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Материал опубликован 7 July 2023 в группе



Главные принципы выкладки товаров на торговом оборудовании в магазине

Пояснительная записка


Преподаватель (ФИО)

Калягина Ирина Владимировна.




Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное учреждение «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции» http://www.tcmc.spb.ru/



ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык





Курс, учебная группа

3 курс, 9КМ-31.



38.02.04 Коммерция.


Название ресурса

Basic principles of displaying goods on trading equipment in the store


Тип ресурса




Полностью сохранена авторская.


St. Petersburg State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution

St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce”



"Basic principles of displaying goods on trading equipment in the store"

38.02.04 "Commerce"

group 9km-21

Teacher: Kalyagina I. V.

Student: Mitrofanova Maria

St. Petersburg





1.1 Purpose and essence of commercial equipment 6

1.2 Concept of goods distribution and its purpose 7

1.3 Types, types, principles and rules for displaying goods on the trading floor 7

1.4 Development and construction of planograms for organization of distribution of goods on trading equipment 11

1.5 Evaluation of the effectiveness of displaying goods on the trading floor 12


2.1 General Characteristics of the Activity of LLC "Potential" 16

2.2 Implementation of the principles of laying out goods on trading equipment 21

2.3 Analysis of the distribution of goods in LLC "Potential" 26






In today's world, when a person is in the vast world of trading space, he thinks not about his problems and experiences, but about purchases, which often appear unplanned. Many red herrings appear along the way. As a result, the buyer spends more than he intended and acquires what he did not plan. It's a startling accident for him and a well-designed plan for the store. Laying out goods is one of the most important moments that stimulate purchases, the importance of which a person does not even think about. Therefore, this operation is very time-consuming in the technological process of the store. Only by creating the most comfortable and clear environment for customers, the store can provide itself with regular customers and win new ones. The distribution of goods is favorable not only for the orientation of buyers in the space, but also for the convenience of employees, making it easier for them to work.

The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that today, in the context of the filling of the commodity market and the presence of few organizations, it becomes necessary to attract the attention of buyers to increase income, which becomes necessary to make rational distribution of goods in the hall on trading equipment. Thus, creating the competitiveness of the organization and bringing it to leadership positions.

The purpose of this work is to study the principles, meaning of displaying goods on the trading floor and practical techniques on the trading floor. Achieving this goal includes the following objectives:

- examine the concepts of displaying goods and its meaning in the store's trading floor;

- determine the degree of influence of the distribution of goods on the trading enterprise;

-formulate an assessment of the effectiveness of displaying goods on the trading floor;

- learn specialized trading equipment for the goods;

- find out the direct principles of product calculation on trading equipment;

- analyze the practical application of the principles of calculation on the example of the organization LLC "Potential."

The subject of the study is: the location of goods in the trading floor, the area of ​ ​ the trading floor, the methods and places of displaying goods on equipment, the peculiarities of placing and displaying goods in the trading floor.

The object of the study is LLC "Potential."

The structure of this work is represented by an introduction, two chapters, 8 paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of sources used.

In literature, this topic is covered quite widely. In the process of course work, the following were used: educational, research and production, reference literature; official documents, extracts from the laws of the Russian Federation; Internet resources, the main of which are:

1. Dubrovin I.A. Organization of production at trade enterprises. - M.: Knorus, 2017.

2. The official website of LLC "Potential" [Electronic resource]/www.electrik47.ru.


1.1 Purpose and essence of commercial equipment

The retail store has great risks and responsibility for the safety of people. Some underestimate this and purchase substandard trade equipment. At the same time, the audience changed with the advent of e-commerce. And you need to improve the layout of the room right now. Including furniture, technical means and the very approach to the construction of squares.

Sellers who have experience in trading almost always display the product beautifully for visual perception, thanks to which they achieve a significant increase in sales. It was for this purpose that special trading equipment appeared. Practice shows that the presence of special furniture in the store for trading contributes to the fact that customers eagerly visit the store and leave it with goods. But besides this, specialized equipment is needed.

