Игра к уроку английского языка «Звездный час» по теме «Спорт» (7–9 класс)

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Пояснительная записка
к презентации по теме «Спорт» в форме игры «Звездный час»
Презентация создана к УМК “English-8” раздел 4 “Are you a good sport?”, но легко может быть использована в других УМК по теме «Спорт», а также во внеурочной деятельности по предмету и внеклассной работе с учащимися 7-9 классов.
Цель использования презентации: создание условий для проведения игры «Звездный час» (обеспечение наглядности).
Данная презентация позволит представить задания игры для учащихся в более интересной и наглядной форме. Использование презентации является необходимым условием проведения игры.
Ход игры
Today we shall play the game “Star hour”. Our topic is Sport.
1 ROUND consists of 3 parts.
(Участникам предлагаются вопрос и 6 вариантов ответа. Участник должен найти правильный ответ и поднять соответствующую табличку с цифрой от 1 до 6. Участники, ответившие правильно, получают звезду. В финале участник, набравший больше всех звезд, побеждает.)
The 1st part.
I want you to listen to my stories. I will describe different sport games. You can see the numbers of 6 games on the blackboard and you will use the cards with the numbers on your desks. Raise the right number.
1. It is a game of two players. Each of them starts with sixteen different playing pieces to move on board. The aim is to move your pieces so that your opponent’s king will be taken. (chess)
2. This game is played on a court with a large orange ball. There are five players in each team. Two teams try to score goals by throwing a ball through a net fixes to a metal ring at each end of court. The players bounce the ball while running, and pass it to each other. The team with the most points wins. (basketball)
3. This game is very similar to baseball, but is played with a larger ball. It is a popular sport among American women and co-ed ( combined men and women) teams. (softball)
4. It is a game between two teams and played on a flied with a bat and a small white ball. Each team consists of nine players. The teams take turns playing in the field and batting the ball. The game has nine innings. (baseball)
5. It is a game played between two teams of eleven players. Players kick a ball around a field trying to score a goal. The team with the most points wins. This game is very popular in our country and all over the world. (football)
6. It is sometimes called an English national game. It is known that people played it in England as early as 1550. It is a very long game. International matches last for 5 days. This game is not played only by men. Girls and women play this game too. (cricket)
1 – football,
2 – baseball,
3 – basketball,
4 – cricket,
5 – chess,
6 – softball
The 2nd part
Look at the slide and answer which ball belongs to the game I name:
- basketball,
- cricket,
- baseball,
- rugby,
- softball,
- football
1. rugby,
2. football
3. cricket,
4. basketball,
5. baseball,
6. softball
The 3d part
Which field belongs to the game I name.
- basketball,
- cricket,
- baseball,
- chess,
- softball,
- football
1. softball,
2. chess,
3. football,
4. baseball,
5. cricket,
6. basketball
You will have to put the letters in the words in a logical order.
1. bongxi
2. wnimsign
3. ngsurfi
4. rocsaebi
5. nistne
6. lofg
Игра "Звездный час" по теме "Спорт"
PPT / 4.78 Мб
Listen to the interview with Harry, an American student, about his attitude to sport.
If the sentence is TRUE – raise number 1 card, if it is FALSE – number 2.
1. Sport becomes more popular today.
2. Harry is a professional sportsman.
3. He goes to the gym once a week.
4. On Saturday Harry plays tennis or goes for a run.
5. Harry considers running, swimming and cycling as more effective kinds of sport.
6. Harry thinks walking is also good for keeping fit.
- Harry, do you think sport is important nowadays?
- Well, I think sport was always important but today it becomes more popular. Er… more and more people begin to do sport. Fitness is very popular nowadays. Everybody wants to keep fit.
- Do you do any sport?
- Oh, I’m not a professional sportsman but I also try to keep a good form. Twice a week I go to the gym and exercise for an hour. On Saturday afternoon I usually play tennis or go for a run. Really I enjoy getting fresh air.
- How do you think what kind of sport are more effective to keep fit in this busy life?
- I think they are running, swimming or cycling. You don’t spend much time to do these kinds of sport but you are always healthy and active. But sometimes it’s very helpful just to have a good walk.
- Well, I see you are very active. Could you give some advice to those people who think sport is not so important in their lives?
- Er. I don’t know. People, be active! Our life is boring and stressful when it’s calm.
- Thank you very much, Harry.
Round 4 is called Do, play or go.
You will listen to different kinds of sport. If it used with DO – raise number 1, play – number 2, go – 3.
- swimming,
- hockey,
- gymnastics,
- skating,
- cycling,
- judo,
- table-tennis,
- skiing,
- rugby.
Now your task is to make as many words as you can from the letters of the word HORSERACING.
(участники, составившие самое длинное слово и больше всех слов, получают звезду)
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