Презентация по английскому языку на тему: «The flight of the first man into space»

Материал опубликован 20 May 2021

Автор публикации: М. Парамонова, ученица 9В класса

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Презентация по английскому языку на тему: «The flight of the first man into space» Подготовила: Парамонова Милена, ученица 9 «В» класса МОУ СШ №83 Центрального района г. Волгограда

Legendary flight: 108 minutes that changed history. This flight opened a new era — the era of human exploration of previously unknown and amazing space expanses.

1961 marks 60 Years Since First Human Spaceflight

We are the first in space exploration. The legendary first human flight into space, carried out on April 12, 1961, is a great event not only for the USSR, but also for the whole world.

Founders of cosmonautics Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky is called the father of Russian cosmonautics. The scientist thought about creating an artificial satellite of the Earth.

Founders of cosmonautics Korolev Sergey Pavlovich was a designer of spaceships. In 1955, he led the development of the first samples of space aircraft. In 1957, S. P. Korolev launched the first Artificial Earth Satellite in the history of mankind into near-Earth orbit. .

Space Pioneers

The first space satellite Russian scientists under the leadership of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev made the first space satellite, which was successfully launched into space, 70 years ago. .

«The first cosmonauts» On August 19, 1960, the USSR launched the Sputnik-5 spacecraft with a live cargo on board — dogs Belka and Strelka, 40 mice and two rats. After that, the dogs Belka and Strelka became one of the first animals to make an orbital space flight and return to Earth unharmed.

The Cosmonaut Training Center . After the successful flight of the Squirrel and the Arrow into space, scientists decided to fulfill their most cherished dream – to send a man into space! On January 11, 1960, military unit 26266 was established, which later became known as the Cosmonaut Training Center.

Path to the profession In August 1951, Yuri Gagarin entered the Saratov Industrial Technical School. On October 25, 1954, Yuri Gagarin came to the Saratov Aero Club. In 1955, he achieved significant success, graduated with honors and made the first independent flight on an team

Tests for cosmonauts The cosmonauts had to pass a series of tests to prove their suitability for a new profession. Despite the large number of candidates, the space chose Gagarin. It was he who showed an excellent ability to plan his actions, to make decisions with a lack of information and time. team

Tests for cosmonauts First cosmonaut team Tests were also conducted in the chamber of silence. The future cosmonaut was in isolation for 10 days. He did exercises, kept a diary, read, and the doctors monitored his condition.

He said: "Let's go!" Vostok-1, piloted by Yuri Gagarin, took off from Baikonur on April 12, 1961 at 09: 07 (Moscow time). As soon as the launch vehicle began to ascend, Gagarin said the most famous word: "Let's go!".

An orbital flight On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome and made an orbital flight around the planet Earth for the first time in the world .

108 minutes of flight changed the life of Yuri Gagarin forever The cosmonaut became one of the most famous people in the world. Yuri Gagarin visited many countries of the world with a mission of peace and friendship.

Gagarin's Peace Mission Gagarin's Peace Mission

Gagarin's Peace Mission Even one person can change the World! We can take an example of how to remain an open, cheerful, loving and strong person in difficult times!

They were the first. Leonov Alexey Arkhipovich The Soviet cosmonaut Leonov А.А. was the first person, who went into outer space in 1965. During the exit, lasting 12 minutes and 9 seconds, he showed exceptional courage and self-control.

They were the first. Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna Подготовила: Поставничева Юлия, ученица 9 «В» класса МОУ СШ №83 Центрального района г. Волгограда Tereshkova VV is the world's first female cosmonaut. She was The only woman in the world who made a space flight alone in 1969.

Let's protect our planet! During the flight, which lasted 108 minutes, «Vostok» managed to fly around the globe only once. Yuri Gagarin spoke about his own observations.. He liked the view of our planet. He urged people to preserve this beauty, and not to destroy it.

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