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Петрова Лариса Николаевна788
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Итоговая контрольная работа 4 класс по английскому языку


There are five boys on the picture. Their names are Tom, Paul, Tim, Mike and John. Guess, please, who is who. ​​​​​​​

аудированиеDOCX / 12.85 Кб

t1714616405aa.png           1                          2                              3                        4                             5


Alfred and Fred


Alfred is a big old dog. Fred is a young cat. Fred likes Alfred but not all the time.

Fred likes to climb trees and now he is on a tree, too. Alfred cannot climb. He sees Fred and barks loudly. Fred climbs to the top of the tree. He can see everything: a house, a park, and a lake in the park. He sees a man fishing. Fred likes to eat fish. He wants to go to the park and tries to go down. But it is very difficult. Fred mews but Alfred cannot hear him. Then Fred sees a nut on the tree. He takes the nut into his mouth and drops it. The nut falls on Alfred’s head and he stops barking. He hears Fred. Fred needs help. Alfred runs to the house to get help.

One minute later everyone comes to help Fred. The little boy climbs up the tree and Fred jumps into his hands. Fred thinks, “Alfred can’t hear well. But anyway he is my best friend.”

True (t) or false (f)

Alfred is a big old cat.

Fred is an old cat.

Fred is on a tree now.

Alfred cannot hear Fred.

Alfred is the best Fred,s friend.

/data/files/c1714616540.mp3 (аудирование)

/data/files/h1714616569.docx (Бланки ответов)

/data/files/v1714616595.docx (Ответы)

/data/files/x1714616628.docx (Пояснительная записка)


Выберите правильную форму.

1. Nick and Mary … pictures for the lesson now.
a) drew b) are drawing c) draw

2. Tomorrow I… to the theatre.

a) will go b) went c) go

3. Do they have a car? - No, they…
a) don`t b) hasn’t c) doesn`t

4. Summer is than spring.

a) hoter b) hotter c) the hottest

5. There … white benches in the garden.
a) am b) are c) is

6. There … an orange on the table.
a) are b) were c) is

7. Mary likes … new bike.

a) her b) his c) he

8. Oliver Sunday is pupil today.
a) luckier  b) lucky    c) the luckiest

9. We’ll watch a new comedy … spring.

a) from b) on c) in

10. Betty has got her birthday … Saturday.

a) from b) at c)on


Вставьте в письмо подходящие фразы из рамки

Dear 1) _________________


I am from 3)______________.

I am 4)_________________.

I like to 5)_________________________________________________.

My favourite subject is 6)_____________________________.

Best wishes,


English Moscow Thank you for your letter Kate,

play basketball Ann a pupil

Устная речь

Выберите любую картинку и ответьте на вопросы

1. Who is there in the picture?

2. Where is she/he?

3. When does it happen?

4. What is she/he doing?

5. Do you like the picture? Why?


итоговая контрольная работа для начальной школы с переводомDOCX / 443.5 Кб

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