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Материал опубликован 7 July 2023 в группе


Обустройство и планировка помещений торгового магазина

Пояснительная записка


Преподаватель (ФИО)

Калягина Ирина Владимировна.




Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное учреждение «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции»



ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык





Курс, учебная группа

3 курс, 9КМ-31.



38.02.04 Коммерция.


Название ресурса

Arrangement and layout of retail store premises


Тип ресурса




Полностью сохранена авторская.


On the topic:

Arrangement and layout of retail store premises

38.02.04 "Commerce" group 9km-31

Specialty Number and Group

Student: Gvozdovskiy Ivan 

Scientific Advisor: Kalyagina I. V.

St. Petersburg




An important factor in the process of commodity movement and sale of products to end consumers is the design and layout of retail store premises. Therefore, while there are retail stores, this topic will be relevant.

The store is a retail enterprise located in a stationary building equipped for the sale of goods and the provision of services.

The retail store must meet the technological and sanitary requirements. This creates the most favorable working conditions for employees and increases the efficiency of sales to consumers.

The main task of increasing the efficiency and profitability of the retail store should be carried out through a rational room plan.

The efficiency of the store is influenced by a large number of factors.

In the course of our work, we will consider the main requirements for the building of the retail premises, the peculiarities of the store location, the composition of the premises, their layout and relationship.

Using the example of DEFO LLC, the effect will be considered

The relevance of this topic is expressed by the need for rational and safe arrangement of any retail premises for retail. This topic will be relevant until retail stores exist.

The work is based on an analysis of the activities of the retail store of DEFO LLC and its consideration of the main requirements for retail floors.

The purpose of the study: to study the basic requirements for retail premises and compare with the retail store of DEFO LLC

Research object: Company LLC "DEFO"


- Learn the basic requirements for trading floors

- Examine the number of premises of DEFO LLC and their functional purpose

- Compare calculation types and analyze efficiency

The structure of this work is represented by an introduction, two chapters, 11 paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of sources used. The first chapter contains basic information on the classification of buildings, their functional purpose and the requirements applied for efficient and safe functioning. The second chapter contains information about the retail store of LLC "DEFO" the number of premises, their functional purpose and the efficiency of use of the premises.

In literature, this topic is covered quite widely. In the process of course work, the following were used: educational, research and production, reference literature; official documents.

1 Based Device and Store Layout Requirements

1.1 Resistivity and signs of classifications of trading buildings

There are main signs of classifications of trading buildings:

- capitality of the structure

- special space-planning solution

-material of walls and structural elements

- number of storeys

- location

For a detailed study, consider them all in order.

In terms of capital, a trading building and a structure are divided into two types: capital and lightweight.

Capital buildings and structures are those buildings that serve to accommodate shops. During their construction, the volume of construction work is quite large, a significant amount of construction materials and funds are spent, longer construction periods are required.

Lightweight buildings and structures - for the construction of small-scale trading enterprises: stalls, tents, kiosks, pavilions. Such buildings do not require large material and monetary costs, the construction time is short. One of the advantages is their mobility and ability to transport. However, they are less convenient for organizing the technological process. Working conditions in them are worse than in stores, a narrower range of goods, fewer amenities for customers.

Depending on the peculiarities of the space-planning solution, trading buildings can be free-standing, built-in, built-in, attached and forming shopping centers. At the same time, buildings are one-story and multi-story, with or without basement and underground floors.

Shops located in single-story buildings without underground floors are more preferable: they do not require stairs and elevators to move goods, they are more convenient for customers. But in conditions of insufficient space and conditions of a large city, it is also possible to have a multi-storey store with a staircase or elevator and the presence of underground and basement floors to accommodate technical premises, and sometimes trading halls.

According to the material of the external walls, trading buildings are divided into stone, brick, cinder block, reinforced concrete and wooden. During the construction of shops, prefabricated reinforced concrete frame-panel structures with supporting external walls made of local building materials are currently most often used.

Pavilions are gaining great popularity. Their construction is an assembly of prefabricated structures with window glass glazing. Structural elements are made of profiled steel or aluminum using the latest metal processing technologies. In shape there are: rectangular, circular and multifaceted, and in number of storeys: one-story and two-story.

