12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Алёна Александровна Р.100

Movies and Serials

Тип урока: урок закрепления изучаемого материала

УМК: Вербицкая М.М. “Forward

Класс: 7а

Предмет: английский язык

Дата: 20.10.23

Цели урока: создать условия для отработки и закрепления лексических единиц по теме «Фильмы и сериалы» в разных видах речевой деятельности.

Ожидаемые результаты:  после проведения урока (занятия) учащиеся смогут применить лексику для составления кроссворда на тему «Фильмы и сериалы».

Основное содержание  темы:

лингвистический компонент:  ЛЕ по теме «Фильмы и сериалы», степени сравнения прилагательных.

Виды речевой деятельности: говорение, чтение, аудирование

Задачи урока:


повторить употребление степеней сравнения прилагательных в новой ситуации.

развивать лексические навыки при выполнении различных упражнений

развивать навыки аудирования

вовлечь учащихся  в  активную  речевую деятельность на уроке путем использования современных средств обучения и различных организационных форм работы


способствовать  развитию  логического  мышления, памяти, внимания и умения  анализировать и  сравнивать.

создавать благоприятный психологический климат;

способствовать развитию творческой деятельности;

               • учить детей проявлять интерес к стране изучаемого языка;
              • повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;
              • осуществлять эстетическое воспитание учеников;

 Планируемые результаты деятельности учащихся:

Предметные: распознавание и употребление в речи  лексических единиц по теме «Фильмы и сериалы».

Умение применять сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных при описании фильмов и сериалов, повторение и закрепление лексических единиц по теме «Фильмы и сериалы».

 Метапредметные: использование различных способов обработки, анализа и передачи информации в соответствии с коммуникативными и познавательными задачами, умение работать в паре, уважать друг друга.

Личностные: развитие навыков сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками в разных видах деятельности.

Ход урока:

Организационный момент:

Т: Good morning, pupils! I am glad to see you. How are you 3’

ТYou may sit down.

ТWhat date is it today?

РToday is the…

T: What day of the week is it today?

Р: Today is…

T: What is the weather like today?

Р: The weather is…

T: Who is absent today?

P: … is (are)

Определение темы урока 3’

Т:  Today we continue the theme we began studying last lesson. Let’s remember and guess about today’s theme.

Look at the board … (they can be short or long/ they can be horror or funny, you can watch them on TV or via the Internet/ What will we speak about today?)

Т: Oh, you’ve guessed. This is “Movies/films and serials “.

-What is the difference between movies and serials?

Составление плана урока 2’

Т:Look at the plan of our lesson. Say me what we are going to do?

P: We are going to revise sounds, words , listen to the text, and revise grammar rule.

Now I’ll give you a check list that will help you to check up your knowledge. You will estimate your work today.

Фонетическая разминка. “Find an odd word” 4’

-Look at the blackboard. You see some words with a common sound. Read the first line , define the common sound, find an odd word and change it.

[w] why when who where

[ 3: ] world war dirt worse

[ai] knife find found right

3Лексическая разминка. 7’

T: Look at the board. You see some words. Let’s translate them.

You should fill these words in gaps in these sentences.

Work in pairs. You have 3 minutes.

- Now, look at the board and check yourself.

-Estimate yourselves. (check list)

4.Работа с аудиотекстом 6’

-Now you will listen to the text and do the task.

You have some words from the text. Let’s read them before listening.

-Read the task before listening. You have 1 min.

-Let’s listen to the text 2 times.

-Choose the right variant and circle it. You have 1 min.

-Estimate yourselves. (check list)

Разминка 3’

Now let’s have a rest. Stand up, please.

-If you have a TV set at home – Hands up hands down

-If you like watching cartoons – Turn left, turn right

-If you are boys – jump and turn around

-If you are girls – dance and turn around

-If you don’t like love stories- point to the window

-If you are pupils – touch your classmate

-Thank you and sit down

Повторение степеней сравнения прилагательных. 8’

-Pupils, what kinds of films do you remember?

-Now, let’s revise grammar rule. Look at the board. Translate, please. Degrees of comparison. Explain the rule.

