Справочный материал по английскому языку «Guess the name of the artist! Узнай имя художника!»

Материал опубликован 2 January 2020

Guess the name of the artist!


This person’s masterpieces belong to the whole mankind. His achievements in different spheres contributed a lot to the development of the world science and benefit to the world culture. Even his contemporaries admitted his genius.

The subsequent generations have a great opportunity to become aware of how impressive his talent of an artist is.  While working over his most famous portrait he faced the problem: his model refused to smile. The artist even invited musicians but it was not available. Once he could capture her faint smile and used his own technique sfumato which became efficient to shade the colours gradually.

This painting belongs to the museum but a painting of Christ was sold for a record 450 mСпасительillion dollars at auction. The price increased rapidly and was tame when it became 3 times more than expected.

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