Commercial buildings and structures of any purpose of trading activities and equipment must meet the technological, architectural, construction, economic and sanitary requirements.

1.2Technological requirements for buildings

Technological requirements imply such a building arrangement, in which a rational organization of the trade and technological process is provided, which provides for the possibility of complex mechanization of loading and unloading operations, the use of progressive methods of selling goods.

The trade and technological process in the store is a complex of interrelated sequential operations, the purpose of which is to bring goods of proper quality to the trading floor for sale to customers in a wide range with optimal labor costs, time and with a high level of trade service. The main operation of the trade and technological process in stores is the sale of goods, the rest of the operations create the necessary conditions for the successful sale of goods and are subordinate in nature. In order to reasonably organize the trade and technological process using the latest technology and modern technologies, more expensive In order to reasonably organize the trade and technological process using the latest technology and modern technologies, the construction and trading building must meet technological requirements. With the help of these requirements, the composition of the store premises is determined by their location, movement of freight and customer flows. There are a number of provisions that show the main design and technological requirements:

- "the consumer and commodity flow should not intersect, for this it is necessary to ensure the convenient and free movement of consumer flows";

- "use flexible planning, with the help of which it is possible to quickly, without high costs and without changing the parameters of the building, carry out internal redevelopment of the trading facility, namely, the rapid allocation of zones (premises) in accordance with the content of the technological process, the use of progressive technologies, the intensity of consumer and freight flows";

- "In accordance with the new requirements of modern technologies and technology, changing the functions and assortment of the trading enterprise, to facilitate the re-arrangement of premises, which will help in organizing short routes and eliminating cross flows."

A special role in the formation of the structure of the trade and technological process of the store is played by the methods of selling goods used in it. Most often, there is a transition to self-service, which contributes to the advance preparation of the product for sale, which leads to a decrease in the number of technological operations that should have been carried out on the trading floor. There are three main groups of process operations:

1. direct customer service operations that ensure the process of selling goods and serving buyers - teaching goods in the trading floor, independent selection of goods by buyers on the equipment of the trading floor or issuing goods placed at the seller's workplace, providing buyers with additional services, etc. This is the most responsible part

2. preparatory work on servicing buyers, they are connected with the process of preparing goods for sale, processing goods, packing them, moving them to the trading floor.

3. operations related to the inventory storage process cover the acceptance of goods, their movement to storage places, storage of stocks in specified volumes and assortment.

From the point of view of the buyer, one of the technological requirements for the functional area of the trading floor is the free access of buyers to goods, cash registers, entrance and exit. The layout of the retail space should provide functional amenities, as well as meet aesthetic requirements. Also, when organizing trade and technological processes in stores, it is necessary to comply with the principles: creating a maximum of amenities for customers when choosing goods; time saving and a high service culture; the principle of rational use of the retail space of the store and equipment; creating favorable working conditions for employees, achieving economic efficiency of the store, by increasing the speed of turnover of goods, saving labor and expenses for the development of the store; creation of conditions for preservation of physical and chemical properties of goods and inventory; providing an integrated approach to developing the best options for selling goods.

When developing the project of the store's trade and technological process, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of organizing it on the basis of various options for building the store's technological process. There are three main process diagrams in stores.

The first scheme involves unloading vehicles, accepting goods by quantity and quality, storing them, preparing goods for sale, moving goods from non-trading premises of the store, to the trading floor and teaching them in trade and technological equipment, selling and servicing customers, settlement operations and providing additional services. This scheme is the most complete and requires the presence in the store of a complex of special premises designed to perform certain functions, in particular, premises for receiving goods, selling them, storing them. This scheme is characteristic of most stores.

The second scheme includes operations for unloading vehicles, acceptance of goods by quantity and quality, horseradish.

The second scheme includes operations to unload vehicles, accept goods by quantity and quality, store and sell. In this case, in the trade and technological process of the store there is no operation of preparing goods for sale, which allows reducing the number of functional premises of the store due to premises for preparing (unpacking, packing, cleaning, etc.) goods for sale.

