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Мусина Ольга Олеговна33
Россия, Башкирская респ., с. Караидель, Караидельский район


Муниципальное общеобразовательное бюджетное учреждение

Караидельская средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1

муниципального района Караидельский район

Республики Башкортостан




Методическая разработка викторины


In the World of

English Proverbs and Sayings






Мусина О.О.

учитель английского языка

МОБУ Караидельская СОШ № 1

с. Караидель



Караидель - 2022





Тема: In the World of English Proverbs and Sayings


Практические: способствовать использованию учащимися пословиц и поговорок в речи.

Образовательные: познакомить учащихся с пословицами и поговорками английского языка, способствовать более глубокому познанию культуры страны изучаемого языка.

Развивающие: развивать коммуникативные способности учащихся, память, мышление,внимание, воображение, чувство языка и языковую догадку.

Воспитательные: способствовать пробуждению чувства уважения к другой культуре, способствовать формированию и проявлению духовно-нравственных качеств личности учащихся.

Форма внеклассной работы: викторина.

Участники: учащиеся 10 класса.

Продолжительность мероприятия: 40 - 45 мин.

Время и место проведения: урок, внеурочное время, учебная аудитория, зал

Оборудование: листочки с заданиями, листы бумаги, ручки, листочки с пословицами и поговорками, листочки с ситуациями, иллюстрации к пословицам и поговоркам, кроссворды, ребусы, музыка.


Нуриахметов Г.М., Салин С.В. Язык и культура в пословицах и поговорках: Учебно-справочное пособие. – Бирск: Бирск. гос. пед. ин-т, 2001. – 146 с.

Нуриахметов Г.М., Хизбуллина Д.И. Башкирско-русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок: 303 статьи / Изд-е Башкирск. Ун-та. – Уфа, 2002. – 56 с.

Павлова Е.А. Пословицы и поговорки как полифункциональное методическое средство в обучении иностранному языку // English. – 2006. – №15. – С. 13 – 18.

Стефанович Г.А., Швыдкая Л.И. Английский язык в пословицах и поговорках: Сб. упражнений для учащихся 8-10 кл. сред. шк. – М.: Просвещение, 1987. – 95 с.


План мероприятия:

I Организационный момент

II Конкурсная программа

My word- your proverb.

Match each of the following proverbs with the most appropriate situation.

Find the proverbs with similar ideas.

Math the proverb and its meaning.

Guess the proverbs using the pictures.

Illustrate the proverbs.

Do the rebuses.

Guess the proverbs where some vowels are omitted.

Read the proverb using the code.

Do the crossword.

Give a piece of advice to your friend paraphrasing the proverb

Auction of proverbs.

III Подведение итогов









Ход мероприятия:

Teacher: Dear friends, today we have a competition “English Proverbs and Sayings”. You know that proverbs are the wisdom of the people whether they are English, French or Russian. Most of the proverbs in different languages are quite similar: they express the same ideas. Proverbs teach us about life, they explain how to choose friends, what is right and wrong, and so on.

I believe you know a lot of proverbs and today I’d like to refresh some of them in your memory. Before we start you should split into two teams. We’ll do it in the following way. Draw the cards. Now those who have yellow cards form the first team, those who have red ones form the second team. So, we have two teams. Now choose your motto out of proverbs and sayings. You should explain your choice.

Our competent jury will judge your work during the whole competition and then announce the results.

The first task is called “My Word- Your Proverb”. You should say the whole proverb with the following words:

-home (East or West home is best);

-pleasure (Eat at pleasure drink with measure);

-friend (A friend in need is a friend indeed);

-fruit (As the tree so the fruit);

-actions (Actions speak louder than words);

-man (A man is known by his deeds);

-all (All is well that ends well);

-Rome(When in Rome do as the Romans do).

The points are given to that team which is the first to name the proverbs.

Now the second task. Match each of the following proverbs with the most appropriate situation from the list below.