Today, retail furniture is very simple designs. It is versatile in use, can have different colors and is made from different materials. Given the wide variety of models of trading equipment, it is very important to prefer the right furniture to a certain store, which would provide convenient access for the client and seller to the product and at the same time sell the useful area of ​ ​ the store most efficiently. This will satisfactorily affect profits and simplify the work of employees of this store. The main function of the elements of the sales equipment is to present the goods to the buyer; A secondary feature is in anti-theft. Thus, the presence of high-quality and correctly selected trading equipment in the store is a very effective solution to increase trading efficiency and, as a result, generate higher profits.

The requirements for equipment, equipment and utensils are regulated by the relevant regulatory documents and are generally binding, regardless of the form of ownership for all trading enterprises.

It is necessary to draw up a layout so that it does not distract potential customers from your product. This function is performed by wall and floor structures. Having designed them using modular systems or minimalistic tables, pedestals. It is considered an excellent solution to leave 50-60% of the empty space for client movements. This will provide free access to windows and shelves on racks, give a good overview of the entire product range.

1.2 Concept of goods distribution and its purpose

Posting goods are certain ways of stacking and displaying goods in a trading deposit. This service is designed to demonstrate, facilitate the search and selection of necessary items. The layout is not a "beautiful picture," but a rational tool for managing sales on the trading floor.

The purpose of the calculation is to influence potential buyers using combined influence methods.

There is a difference between placing and displaying goods. Placement means the distribution of goods on the area of ​ ​ the trading floor, while calculation is the location, laying and display of goods on trading equipment.

Depending on the purposes of merchandising, the display of goods can solve the following main tasks:

- contribute to the distribution of cognitive resources of the visitor;

- assume the level of review and attractiveness of the product for the visitor:

- To promote closer relations between goods and visitors;

- create conditions for "cross-merchandising," in koto­rom "goods-sellers" most fully use their potentsi­al for the sale of complementary goods, goods of impulsive and passive demand;

- Create preferred conditions for individual products and brands:

- promote the retailer's competitive advantage.

The fundamental rule of calculation is the easy search for the desired product on the shelf.

1.3 Types, types, principles and rules for displaying goods on the trading floor

There are the following types of calculations:


A large amount of one product is laid out on pallets and issued with a plate on which the price is large. Palletizing is located around the perimeter of the store or in the cash area. With this type of calculation, not even a running product is sold. Encourages visitors to make targeted ("exactly, I was going to buy!") And impulsive ("will not be superfluous") purchases.


The goods are located on a stand that stands separately from the main trading equipment.

An excellent solution will be to arrange it so that it is well lit and decorated with advertising and information materials.

Suitable for seasonal production.

In bulk

To create this type of display, one type of article is selected, which is laid out in baskets, carts, drives. To attract attention, plates with a single low price are hung on the containers. Used in sales.


Homogeneous goods of increased demand are laid out in large quantities in the form of pyramids, cubes, thematic figures. When creating such a layout, make sure that it is not bulky. Otherwise, buyers will simply be afraid to destroy the structure and avoid it.

The fundamental rule of calculation is that the search for the right product for the buyer should be made as easy as possible.

o this end, you should follow the basic principles of calculation on the trading floor:

1. The principle of clarity of the display (the product must be open and available for review).

2. The principle of consistency of calculation (based on the establishment and application of order when placing goods on equipment; a reflection of this principle is the rule of complexity of calculation, or otherwise, the formation of commodity complexes, when, for example, baby food products are laid out in one place).

3. The principle of efficiency of calculation (achieving the best results at a reasonable cost). It is achieved due to rational use of equipment and retail space with compliance with the rules of openness of the review of goods, commodity neighborhood and completeness of reflection of the assortment available in the store. In addition, the requirements of aesthetics and safety of display must be met. Signs of effective calculation are an increase in the volume of sales of goods and a decrease in the time spent by the buyer to search for goods.

4. The principle of compatibility (the ability of goods to be placed together without losing consumer properties). The rule of commodity neighborhood should be taken into account, since the laid out goods should not adversely affect each other (absorption of foreign odors when laying out coffee and spices, water vapors when placing dry and wet goods). It is necessary to take into account aesthetic requirements (compatibility in color, shape, ensuring harmony and integrity of the composition).

