Внеклассное мероприятие «Brain-Ring "Masters of English"» (10-11 form)

Brain-Ring “Masters of English” (10-11 form)
формирование коммуникативной компетенции.
научить владеть полученными знаниями, применяя их в нестандартных ситуациях;
формирование учебно-познавательной и социокультурной компетенции учеников;
формирование коммуникативных навыков говорения;
расширение межпредметных знаний, кругозора учащихся;
привить навыки саморазвития, акцентируя речевую культуру, аналитическую потребность, память, логическое мышление;
развитие внимания, воображения учащихся;
развитие творческих талантов учащихся;
развитие потребности дальнейшего самообразования в области иностранных языков;
формирование доброжелательного отношения и толерантности к культуре и традициям представителей других стран;
формирование познавательных интересов учащихся, мотивации к изучению иностранных языков;
формирование навыков самоконтроля, навыков групповой деятельности, сотрудничества в обстановке, взаимопонимания в отношении к своим сверстникам;
формирование культуры общения и поведения.
Оснащение: компьютер, проектор, экран, аудиоколонки, листы для записей, ручки.
Тип урока: внеклассное занятие.
Методы обучения:
метод эмоционального стимулирования;
метод иллюстраций и самоконтроля;
дедуктивный и практический методы;
Формы организации: командная игра, фронтальная, индивидуальная, групповая.
Ход занятия
Welcome, everybody, in our competition THE MASTERS OF ENGLISH! It is an intellectual game when you answer questions, do different tasks racking your brains.
I present to you our fair jury, which will monitor the progress of the game.
(Presentation of the jury members.)
Let’s form four teams. You should choose your captain. Each captain must introduce his or her team, say its name.
(Each captain introduces his or her team, says its name.)
Thank you, they were quite original.
( https://jeopardylabs.com/play/brain-ring-masters-of-english )
Look at the screen, please.
So today we have six categories:
1. The United Kingdom
2. The United States of America
3. The English-Speaking Countries
4. The Kingdom of Grammar
5. Thank You For The Music (guess the song and sing)
Each category has 5 questions or tasks. If your answer is correct you get a point from 100 to 500. For example, “The Kingdom of Grammar for 300”. If your answer is not correct the other team has a chance to give an answer. Are you ready to start?
(The game begins.)
The United Kingdom |
The United States of America |
The English-Speaking Countries |
The Kingdom of Grammar |
Thank You For The Music |
100 Why did the Romans call Britain "Albion"? |
100 What is the largest state of the USA? |
100 What is the national symbol of Canada? |
100 TAG-QUESTIONS 1. He can play golf well, _____ ? 2. You are the new secretary, _____ ? 3. Mr. Evans is speaking over the phone, _____ ? 4. You like black coffee, _____ ? 5. O, there are a lot of photos in the album, _____ ? |
100 Ты можешь танцевать, Покажи джайв, Наслаждайся жизнью, Смотрите на эту девушку, Наблюдайте за ней, Зажигает королева танцпола. |
KEY: "Alba" means "white" in Latin and the 1st thing the Romans saw when they came were the white chalk cliffs on the southern coast of Britain. |
KEY: Alaska |
KEY: Maple Leaf |
KEY: 1. _____ , can’t he? 2. _____ , aren’t you? 3. _____ , isn’t he? 4. _____ , don’t you? 5. _____ , aren’t there? |
KEY: You can dance, You can jive, Having the time of your life, See that girl, Watch that scene, Dig in the dancing queen |
200 What is the name of the Scottish lake in which the monster is supposed to live? |
200 Where is the Sleeping Beauty’s Castle situated? |
200 What is the capital of Ireland? |
200 PLURAL OR SINGULAR 1. My hair _____ clean. 2. Money _____ not everything. 3. Mathematics _____ an exact scientist. 4. Julia’s clothes _____ in her wardrobe. 5. It costs four _____ dollars. |
200 О милый, милый, откуда мне было знать, что что-то было не так. О милый, милый, я не должна была тебя отпускать, и теперь ты не со мной. |
KEY: Loch Ness |
KEY: in Disneyland |
KEY: Dublin |
KEY: 1. is 2. is 3. is 4. are 5. hundred |
KEY: Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know that something wasn't right here. Oh baby, baby, I shouldn't have let you go and now you're out of sight, yeah. |
300 What is another name of the Houses of Parliament? |
300 Who was America named after? |
300 What are the aboriginal people of New Zealand called? |
300 ARTICLES 1. I’d like to have ___ hamburger for ___ breakfast. 2. Pushkin is ___ outstanding Russian Poet. 3. Thomas Banks is ___ last person I want to see. 4. To tell ___ truth, I didn’t expect to see him. 5. What ___ pity they haven’t come! |
300 Слова, они не приходят на ум, Как мне найти способ, Чтобы ты увидела — я люблю тебя! Трудно подобрать слова. |
KEY: Westminster Palace |
KEY: Amerigo Vespucci, because he was the 1st man who understood it was the new continent. |
KEY: Maoris |
KEY: 1. a, - 2. an 3. the 4. the 5. a |
KEY: Words, don't come easy to me How can I find a way To make you see I Love You Words don't come easy. |
400 What is the greatest work of Sir Christopher Wren? |
400 Who is the unchallenged "King of rock-and-roll"? |
400 What animals can be seen on Australia’s coat of arms? |
400 TELL, SPEAK, SAY, TALK 1. Stop _____ . Our lesson isn’t over. 2. Dr. Watson _____ that he hated big cities. 3. Mother _____ me to go shopping. 4. Neither of my parents _____ German. 5. Listen to me when I’m _____ to you. |
400 Это не празднование Нового Года, Не покрытая шоколадом конфета в форме сердца В подарок. |
KEY: St Paul’s Cathedral |
KEY: Elvis Presley |
KEY: the kangaroo and the emu |
KEY: 1. talking 2. said 3. told 4. speaks 5. talking |
KEY: No New Year's Day to celebrate No chocolate covered candy hearts To give away. |
500 In what street are all government offices situated? |
500 What is the oldest public building in Washington? |
500 Who described the time of the Gold Rush in Alaska? |
500 EITHER, NEITHER, TOO, SO 1. Jim can’t swim well. _____ can his sister. 2. I like strong coffee. _____ does my brother. 3. We aren’t rich. We aren’t poor _____ . 4. – I’ve got an idea! – Me _____ . 5. Nobody phoned me yesterday. Nobody came _____ . |
500 Я не раз Платил по счетам. Я получил наказание За преступление, которого не совершал. |
KEY: Whitehall |
KEY: the White House |
KEY: Jack London |
KEY: 1. Neither 2. So 3. either 4. too 5. either |
KEY: I've paid my dues Time after time I've done my sentence But committed no crime. |
(The game is over.)
Do you like our game today? Well, you were very clever and showed your good knowledge of the English-speaking countries. Now we give the word to our jury to see who the winner of the game today is.
(The jury announces the results.)
Our best congratulations to Team ______ and its captain. They are the winners of the contest. Don’t worry if you are not the first. Only one team can be first. Let me thank all participants of the competition. Also there are some presents for you. Thank you for your activity. We hope you enjoyed the time with us. We wish you a nice day!