The third scheme provides for the unloading of goods from vehicles, the acceptance of goods by quantity and quality and their sale. This scheme is used when selling those goods that come to the store in containers, as well as on pallets. This scheme requires only functional premises in the store building intended for the acceptance of goods and for their sale. A type of this scheme is an option that is used when selling furniture, large-sized electrical goods, sports goods, television equipment, household and construction goods.

To speed up the store construction process and make it possible to reduce the cost and mechanize this process, it is necessary to use effective types of standardized structures with maximum factory readiness. If we consider the materials of the interior finish of the store, then several basic requirements are imposed on them. They should not be a source of dust and a place of its accumulation. It is necessary to be able to wet clean rooms and wash panels and floors with hot water using detergents. Therefore, the interior finish of the store must be made with high quality. And in the premises for receiving and storing goods, as well as in unloading rooms, in showers, in garbage chambers, finishing materials should allow washing with a chlorine solution. In the trading floor, to ensure good working conditions for sellers and the use of floor transport, floors must be made of solid materials (this can be ceramic tiles or mosaic, as well as other options). Advertising and Informatz.

To create optimal conditions for displaying goods and nothing can distract the buyer from them, you should correctly design the interior of the trading floor. To do this, it is necessary to create optimal proportions of rooms, arrangement of equipment taking into account the position of columns, stairs, ramps, main passages. It is worth paying special attention to the locations of storefronts and other advertising tools, because they attract the buyer the most. Do not forget about the interior of the store. Decoration of ceilings of walls, columns, floors, color scheme of interior decoration of premises, lighting system solution, arrangement of lamps, arrangement of suspended ceilings, decoration decorative elements, all this should create comfort and convenience for customers and draw his attention to various goods.

The finishing of the store is directly related to the product specifics and size of the trading floor. If we talk about floor finishing, then it must be made convenient for the movement of trading equipment, without violating the compositional finishing solution. It is also desirable to make it in the same tone and with a geometrically neutral pattern. Suspended ceilings are most commonly used in large stores. They perform decorative and lighting functions. In order to attract the attention of buyers, you need to use advertising. It must inform about the availability of goods, their location and additional services. You should use easily modifiable media to easily change it to meet your time requirements. The buyer spends a lot of time at the storefronts placed in the store. They should be created in such a way that the compositions often change.

But the windows located in front of the facade of the trading building rarely change, since the composition characterizes the purpose of the trading enterprise. In order to create optimal conditions for viewing the exposition in the windows, special lighting and free approaches should be provided.

An important factor affecting technological efficiency is the type of technological layout of the trading floor correctly selected for a particular store, with certain specifics. The following factors shall be taken into account:

1. defining the concept of the store;

2. definition of the target audience;

3. store positioning;

4. compliance with the rules for the design of retail space;

5. the color scheme of the sections of the trading floor;

6. additional measures, promotion of sales.

Depending on the equipment arrangement system, different types of technological layout of the trading floor are used:

- linear (grid);

- side (track, loop);

- mixed;

- free (arbitrary)

- exhibition.

The linear layout of the trading floor involves schemes for placing goods and passages for buyers in the form of parallel lines. Accordingly, lines of trading equipment are also being built. The line of the calculation node is perpendicular. This layout is used in self-service stores.

With respect to the placement of equipment lines on the sales floor, the scheme can be longitudinal, transverse and mixed.

1.3 Sanitary and technical requirements to the building

Sanitary and technical requirements determine the design of the heat supply system, heating, ventilation, water supply, sewage, lighting. Compliance with these requirements allows you to create conditions for the implementation of trade and technological process operations in the store, has a positive effect on the work of personnel, contributes to improving the quality of customer service. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the state of the store are established by the state sanitary supervision bodies, decrees and instructions of cooperative organizations. Special sanitary rules have been approved for grocery stores, providing for the requirements for the device, equipment and maintenance of stores, as well as measures to ensure the correct storage of food products and the creation of normal conditions for sellers and buyers.

1.4 The technical plan of the building

In order to comply with all the requirements listed in the paragraphs above, even during the construction stage of the building, all the features and elements of the requirements for the effective and safe functioning of the trading floor are entered into the plan. To do this, there is a technical plan for the building.