Filling the stomach is not the purpose of our life. To keep fit is more important. That’s why having meals three- four times a day is quite enough for me.

I’m not impressed by fine speeches of our prime-minister. Why doesn’t the government do something for ordinary people in the country? We have so many problems nowadays.

This boy is so impolite. Hi is rude, he doesn’t listen to the teachers. No wonder his father was the same in his green-years.

A) Live not to eat but eat to live;

B) Actions speak louder than words;

C) As the tree so the fruit;

There are proverbs in English with similar ideas. Your task is to find proverbs with similar ideas.

Many commanders sink the ship;

One hand washes the other;

What is done cannot be undone.

A) It’s no use crying over spilt milk;

B) Too many cooks spoil the broth;

C) Scratch my back and I shall scratch yours.

Now it’s time to give the floor to our jury to announce the results for three tasks.

The tasks are getting more difficult. Match the proverb and its meaning or find the explanation of each proverb in the list below.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away;

When in Rome do as the Romans do;

A man is known by his deeds.

When you are in some country you should act according to the rules and traditions of that country;

Eating fruit is healthier than meat or spaghetti. You won’t have serious problems with your stomach;

We should judge about a person by the actions he does but not by words only.

Now we are getting closer to the most interesting tasks of our competition.

Guess the proverbs using the pictures.

East or West home is best;

As the tree so the fruit;

No sweet without sweat;

Time is money.

Illustrate the proverbs using your body language/gestures

No sweet without sweat;

Two heads are better than one;

An apple a day keeps the doctor away;

The appetite comes with eating.

Well done. It was very amusing. Let’s give the floor to the jury. They will announce the results for the last three tasks. Now you face the most difficult and at the same time the most interesting task. Do the rebuses to read the proverb.

For the first team:

1 (вилка) (мяч) (рука) (мяч) (вилка) 1

(люди) 9 (стакан) (дома) should (морской узел) (3) + (корова) (камни)

(One for all and all for one; People in glass houses should not throw stones.)

For the second team:

A (птичка) (булавка) the (рука) (лыжи) worth 2 (окно) the (куст)

2 (головы) + R + (сливочное масло; u e) + 3 + (мужчина) 1

(A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; two heads are better than one.)

Now let’s try and find Russian equivalents to these proverbs and sayings.

Один - за всех и все - за одного;

Коли хочешь себе добра, никому не делай зла;

Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе;

Ум хорошо, а два лучше.

Well now we’ll see how well you will do the following task. Guess the proverb where some vowels are omitted.


(The letter «I» is omitted)

A friend in need is a friend indeed.


(The letter «e» is omitted)

Two heads are better than one.

In our modern life we often use different codes. Now try to read the proverb using the following code:

12 15 15 11 2 5 6 15 18 5 25 15 21 12 5 1 16

The figures point to the number of the letter in the alphabet (1- A, 2- B …)

Look before you leap.

Now our competent jury will announce the results for all the tasks. We still have some more tasks so you can improve your results. Insert the second form of thefollowing irregular verbs to read the proverb.


















































































Time is money.


Are you fond of giving pieces of advice to your friends? Your task is to givea piece of advice to your classmate paraphrasing the proverb.

For the first team:

Haste makes waste.

(Don’t be in a hurry; you will make people laugh at you, because when you are in a hurry you often make mistakes. Think before you do something, act carefully.)

For the second team:

Look before you leap.

(Think carefully before you do something, think whether you can do it or not, you should find out everything about that thing or business.)

The last task of our competition is called “Auction of Proverbs and

Sayings”. You should name the proverbs in turn, the more you remember the better, the more points you will get.

So, it was the last task. Now it’s time to listen to the results. The jury will announce the results for all the tasks.

We congratulate the winners of the competition. Well done. Really, you know a lot of proverbs and sayings. Today you showed your knowledge of them. I hope you will not forget these proverbs and what is more important you will use them in your speech because they make our speech more beautiful and expressive. Goodluck! Thank you.



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