12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Россия, Новосибирская обл.

Прмерный шаблон для построения мнолога в роли экскурсовода.

Тренировочное задание

Цель: подготовка к муниципальному этапу ВСОШ

Класс: 7-8


Dear guest, my name is…. I will be your guide for today!

Основная часть

Now we are standing in front of the …. (historical building\theater\cathedral\bridge\picture\monument)

It’s name is ….

It was built in ….

Take a look here! - Посмотрите сюда!

The architecture of this building is ….. (classical, modern, ancient)

It is famous for it’s … (size, rich history, unusual shape)

It was called in the memory of …. (назван в честь…)

The building was designed by ….

It was destroyed in …..

However тем не менее

At first it was — изначально это был

There is ….

There are ….

It is located …. (in the city center)


I hope the excursion was very broadening – Надеюсь экскурсия была очень познавательной.

If you have any questions I will be happy to answer them.

Примеры вопросов собеседнику:

What is the architectural style of this (historical building\theater\cathedral\bridge\monument)?

How many people visit this place every year?

Have any famous people visited this place?

Is this place popular with tourists?

Is it the most popular sight in this city?

Вопрос про здание:

Does it have an Internet site I can visit? - У этого места есть сайт, который я могу посетить?

Вопрос про музей

Does it offer hands-on experience? - Можно ли трогать экспонаты руками?

Ответы на вопросы собеседника:

As far as I know — на сколько я знаю ….

I think …..

If I am not mistaken …. если я не ошибаюсь ….

Если вопрос носит фактический характер и вы затрудняетесь ответить:

I can’t say for sure, but if you don’t mind we can visit the local library to find this information.

Task 1.

Make your presentation about the Eiffel Tower as a guide

Examine the photo of the tower

Use the fact file

Use the plan:

- location

- architecture and design

- function: what is it constructed for

- interesting facts

- why is it popular with tourists

You have 15 minutes

This metal tower with three floors stands in the city centre of Paris. It was built for the 1889 World Fair (Universal Expo) to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution.

The 324metres/1062ft high Eiffel Tower was constructed by Auguste Eiffel and a team of engineers. If you would like to take the steps up to the tower viewing platform on the second floor, there are 704 steps to climb, but luckily there are also lifts in each of the leg up to the second floor. The tower boasts every minute aspect of modernity and stands tall among the neo-gothic and baroque-styled architecture in Europe.

The tower has been visited by over 250 million people since its opening and in 2016 more than 7 million visitors were welcomed on the tower's top platform to see the fantastic view on Paris! .



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