The technical plan of the building consists of text and graphic data about the object. Among them:

- characteristics of the building,

- information about performed measurements,

- description of the location of the building on the site,

- conclusion of cadastral engineer.

- layout of the building on the site and

- drawing of the building outline.

Technical plan of the building - a document that includes all the necessary information about the capital construction object, necessary for its cadastral registration or making changes to the accounting of this object, if such changes occurred due to the reconstruction of the building. It contains text and graphic information about the object, namely the characteristics of the building, information about the measurements taken.

The technical plan, according to the Law of the Russian Federation No. 218-FZ "On State Registration of Real Estate," is prepared by a certified cadastral engineer on the basis of the design documentation submitted by the customer. The form of the technical plan of the building and the requirements for its preparation are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 403 of 01.09.2010

1.5 The requirements for the premises in accordance with their functional purpose.

Types of premises by purpose - classification of non-residential premises and their type, as well as into which classes are divided by type of activity and peculiarities of registration of rental of retail space

Today there are many rooms that differ not only in their appearance, but also in their purpose.

Non-residential premises can be classified depending on their intended purpose:

- production - workshops, workshops, technical laboratories and other property complexes, which are designed to carry out certain technological processes; ventilation, transformer and refrigeration chambers; boiler houses, calorific, water metering units, specialized vegetable storages, rooms of pumping stations and pumping stations, specialized vegetable storages; information and computing centers, automatic telephone exchanges, car service enterprises;

- trade - manufactured goods and grocery stores, department stores and other retail and wholesale enterprises, stores selling art, culture, book products, national crafts;

- public utilities - factories of consumer services and household houses, workshops and ateliers, service to the population through the provision of services and the repair and manufacture of clothes, shoes, hats, household appliances, cameras, watches, etc., hairdressing salons, dry cleaning stations, laundries, baths, rental ateliers, photo studio, cleaning apartments, intertwined and typewritten works, for receiving secondary raw materials; reference bureaus, hotels, dispatch centers, funeral service enterprises;

- offices - services of a non-industrial and non-trade nature used by individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, aviation interests;

- catering facilities - property complexes engaged in the production and sale of catering products;

- medical - clinics, hospitals, dispensaries, outpatient clinics, health centers, medical consultations, medical laboratories, sanitary and epidemiological stations, medical offices, medical and labor workshops, ambulance stations, social adaptation centers, forensic examination;

- pharmacies - pharmacies of dosage forms (ready-made), pharmacies producing medical products, as well as serving medical institutions;

- property complexes intended for medical practice - relevant clinics, offices;

- educational - educational institutions, boarding schools, lecture halls, nurseries and kindergartens, gymnasiums, colleges, libraries, museum, methodological centers, courses and circles for various purposes;

- theatrical and entertainment - cinemas, theaters, clubs;

- sports halls and complexes;

- creative - studios and workshops of sculptors, artists, fashion designers, architects, designers; exhibition hall;

- universal establishments - nightclubs, casinos, gambling halls;

- property complexes that ensure the activities of various financial organizations, as well as their divisions - currency exchange points, banks, financial companies, pawnshops, securities market participants;

- entertainment centers - discos, slot machine halls, video rooms, computer rooms;

- archives - archives of municipal and state unitary enterprises;

- garages - boxes or garages of legal entities;

- agencies - advertising, security, etc.;

- post office - post office;

- institutions and enterprises of telegraph and telephone network - telephone communication and telegraph nodes;

- design, design organizations - institutes, enterprises engaged in design and design activities.

Separation of buildings by purpose

It is customary to separate the following types of buildings:

- residential;

- administrative;

- industrial;

- technical;

- agricultural;

- public.

It matters for what purpose the building was erected and how it will be used in the future. The functional classification of buildings depends on this.

1.6 Efficacious use of retail space

To determine the efficiency of the use of the trading space, you need to know the total area of ​ ​ the trading floor, the area occupied by trading equipment, taking into account the area for conducting monetary calculations. Knowing the above data, you can calculate the efficiency of the use of trading space using the formula:

t1688711450aa.gif (1)


Ky-efficiency factor of sales area usage,

Sy-square occupied by trading equipment,

St Square of the Trading Hall.