5. The principle of sufficiency of calculation (full representation of the trading assortment of the enterprise). This is not only a representation of all types of goods, but also a display of them in sufficient quantities. This depends on the area of ​ ​ the trading floor and the occupied shelf space, the breadth of the assortment, the nature of demand (priority, main and additional positions) and marketing activities for the promotion of goods.

Proceed to the formation of the calculation should be with the development of the concept of presentation of the product. Today there are several main concepts of product calculation:

Ideological representation. At the heart of the performance is some idea, like, "Everything you can put on shelves in the kitchen." The most common technique is to uporya­dochivayutsya goods of the same supplier or goods sold under the same brand within their group.

Grouping by view and style. "All 100% juice is in one place, nectars are nearby," "Butter is on this shelf, and margarine is on that one; milk is here, and kefir is next door. It is extremely clear to the buyer what properties the goods sgruppiro­vannyy in the block has, accordingly, such a grouping should be pri­menyat in stores and departments, where differences in the properties of the goods are very important for it.

Price equalization. In the most primitive case, the concept of price vyrav­nivaniya looks like this: "on the bottom shelf - all 10 rubles each; on the sred­ney - 20 rubles each. " More often, the concept of clearing occurs in the form of placing goods in increasing prices.

Grouping by destination. "Mayonnaise - on one rack, sauces - on the next." "All sugar is in one place, candy is in another."

If such a performance dominates in the store, the buyer may not notice goods placed far from each other (salt, sugar).

Respectable-specialized representation. It is used mainly in the calculation of elite, rare goods (food and clothing) or in large stores that emphasize the breadth of the range. It is made in order to show the splendor and variety of products offered, collected from around the world. Coffee in coffee departments is exhibited in accordance with varieties and growing countries.

The following types of calculations are distinguished:

- The position of the goods on the shelf can be vertical and horizontal. In vertical layout, homogeneous goods are laid out on shelves vertically, from top to bottom. This calculation contributes to good visibility, better orientation of buyers when choosing a product and speeds up the sale process. The distribution of goods should be strict, from less to more. The smaller one is located on the upper shelves, and the larger one is located on the lower shelves. With horizontal layout, a particular product is placed along the entire length of the equipment. At the lowest shelf, the product of the largest size or cheaper is placed. The product is laid out from left to right in the series, in terms of volume reduction. In practice, a combination of horizontal and vertikal­noy layout is used. For product groups with a relatively narrow assortment, vertical layout is preferable; if the range is wider, horizontal or kombini­rovannaya layout is recommended.

When choosing a horizontal or vertical layout of the product, focus on the size of your room and the length of the shelves:

At horizontal placement, goods of the same brand or type are placed in a row along two or three shelves. If the calculation is longer than one and a half meters, the buyer simply will not take it. This is how the human brain works.

With vertical layout, the same goods are placed from bottom to top in rows along the entire height of the rack. But no wider than half a meter per position. This is a standard viewing angle at which a person is comfortable looking at and choosing goods.

- In order to ensure the recognition of goods of a certain brand among the goods, the calculation of goods by the corporate block is used (if the group of goods occupies a high share in the total volume of sales for this commodity group (more than 5%)). The corporate block is a place on the rack, allocated and zakrep­lennoye for the placement of goods of a particular manufacturer. It provides an attractive appearance that is usually associated with high quality products and increases the prestige of the brand. The distribution of goods in the block is associated with a change in sales volumes, attracts attention using the principles of contrast and color stain and increases the stay of visitors near the section. In addition, a billboard effect is created that attracts the attention of buyers. With this calculation, the inventory management process is simplified, since a lack of specific items is quickly detected.

- Display layout. Usually this calculation method is used at additional points of sale. It is a freestanding brand stand or rack that is not tied to the main point of sale of this product.

- Floor display - the use of pallets and similar designs to present and sell goods.

In merchandising, there are the following basic calculation rules:

1. "Facing the buyer." The goods displayed on the front should be located taking into account the angle of view of the buyer. The main information on the package should be easy to read and not zakryvat­sya by price tags or other packages.

