a demon by Mikhail Lermontov. This is when he completed the painting The Demon Seated (1890). Mikhail Vrubel, The Demon Seated, 1890

He lost his only child very early Zabela and Vrubel had a happy marriage and stayed together until Vrubel’s death. The couple also had a son who was born in 1901. To Vrubel’s dismay, the boy was born with a defect, a cleft lip, which the artist saw as a bad omen. The artist became depressed and was admitted to a psychiatric clinic for the first time. After he went into remission and was sent on holiday, his son died at the age of two, causing Vrubel to once again fall mentally ill.

He spent his final days in a mental institution The artist was first admitted into a psychiatric clinic in 1902 when his father died and his son was born with a facial defect. Vrubel suffered a period of depression and was admitted for treatment. He managed to recover for a brief period of time and travelled to Crimea for a prolonged holiday. His health continued to degrade after Vrubel lost his son. He was continuously ill after that, with his health deteriorating with each year. Eventually, he lost his eyesight and could not work. From 1905 to 1910, he was a permanent patient in psychiatric wards until the day he died.

His WORKS Nadezhda’s facial features can be recognized in the paintings “Hansel and Gretel” (1896), “Princess Volkhova” (1898) and “Swan Princess” (1900).

 In 1890 the artist began his work in ceramics and made a few sculptural works on subjects from Russian and Slavic mythology such as “Lel,” “Kupava,” and “Berendey.” Within two years Vrubel became the head of the ceramic workshop.  In 1890 the artist began his work in ceramics and made a few sculptural works on subjects from Russian and Slavic mythology such as “Lel,” “Kupava,” and “Berendey.” Within two years Vrubel became the head of the ceramic workshop.

Towards the end of his life, the demons become more aggressive and violent-looking. Among his final works is Demon Downcast (1902) completed just before Vrubel was once again institutionalised. Towards the end of his life, the demons become more aggressive and violent-looking. Among his final works is Demon Downcast (1902) completed just before Vrubel was once again institutionalised.

Mikhail Vrubel was a painter, sculptor, theater designer, draftsman, and illustrator. His work stands out because of their originality. Despite the absence of direct followers, the importance of Vrubel's art should not be underestimated. He pointed the way and made possible the experiments of the succeeding decades. He influenced Russian Symbolists, the Cubist and abstract movements. He was a transitional figure between traditional and modern art. Vrubel both influenced and inspired artists of a new generation.

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