-Let’s compare some films. In pairs do the task with comparison.

-Estimate yourselves. (check list)

Рефлексия 3’

Finish the sentence according to our plan:

It was difficult to…/ it was easy to…

Look through your check list.

-Estimate your work at the lesson. Put your final mark and pass me your check list for estimation.

Домашнее задание 1’

Your home task is to make a crossword with words about movies and serials.

_ Thank you for the lesson and good-bye. You may be free.


CHECK LIST Theme: Movies/Films and Serials surname_______________

Lesson stages








4. grammar rule

Final mark _____

I don’t actually like ___________ films. After watching it I always have nightmares.

John is really keen on __________. He likes all those robots and________________.

My favourite __________is Audrey Hepburn. I like her style and all the movies she acted in.

My mother enjoys watching _____________. She loves different old stories.

There were so many people in the cinema! We even had to buy tickets to the last __________.

No, I don’t want to watch __________. Singing people annoy me.


I like movies very much, especially fantasy. My favorite movie is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The movie came out in 2001, but it is still very good. Of course, I have seen all the Harry Potter movies, but the first one is special for me.

The movie is set in modern England and in a fictional place called Hogwarts. The story is a mixture of real-life drama and fantasy. The main character of the movie is a ten-year-old orphan Harry. His parents died when he was a baby, and now he lives with his foster parents and his stepbrother who do not like him. Although Harry has a family, he is a very lonely boy.

What I like about this movie is how drastically Harry’s life changed one day. On his eleventh birthday he was invited to study at Hogwarts, the magic school that, as it turned out, his parents had attended. He started learning how to use magic and fly on a broomstick. He found good friends and a new home. At the beginning of the movie, Harry is just an ordinary boy. At the end of the movie, he is a hero and one of the most promising young wizards in Hogwarts.

In the following movies, Harry’s story continues, but I like the first one the most. For me, it is not just a story about magic, wands, spells, it is a story about ordinary people and friendship. Yes, Harry, Ron, and Hermione can cast spells, but do not seem to be some sort of mysterious creatures. For us, they are just normal people. They speak and act like any kids of their age. I like Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone because it is the beginning of their story. The storylines of the main characters develop as they grow up in the other movies, but it is so nice to see them at the beginning of their journey.

In case you have not seen this movie, I would strongly recommend watching it, as well as the other Harry Potter movies.

The speaker likes:

a)horror b)fantasy c) comedy

2. Her favourite movie is:

a)Harry Potter b)The City of bones c)Grindelwald

3. The movie is set in a fictional place called:

a)Woghoarts b)Gotwarts c) Hogwarts

4. The main character of this movie is:

a)11-year-old boy b)10-year-old boy c) 14-year-old boy

5. Harry started learning at the magic school how…

a) to drive a car b)to make friends c)to use magic and fly on the broomstick

6. The boy, Harry has got:

a)parents and his brother b) foster parents and his stepbrother c) only his stepbrother

7. The speaker likes most of all:

a)the first part of he story b) the second part of the story c) the last part of the story

fantasy – фэнтези, фантазия.

favorite (USA), favourite (UK) – любимый (напр., любимый фильм, книга).

to come out in – выходить в таком-то году (о книге, фильме).

special – особенный.

the movie is set in – действие фильма происходит в (о времени и месте).

main character – главный герой.

character – персонаж.

fictional – вымышленный.

real-life – относящийся к реальной жизни.

orphan – сирота.

foster parents – приемные родители.

stepbrother – сводный брат.

What I like about this movie is … — Что мне нравится в этом фильме, так это…

drastically – кардинально

as it turned out – как оказалось, выяснилось.

to attend – посещать (школу, курсы).

broomstick – метла.

ordinary – обычный, непримечательный.

promising – перспективный, многообещающий.

wizard – волшебник.

the following movies – последующие фильмы (серии).

wand – волшебная палочка.

spell – заклинание.

to cast spells – использовать заклинания, колдовать.

mysterious – загадочный (не «мистический»).

creature – существо.

kids of their age – дети их возраста.

storyline – сюжетная линия.

I strongly recommend – Я настоятельно рекомендую.




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