A very sad story (Очень печальная история)

Материал опубликован 3 January 2022
Зотов Иван ученик 8 класса

ННОУ Троицкая Православная школа

г. Москва, пос. Первомайское, д. Пучково, 6

A very sad story

###### Children's shoes are for sale. Not worn at all. ###### Ernest Hemingway

My sister died yesterday. We are poor and we did not have the money for a normal place in the cemetery. That's why she's buried behind our house. Before her death, her father gave her shoes with the words:" As soon as you recover, you will run along the path in them." She died the next day. Father and mother are sitting at the table, on which a very small tallow candle is already glowing. Their faces are filled with sadness. As they say, the death of a child is the worst punishment for parents. What did they do wrong? I'm not allowed to know. My father worked hard all his life, and my Mother was a faithful and obedient wife to him. They are kind people and I sincerely do not understand why they could be so punished? The shadows from the flames do not even cover our small kitchen. They dance on the walls and it's so impossible to see what's there in the kitchen. The little farming town on the farm had been sleeping for a long time to the sounds of a downpour outside the window, and our no longer happy family was still sitting by plates with already dried oatmeal. Lightning lit up the kitchen. I couldn't stand it and rushed to the front door as fast as I could. A thunderstorm was raging outside the house, almost the same as in my soul. Run up to the grave of my only little sister, I fell to my knees and shouted: "Lord, if you really are, then show your mercy. Bring happiness back to my family!". A white beam of light hit me. My father jumped out into the street, he took me in his arms, and he patted me on the head, saying that it would pass. I died in the same instant, struck by lightning.

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