2. Naturally, in order for a product to be seen one hundred percent, it must also have a sufficient "faceoff" (a certain ko­lichestvo of goods in the same package displayed on the shelf), otherwise its presence on the window will not be noticed, since the product is represented by a narrow vertical strip, too insignificant to attract the attention of the client. Facing - a unit of goods installed by the person to the buyer.

3. An ideal faceoff can only be obtained experimentally, on the basis of a study of the marketability of the product, the size of the package, the "visibility" of the product, etc.

4. "Major Stamps." The main grades should be placed at the beginning of each assortment group. The person will take more goods to the not yet filled basket. It's a pretty simple psychology, but it needs to be taken into account.

5. "Priority Shelves." When deciding which product to put on shelves at eye level, the principle should be guided by the principle that the most profitable product should be in the best position. It can also be a product dedicated to sales promotion activities in the store (rek­lamnaya promotion, tasting, related promotional materials, pla­katy, etc.).

6. "Lower Shelves." On the lowest shelves should be placed products that buy not impulsively, but consciously. For example, five-liter barrels of beer. In a week, three or four barrels may leave in the store, but the buyer, knowing where to look for this spe­tsifichesky product, will not be lazy to bend over behind it.

7. "Top Shelves." It is advisable to use the upper shelves to create the image of a commodity producer. For this, al­ternativnaya calculation is used (addition of the main product calculation in pere­krestnymi groups), as well as the calculation of the most expensive items in unusually decorated packages.

8. "Rotation of Goods." The closest to the buyer should be the product, which has a sales period close to the end. When replenishing stock on the sales floor, the goods received from the warehouse must be put back, and the goods already on the shelf must move forward. In this case, it is necessary to check the shelf life.

9. "Shelf Height." Shelf, but height must correspond to the product being sold. The principle is known: if you can put two fingers between the upper edge of the product and the next shelf, you need to change the distance between the shelves. Another shelf can be placed on the saved space.

10. "By Package Size." With the front (in relation to the buyer) location of the shelves, small packages are displayed on the left, and large packages are displayed on the right.

11. "Among competitors." It is more profitable to place the product next to a strong competitor (to borrow popularity) and away from the weak. If the product is a leader, it is more profitable to place it separately.

1.4 Development and construction of planograms for organization of distribution of goods on trading equipment

Planogram - a visual representation of the product layout on vertical equipment, made in the form of graphic diagrams or photographs.

With the help of a planogram, you can increase the turnover in the store and earn money by selling profitable places to suppliers. Sometimes an agreement is concluded between the supplier and the outlet, fixing the place of products on the counter.

The planogram helps:

- Adjust the distribution of products in retail outlets

- Monitor the availability of a specific brand assortment

- Adjust the occupied area for a specific product

When developing a planogram, the following principles are adhered to:

1. Visibility, visual attractiveness, neatness, aesthetics. The item should be available for review: the visitor will spend less time searching for the necessary product

2. Reasonable use of retail space and equipment. For each product type, an area is allocated that corresponds to the sales volume of products. The maximum area is intended for advertised and fast-selling products

3. Consistency. Grouping of interconnected products in one place (arrange tea near sweets, household goods - from a showcase with dishes)

4. Compatibility. It is necessary to exclude the negative impact of commodity neighborhood: if coffee is placed next to spices, the product will acquire an extraneous smell or give it to surrounding goods

5. Not far from the products of increased demand are impulsively purchased items. Rational alternation of expensive and cheap goods increases the profit of the store, draws attention to things with opposite properties.

6. Sufficiency - Full Store Product Demonstration

7. Products shall be located at eye level and arm's length

There are many programs for compiling product layouts:

- Retail Shelf Planner

- Shelf Logic

- Planogram.Online

- Excel

- PowerPoint

- Any graphic editors

In order for the diagram to be really effective, it must be developed based on certain measurements. The main one is the total area of ​ ​ the store. It will depend on the size of the hall how many racks should be established, what their dimensions will turn out to be and how many products will be able to be placed there. In no case should you try to place a large number of positions in a small area. This can lead to buyers not being able to consider all the options offered and putting the first one in the basket.