A low coefficient may indicate an irrational use of the territory of the trading floor. A high indicator indicates an oversaturation of the trading floor with equipment, this leads to inconvenience of the consumer, this is due to the insufficient width of the aisles.Therefore, an optimal indicator of this value is needed, at which the territory of the trading floor will be used as rationally as possible, but in compliance with the convenience for the buyer, without creating an atmosphere of congestion of the trading floor.

The ratio is considered optimal, approximately equal to 0.7, a larger value indicates inconvenience in the layout of goods, leads to a deterioration in the browsing of goods.

To determine the degree of use of the area of ​ ​ the trading floor for calculation, we will use the formula of the exposure area coefficient.

t1688711450ab.gif (2)

K (exp) is the coefficient of the exposure area,

S (exp) - area of the exposure area,

St is a trading floor square.

The ratio is considered optimal, approximately equal to 0.7, a larger value indicates inconvenience in the layout of goods, leads to a deterioration in the browsing of goods.

2 DEFO LLC store design and layout

2.1 Characteristics of DEFO LLC activity

The company has a private form of ownership. The main activities include: retail sale of non-food products, mainly office furniture and related and complementary goods and materials.

The activity of DEFO LLC is based on the sale of retail office furniture batches with a minimum order from one piece to large orders for the arrangement of entire business centers.

In retail stores of DEFO LLC, you can see samples of the main collections of furniture, the full assortment is presented in the form of a catalog or on the official website of DEFO LLC.

The company sells its products for more than twenty-five years, successfully cooperates with large commercial organizations both Gazprom, Lukoil, etc., and municipal organizations. Municipal organizations with which DEFO LLC works include: hospitals, schools, libraries, courts, etc. The company has been successfully winning tenders for several years due to the high quality of products and compliance with all product requirements.

The website of DEFO LLC provides up-to-date information on filling the assortment and balances in the warehouse, there are also visual photos and videos with products, the hotline with sales managers works without failures and in constant time.

All office furniture in the catalog has certificates of compliance with high quality standards. DEFO LLC is annually awarded the "Bona fide Supplier" award.

At the moment, DEFO LLC is represented by fifty-seven retail salons, warehouses in most regions of Russia and an online store with the ability to sell products throughout Russia at the expense of its logistics capacities.

DEFO LLC enters into supply contracts on the basis of: identifying market needs through calls to potential customers, won commercial and state tenders and incoming applications by phone, an online store and incoming customers at a retail point.

The company's activities are based on the sale of furniture products. The main activity of DEFO LLC is office furniture for personnel and manager and all related products.

The assortment is more than forty thousand items of furniture. But it is possible to divide into the main subcategories: staff furniture, executive office, reception desks, meeting room tables, office partitions and screens, storage systems, office sofas, modular soft furniture, safes, accessories and decor, furniture for training centers, school furniture, court furniture.

2.2 Compliance with the requirements to the building of the trading enterprise

The first factor affecting the efficiency of the organization, which we will consider-location. An incorrectly selected location can significantly reduce client flow. When choosing a building for specific purposes, you should pay attention to the following:

- Availability of parking

-Reliance of the district

- Availability of nearby public transport stops

-Views of competitors

-Combinding Stores

Furniture salon "DEFO," located at: embankment of the Black River house 10. This arrangement takes into account all the above factors. The salon is located on the ground floor of the building, has a sign, stands out in corporate red, noticeable from afar. Parking is available for cabin staff and customers. The salon is located near the Chornaya Rechka metro station and bus stops of many routes. The area in which the salon is presented is sleeping with busy traffic.In this area there are many furniture stores that are not competitive due to their specialization.

The salon building has five floors. The walls are represented by a combination of gas block and brick with an air gap, due to which conditions for maintaining temperature conditions are created, with minimal electricity consumption. The salon is located on the ground floor of the building, which favorably affects cross-country ability and convenience both for the consumer and for the organization itself.

The interior decoration is presented in a single, minimalistic style, allowing you to distinguish furniture products in parallel harmonizing and complementing the image, at minimal cost. General white lighting is located in all rooms of the building, allowing buyers, including at night, to carefully consider the details of any furniture model.

