Тест по английскому языку на тему «Артикли»

Материал опубликован 23 May 2016 в группе

Вариант 1

Task 1. Choose the right answer.

Do you like playing ......... baseball? 

a) a

b) an

c) the 

d) (none)

 I want to see ......... Canadian Rockies this year. Let's go to Jasper. 

a) a

b) an

c) the

d) (none)

 Have you ever been to ......... Europe? 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the

d) (none)

I am ......... teacher. My husband is an accountant. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)

 I went to ......... Switzerland last month. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the
d) (none)

Tim is such ......... idiot. He is stupid and rude.
a) a 

b) an
c) the 

d) (none)

I just got back from ......... Philippines.
a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)

I like dogs very much. In fact, I am ......... dog trainer. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)

Sean is ......... Irish. His friend is an Englishman. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)

 I have never been to ......... Sistine Chapel in Italy. I would love to see it one day. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)





10 - 9 баллов


9 - 6 баллов


6 - 4 балла

2 (неудовлетворительно)

меньше 4 баллов


1) d

2) c

3) d

4) a

5) d

6) b

7) c

8) a

9) d

10) c


Вариант 2

Task 1. Choose the right answer.

I think he is really passionate about ......... art in general. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)

I like ......... coffee more than I like tea. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)

You shouldn't talk to ......... strangers. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)

We're studying ......... Italian Renaissance period in art history at the moment. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)

It's really hot here. We live close to ......... equator. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)

I'm studying ......... biology in school right now. 

a) a 

b) an

c) the 

d) (none)

Yesterday, we were reading "Anne of Green Gables." Let's read ......... same book today. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)

I have ......... unusual problem. Can I talk to you about it? 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the

d) (none)

I want to see ......... Pacific Ocean in the summer. Let's go to San Francisco. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)

 He speaks ......... Spanish. 

a) a 

b) an 

c) the 

d) (none)





10 - 9 баллов


9 - 6 баллов


6 - 4 балла

2 (неудовлетворительно)

меньше 4 баллов



1) d

2) d

3) d

4) c

5) c

6) d

7) c

8) b

9) c

10) d

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