It is also very important to consider the dimensions and shape of the shelves. If they have a small height, then you need to put the products there with the appropriate dimensions. Racks look extremely unprofitable, into which goods are "pushed" so that it is not even possible to fully consider their packaging.

1.5 Evaluation of the effectiveness of displaying goods on the trading floor

Merchandising analysis is one of the main activities for any store. This approach allows you to find weaknesses that negatively affect the number of sales, the size of the average check, etc.

The main task, which is solved by a high-quality assessment of merchandising, is to determine the effectiveness of all employees of the store. The main objectives include:

- more rational use of trade space;

- selection of product items based on the requirements of the target audience - expansion or narrowing of the assortment;

- increase of check;

- sales growth.

In the context of growing competition, each market participant should monitor new trends, acquire regular buyers and attract many new ones.

The implementation of such studies requires the application of clear criteria. Only with their help can you prepare a report that management can use to improve the efficiency of their point. This list includes the following:

- internal and external information - provides for the collection of data on the specifics of the location of the store, its cross-country ability, the use of space for displaying products, etc.;

- quantitative indicators - all data that can be calculated (the number of product groups, brands, the amount of the average check and the position in it, etc.);

- Sales key figures - This includes changes in sales level.

During the analysis, the results of surveys that are periodically conducted in the store or using social networks can be added to these criteria. Often they provide an opportunity to get very useful information about what would be the most convenient layout for visitors, what goods they would like to see on the shelves, and which turn out to be unnecessary for them.

The assessment of the effectiveness of the calculation and placement of goods on the trading floor is assessed on the basis of the following indicators:

The number of rack equipment is determined by the formula:

t1688709836aa.gif (1)


As - number of racks;

Og - the maximum number of goods to be stored, in cubic meters. m, pieces or other units of measurement;

Ec - rack capacity in the same units

The capacity (capacity) of the rack can be determined by the formula:

t1688709836ab.gif (2)


Ky - number of cells

Ey - actual capacity of one cell

The required number of pallets is calculated using the formula:

t1688709836ac.gif (3)


Apd - number of pallets, units;

Zg - quantity of goods to be stored and shipped on pallets per month,

Eac - actual capacity (lifting capacity) of one pallet, t;

K - number of pallet revolutions per month.

When completing the calculation of the number of rack structures, you should determine how effectively the space is used when using specific types of trading equipment for displaying goods.

For this purpose, it is necessary to calculate the coefficient of usable area

t1688709836ad.gif (4)


Su- usable area of the store, m2;

St.a. - total area of the store, m2.

When arranging the layout, the following distances should be taken into account:

between rack and wall - not less than 0.7 m;

between rack and truss - not less than 0.5 m;

between the rack and lighting fixture - not less than 0.5 m.

If the storage room is sectionless, and its area exceeds 700 m2, then a passage with a width of at least 1.5 m should be arranged opposite each evacuation exit. If the area of ​ ​ such a warehouse is more than 700 m2, then along the entire room it is necessary to additionally equip passages 1.5 m wide.

The average time a customer stays in the store is studied on the basis of visual observation or experiment. The allowable value of this indicator depends on the area of the store and averages 25 - 30 minutes. The atmosphere of the store should help increase the buyer's stay in the store, as this indicates that customers not only made the necessary purchases, but also got acquainted with the range of products on offer.

The number of visitors for the period is analyzed by day of the week and hour of the day. Structure of purchases by number of items and amounts. Average purchase size by number of items and amount.

For general stores, such a shopping structure is considered optimal when the share of purchases with 1-2 goods is insignificant and does not exceed 5%, and the average number of items in one purchase is 7-10 units. For non-food stores, about 50% of checks can contain 1-2 purchases. As a rule, one of the purchases is an expensive product. The number of items in a single purchase can be increased by presenting additional low-cost items.


2.1 General Characteristics of the Activity of LLC "Potential"

Full corporate name of the Company in Russian: Limited Liability Company "Potential."

Abbreviated corporate name of the Company in Russian: LLC "Potential."