Windows act as a window. These windows are located at human eye level, which allows customers from the street to clearly see the products presented. Window washing is carried out systematically and on demand, mainly every four months.

Despite the fact that the building was built more than twenty years ago, it has no cracks, chips, has a respectable appearance and is completely safe.

Due to the large area of ​ ​ the cabin, it is possible to present a large number of different images of furniture for visual acquaintance, but keeping free spaces and not visually overloading the trading premises. The large room area also allows you to meet the passage width standards, providing support for a high level of customer traffic.

Inside the room, the zones and rooms are separated by non-structural walls, and structural strength is created by structural beams.

External cladding, the appearance of the building can be seen in Appendix 1.

2.3 Layout view

In accordance with the specifics of the products, the most effective type of layout of the trading floor of the retail salon of DEFO LLC is: free (arbitrary).

Arbitrary layout allows you to carry out design projects to the full extent and change the interior design, complementing the assortment with new models, in a short time.

The main distinctive feature of the planning of DEFO LLC is the division of trading floors into structural zones by categories. This type of layout allows you to optimize trading processes and recreate conditions close to the real office in order to clearly show each model.

Erroneous point of view in this matter: fill the salon with an assortment base to the maximum permissible peak for the sake of free space. Because of this, the client cannot focus on a specific model and doubts his choice. This can have a bad effect on the sales manager's performance.

The zones and how they are distributed among themselves are presented in Annexes 2, 3 and 4.

2.4 Compliance with the requirements for premises

The room is equipped with all the necessary fire equipment. A systematic log of inspections of signal security and equipment serviceability is maintained

Fire safety is checked systematically by special authorities. The main factors that are paid attention to during the inspections: integrity of tags on fire extinguishers, the ability to access emergency exits, the operability of the fire system, the width of the openings, the correctness of the evacuation plan and its clarity, the number of emergency exits and others, see Appendix 5.

One of the requirements for trading premises is the presence of a consumer corner. In the salon of DEFO LLC, the corner of the consumer is located at the entrance, which can be seen in Appendix 6. It contains basic information about the company, a list of regulatory authorities, a book of reviews and the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights."

As a safety regulation, video surveillance has been installed on the territory of the entire cabin, with mandatory warnings about recording.

The presence of heat supply, heating, ventilation, water supply, sewage, lighting systems makes it possible to create conditions for the implementation of trade and technological process operations in the store, has a positive effect on the work of personnel, contributes to improving the quality of customer service.

2.5 The number of rooms and their functional purpose

The plan of the premises of DEFO LLC, located at the address: nab. Chernaya Rechka, 10, St. Petersburg, 197183 is shown in Figure 1.

t1688711450ac.jpgFigure 1 - DEFO LLC Cabin Plan

The cabin room has nine rooms. Of these, five trading halls, three utility rooms for household purposes and two administrative premises.

The plan shows that the building has several emergency exits/entrances, which meets fire safety requirements.

Household premises by purpose are divided into: kitchen (dining room), bathroom, warehouse, locker room.

Administrative premises are represented by offices for the salon manager and sales manager.

The trading halls are divided into five premises, due to this a division is created between the categories of furniture and its purpose. The first trading room presents the receptions of the series: "Berlin," "Chord." The second trading room presents the consumer with soft furniture and meeting rooms. The third trading room presents the offices of the leaders of the Sambo, Smart Director and Berlin Director series. The fourth trading room presents the main models of furniture for staff from the series: "Loft," "Europe," "Smart" and "Matrix." This placement will allow you to recreate the conditions as close as possible to the real office.

2.6 Analysis of efficiency of use of DEFO LLC premises

Using Figure 1, you can determine the total area of ​ ​ the trading hall of DEFO LLC. The total area of ​ ​ the trading floor will be equal to the sum of five trading floors in the general territory of the store, equal to 280 meters square. The area occupied by retail equipment is 85 meters square

Using formula (1), we determine that the efficiency factor of using the trading area is 85/280, which in percentage is 30.03%, which corresponds to the optimal value of this coefficient.


Having analyzed the activities of the retail store of DEFO LLC, the following conclusions can be drawn:

- the room meets all the necessary requirements for the room, sanitary and technical standards,

- the most effective type of calculation is selected,

- trading equipment occupies the rational space of the trading floor.