Legal address of the organization: Leningrad region, Kirovsk, st. Victory, d. 8D.

The organization implements a counter form of sale.


Figure 1 - Organization Logo

Services provided by the organization:

- supply and sale of electrical products

- advice of qualified customer personnel on quality and selection of goods

- consulting and project support

- advice on selection of specialists

- maintenance of electric power and household equipment

- acceptance of orders from customers

Contact details:

Email: rotor111@yandex.ru

tel. 8 (813) 622-79-13

Official website: www.electrik47.ru

Below are photos of the trading floor.


Figure 2 - Trading hall of electrical products of LLC "Potential"


Figure 3 - Cash Register Area of Electrical Products Department (Vendor Area)


Figure 4 - Metalware Trading Hall and Tools of LLC "Potential"

By the type of trading enterprise, the organization is a store, because it is a specially equipped stationary building or part of it, designed for the sale of goods and the provision of services to customers and provided with trading, auxiliary, administrative and household premises, as well as premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale.

The store differs from other points of retail sale by the capitality of the structure and the size of the retail space. There are small stores, retail area up to 200 m2, medium - from 200 to 1000 m2, large - from 1000 to 2000 m2 and especially large (supermarkets) retail area over 2000 m2. LLC "Potential" belongs to the average type of enterprise (300 m2).

The structure of LLC "Potential" is shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5 - Organizational structure of LLC "Potential"

All electrical products are subject to certification.

Appendix A, B presents some of them.

The company "Potential" carries out comprehensive supplies of electrical equipment for construction facilities, housing and communal services, industrial enterprises. Clients include both professional electrical installation organizations, electricians, construction companies and industrial organizations, and individuals purchasing electrical equipment to repair apartments or build private houses.

The organization refers to private property.

There is no network of outlets.

The presented assortment groups of goods:

1. PM, foam, sealants:

Soils (anticorrosive, concrete contact, ready for use, concentrates, liquid glass); antiseptics (primer, bio-protective, fire-protective, special, decorative, bath and sauna products); varnishes (interior, special); adhesive materials (universal glue, construction glue, PVA, carpentry glue, liquid nails, adhesive mastic); mounting foams (household, professional, cleaners); sealants (silicone, acrylic, heat-resistant, roofing);

2. Engineering plumbing:

Water supply (pipes and fittings, valves and valves, flexible supply and hoses, headers, collector groups, cabinets, valves, regulators, instrumentation, water heaters, plastic tanks and components); water treatment systems (filters; cartridges; chemistry for swimming pools); drainage systems; isolation valves and components; sewerage system (valves for sanitary hygiene, siphons, branches, ladders, pipes and fittings for internal and external sewerage system, storm sewerage system, septic tanks, toilets, manholes); pipe heat insulation; gas supply (cranes, flexible supply, hoses, gas equipment); revision hatches (metal, plastic, for tiles); pumping and boiler equipment (pumping equipment, expansion tanks); tools for plumbing work; plumbing fasteners; consumables;

3. Electrical products:

Low-voltage equipment (automatic machines, dif. Automatic devices, RCD, measuring instruments, power supply devices); electrical installation products (sockets, switches, frames, extenders, network filters, blocks, splitters, tees, plugs, calls and call buttons, electrical boxes); electrical switchboard equipment (housings of electrical switchboards, components for equipment installation); lighting products (incandescent lamps, halogen, fluorescent, gas-discharge lamps), LED lighting systems, lights, lamps, light control, components for lamps and lamps); cable laying and wiring (power connectors, cable-carrying systems, cable fittings, products for insulation, fastening and marking, terminal clips, auxiliary equipment); cable and conductor products (coaxial, flexible, VVG, NYM, low-current cables);

4. Ventilation, heating:

Ventilation systems (round, rectangular); fans (floor, exhaust, supply and exhaust); ventilation grilles; anemostats, diffusers; heating systems (heating radiators, towel dryers and components, coolants); radiator grilles; warm floors (electric, water); electric heaters (thermal curtains, convector, infrared, oil heaters, thermal guns, fan heaters);

5. Tools, equipment:

Power tools (Bulgarians, battery drills and screwdrivers, electric drills and screwdrivers, perforators, grinders, saws, cutters, jigs, garden tools, special tools); concrete mixers, gasoline tools (chainsaws, vibropils, generators, consumables); accessories for power tools (drills, bores, bits and adapters, crowns, cutters, saws, cut disks, abrasive, petal, stripping wheels, saw disks, diamond disks, crusts, grinding tapes, auxiliary accessories); welding equipment; pneumatic tools; ladders and stepladders; storage systems; hand tools (measuring and marking tools, mounting tools, painting tools, abrasive tools and materials, for plaster works, for plumbing works, for laying tiles, garden tools); carpentry and metalwork tools (hinged-spongy, screwdrivers, wrenches, wood, metal knives, hammers, sledgehammers, cocks, axes, columns, files, stamesques, cuttings);

6. Fasteners, hardware:

Self-cutting screws (universal, universal with semicircular heads, gypsum-card metal, gypsum-board wood, metal-metal, roofing, window, for sandwich panels, GWL); screws (screws-hooks, plumbing, on concrete); dowels; dowel nails (universal, frame, for insulation); anchors (driven, wedge, ceiling, spacer, for sheet materials, anchor bolt, anchor-nail, anchor-wedge); fasteners for wooden structures (brackets, bands, angles, plates, kleimers, special fasteners); nails; rivets; metric fasteners (bolts, screws, washer nuts, rods); cargo fasteners; plumbing fasteners; fittings and hardware (gate valves, lugs, shingles, handles, latches, wrappers, hinges, closers, springs, limiters);

7. Home and Garden Products:

Cords, ropes, splits.

When accepting goods by quantity, the actual "number" of goods is checked against the invoices specified in the packing lists, invoices. A continuous and random check is allowed, during which cargo items are opened - factory or packages formed by the supplier or carrier with goods. Acceptance of goods by quality is carried out in order to prevent the receipt of poor quality goods to buyers. Simultaneously with the acceptance of goods by quality, their completeness is checked, as well as containers, packaging, labeling.

Only the employee of the store who has the status of a material responsible person - the manager can be engaged in the acceptance of the goods.

Analyzing the organization "Potential," identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, which are given in Table 1.

Table 1 - SWOT Analysis



A range of services is offered

High skill level of employees

Stable financial position

More professional electrical engineering than competitors

Lack of interaction with the site and inability to view the assortment and order from the site

Low value in the market



Development of Internet resources

Exit directly to producers

Inflation rate

Low wages for professionals

2.2 Implementation of the principles of laying out goods on trading equipment

The organization of the distribution of goods on the trading floor depends on the following factors:

from the service form;

from dimensions of goods;

physical and chemical properties of goods;

from the need to comply with the temperature regime;

from the characteristics of the packaging of goods;

equipment design features (type, height, depth, capacity, etc.);

from the price of the goods;

from the nature of demand for goods.

The store "Potential" is a store with a counter form of service and has an average retail area (300 m2), in this regard, trading equipment is optimized in the trading floor, the main type of trading equipment is counters, display cases, racks, wall shelves, display equipment, retail grids, asexual wall rack-grid.

The distribution of goods on sales equipment in the store is based on the following principles:

1. Calculation efficiency principle

For each item type, an area is allocated that corresponds to the sales volume of products.

In addition, the safety requirements of the calculation are observed.

2. Image and price category of the product. More expensive goods are displayed on the top shelf, cheap - on the bottom. The increase in the price on the rack goes from the bottom to the top.

3. The principle of consistency of calculation.

There is such an order of goods that it is convenient for both the buyer to inspect the goods and the seller to quickly find the desired product unit, thereby providing quick service.

4. Rationality.

Trade equipment is always replenished with new goods if necessary and demand.

5. The principle of clarity of calculation

The entire item is open and available for customers to review.

Let's look at the location of the individual merchandise groups.

Automation is located at the manufacturer's company, industrial electronics is located by digital designation (See Figure 6).