The analysis of the activity showed that the company complies with all relevant regulations and requirements for the building and trading premises. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be argued that the salon of DEFO LLC can provide a high level of sales conversion by having a good overview of the assortment, wide passages and optimization of space for personnel.

It is possible to refine the structure of collections, due to design decisions and arrangement of each room in the style specified by the products. This will allow you to clearly show the compatibility and applicability of products in different variations.

During the work, the importance of this topic was identified, the presence of many factors affecting the effectiveness of the trading floor.

Every year the development of the market economy, the stages of commodity movement are decreasing. At the moment, e-commerce is already showing active growth and already occupies a significant share of the product sales market. This avoids all complexity and reduces the cost of a retail store, which reduces the cost of products. Perhaps in the future of the development of market trade, this topic will cease to be relevant, but it will not be after a very long time.

List of References

1. GOST R 51773-2001 "Retail. Classification of enterprises ";

2. GOST R 51303-2013;

3. GOST R 51304-99;

4. macroeconomics: manual for seminars/edited by R.M. Nureyev. - M.: Norm: INFRA-M, 2019. - 384 s.;

5. Macroeconomics: textbook/ed. L.G. Cherednichenko, A.Z. Selezneva. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - Moscow: INFRA-M, 2020. - 385 s.;

6. macroeconomics: a textbook for universities/S. F. Seregin [and others]; edited by S.F. Seregina. - 4th ed., Edited and additional. - Moscow: Publishing House Yurit, 2021. - 477 s.;

7. macroeconomics. Collection of tasks and exercises: a textbook for universities/S. F. Seregin [and others]; edited by S.F. Seregina. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - Moscow: Yurit Publishing House, 2021. - 184 s.;

8. Makhovikova, G. A. Economic theory: textbook and workshop for universities/G. A. Makhovikova, G. M. Gukasyan, V. V. Amosova. - 4th ed., Rev. and additional - Moscow: Yurit Publishing House, 2021. - 443 s.;

9. fundamentals of economic theory: a textbook for secondary vocational education/E. N. Lobacheva [and others]; edited by E. N. Lobacheva. - 4th ed., Rev. and additional - Moscow: Yurit Publishing House, 2021. - 539 s.;

10. Polikarpova, T.I. Economic theory: a textbook and a workshop for universities/T.I. Polikarpova. - 4th ed., Edited and additional. - Moscow: Publishing House Yurit, 2021. - 254 s;.

11. Rudnev, V. D. Political economy (economic theory): a textbook for bachelors/V. D. Rudnev. - 2nd ed. - Moscow: Publishing and Trading Corporation "Dashkov and Co.," 2020. - 704 s.;

12. Sukharev, O. S. Economic theory. Modern problems: a textbook for universities/O. S. Sukharev. - Moscow: Yurite Publishing House, 2021. - 215 s.;

13. Economics: textbook and workshop for universities/V. M. Pishchulov [and others]; under the general editorship of V. M. Pishchulov. - Moscow: Yurite Publishing House, 2021. - 179 s.;

14. economic theory (political economy): textbook/under the general. ed. Dr. Econ. sciences, prof., merit. deyat. sciences of the Russian Federation G.P. Zhuravleva. - 5th ed. - M.: INFRA-M, 2019. - 864 s.;

15. economic theory: a textbook for bachelors/under the general. ed. A. A. Kochetkov. - 6th ed., erased. - Moscow: Publishing and Trading Corporation "Dashkov and Co.," 2020. - 696 s.;

16. Economic theory and practice: reality and development potential: materials of the intercollegiate scientific and methodological conference/ed. D. E. n, prof. A.E. Dvoretskaya. - Moscow: Publishing House "Delo" RANEPA, 2020. - 218 s.;

17. Official website of DEFO LLC [Electronic Resource] https://www.defo.ru/;

18. security portal [Electronic resource] https://sivcomsks.com/funktsionalnoe-naznachenie-pomescheniy-klassifikatsiya/.

Appendix 1


Appendix 2


Appendix 3


Appendix 4


Appendix 5


Appendix 6


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