Figure 6 - Position of automatics on the display

Metering cabinets are on shelves in size and by manufacturer. The height of the shelves corresponds to the sold product or stability (see Figure 7).


Figure 7 - Wiring of metering cabinets on shelves

Lighting products installed on the ceiling grid are turned on if necessary when choosing a product (See Fig. 8). And the lamps on the asexual rack are located in volume (See Fig. 9).


Figure 8 - Lighting products on the ceiling grid


Figure 9 - Laminators on the asexual rack

According to the vertical layout, lamps are located by the name of the brand on the window. And with horizontal calculation - from large to small.

Sockets, switches, dimers are built in on the rack, where each view is built in for visualization (See Fig. 10).


Figure 10 - Placement of sockets, switches, dimer

Large tools are located on the grid rack by price category and size. All products must have price tags - with accurate information, correctly located, clearly visible.

There are two ways to place a large item in a store. And it depends on many factors: layout, size (both trading area and warehouse area), methods of presentation of goods, etc.

In LLC "Potential" the first method of placement of large-sized goods is used. It consists in arranging it as convenient as possible for storage and operation. For this, special racks are used in warehouses. The trading floor contains goods in the form of presentation samples. Everything is laid out at the stand and information is indicated on how much this product is in stock, as well as its price.

Plumbing, ventilation equipment, grilles, couplings, cranes, gaskets, crowns (drilling, diamond), glue, lubricants on display cabinets (See Fig. 11).


Figure 11 - Layout of engineering plumbing, ventilation equipment, coupling couplings

On shelf racks, packed metalware, dowel, engineering plumbing, mounting foams, adhesives, sealants (See Fig. 12).


Figure 12 - Placement on shelves of packed metalware

On asexual racks drills, bores, discs.

Only shelf racks are used in the warehouse and are replenished with the delivery frequency 1 once a week. The principle of the product arrangement: from the large one below to the small one up with distribution by type of goods (See Fig. 13).

t1688709836as.pngt1688709836at.jpg Figure 13 –Scale

2.3 Analysis of the distribution of goods in LLC "Potential"

Let's analyze the distribution of goods in the store we are studying LLC "Potential." In general, both vertical and horizontal calculations are used.

Relying on the theory, we will determine the required amount of rack equipment by the formula:

As = 440/10 = 44 racks

We will find the capacity of the rack:

Es = 132/6 = 22

Determine the required number of pallets using the formula:

Apd = 60/( 6 * 1) = 10

When completing the calculation of the number of rack structures, you should determine how effectively the space is used when using specific types of trading equipment for displaying goods.

For this purpose, it is necessary to calculate the coefficient of usable area:

Ks = 210/350 = 0.6

Having made calculations, we can conclude that there is enough trading equipment for compositional placement of goods on shelves and the use of the area is rational. In the hall, the entire assortment range is located comfortably for customers to view and according to certain principles, in the warehouse the goods are arranged conveniently for staff, by article or size, which makes customer service fast and hasty.


Summing up, it should be noted that the organization of placement of goods on the trading floor is important in managing trade processes.

Enterprises depend on the correct calculation of goods. Therefore, it is worth noting the following basic requirements: the formation of favorable conditions during the stay of customers in the store; providing customers with the necessary information and a large range of services; organization of rational commodity flows and settlement operations by clients.

The following objectives have been achieved:

- the concepts of displaying goods and its meaning in the trading floor of the store are considered;

- the degree of influence of the distribution of goods on the trading enterprise is determined;

- an assessment of the efficiency of displaying goods on the trading floor was formed;

- the specialized trading equipment for the goods has been studied;

- the direct principles of product calculation on trading equipment were developed;

- the practical application of the principles of calculation on the example of the organization LLC "Potential" was analyzed.

The course work was carried out on the example of the organization LLC "Potential." Based on the above analysis, it should be noted that the use of the area is rational, in the hall the entire assortment range is located comfortably for customers to view and according to certain principles, in the warehouse the goods are arranged conveniently for staff, by article or size, which makes customer service fast and hasty.

The goal of studying the principles, the value of displaying goods on the trading floor and practical techniques on the trading floor has been achieved.


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