12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Алексеева Людмила Владимировна73

Пояснительная записка

Данный тест составлен для проверки базовых знаний учащихся 9 класса по теме «Экология» (УМК «New Millennium English: учебник английского языка для 9 класса общеобр. учрежд./ О.Л. Гроза, О.Б. Дворецкая, Н.Ю. Казырбаева, В.В. Клименко и др. 2-е изд., испр.– Обнинск: Титул, 2013. – 192 с.»,).  Задания разработаны на основе лексического и грамматического материала раздела 2  «Our fragile world». Задание по аудированию взято из каталога заданий образовательного портала «Решу ОГЭ» (Задание 2 № 892,www//en-oge.sdamgia). Рекомендуемое время выполнения 40 минут.

Оценивание: правильный ответ оценивается в 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов за тест 45. 38-45 баллов – оценка «5», 29-37 – оценка «4», 18-28 – оценка «3», 0-27 – оценка «2».

Test (9th grade)

Surname:__________________________     Name:__________________        Total: 45/_____




  1. Вы услышите пять высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–E и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–6. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.


1. The speaker describes the advantages of public transport.

2. The speaker believes that people should use personal cars less.

3. The speaker explains why a personal car is a necessity for him / her.

4. The speaker believes there should be only one personal car per family.

5. The speaker explains why he / she does very well without a personal car.

6. The speaker says that cars have made him / her change his / her lifestyle.

















2. Соотнесите английское слово с его переводом на русский язык.


  1. nature
  1. угроза




  1. chemicals
  1. перерабатывать




  1. poison
  1. фабрика, завод




  1. toxic
  1. отходы




  1. pollution
  1. окружающая среда




  1. environment
  1. загрязнение




  1. waste
  1. токсичный




  1. plant
  1. отравлять




  1. recycle
  1. химикаты




  1. threat
  1. природа






3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. I _________ to the cinema yesterday.

  1. went
  2. gone
  3. will go

2. Jane ___________ tennis tomorrow.

  1. played
  2. will play
  3. has played

3. Tommy ___________ TV at the moment.

  1. watched
  2. watching
  3. is watching

4. Ann and Alice ___________ the poem yet.

  1. haven’t learnt
  2. hasn’t learnt
  3. didn’t learn

5. We __________ for two hours. We are so tired!

  1. ran
  2. have been running
  3. runned

6. I usually __________ to bed at 10 o’clock.

  1. went
  2. will go
  3. go

7. Water is __ vital element of life.

  1. a
  2. the
  3. ---

8. The flat __________ ! It is tidy now.

  1. Has cleaned
  2. Has been cleaned
  3. Is being

9. James ____________ to London.

  1. have never been
  2. never was
  3. has never been

10.  Cars cause ___ pollution and release fumes.

  1. a
  2. the
  3. --



4. Прочитайте текст и соотнесите заголовки с параграфами текста.

1. Pollution in Russia.


2. Man and nature


3. Public for nature


4. Pollution of water and air.


5. Government’s attitude


A   In recent years the environmental problems have become extremely urgent and received a great publicity. In some way they are the result of scientific and technological progress of the 20-th century. But people also do a lot of harm to nature because they don't understand that the man is the part of environment. The relationship between man and nature has become one of the most important problems facing civilization today.

B   Pollution of water and air is one of the problems millions of people are concerned about today. Acid rains, unsafety of nuclear power stations, radioactive and other poisonous materials, disposal of waste became the global disasters. Cars are one of the most harmful and dangerous polluters of air.

C   In more than a hundred towns and cities the concentration of poisonous things in the air and water is over 10 times the admissible level. Archangelsk is one of the dirtiest towns of the country. The Northern Dvina - our main water source is fully polluted with industrial and communal waste. Water is not suitable for drinking. Another problem is presence of dangerous radioactive military objects like kosmodrom "Plesetsk" near Arkhangelsk. Besides we must remember about ozone holes over our heads. The ozone layer doesn't protect us from dangerous ultraviolet rays any more. They get through the atmosphere causing skin cancer and other diseases.

D   All these facts make us become more sensitive towards the environment. The trouble is that our government doesn't realize enough the danger of the situation and don't pay much attention and money for construction of cleaning enterprises.

E   Various public organizations and unofficial movement make their best to change official and public opinion on the environmental problems. One of the most famous and strong organizations nowadays is "Green peace". The solution of the problem requires the cooperation the people's efforts in nature conservation.

5. Отметьте утверждения как правдивые (True) или ложные (False).

  1. The environmental problems are the result of scientific and technological progress. ____
  2. People don’t damage nature. ____
  3. Water pollution is the only problem today. ____
  4. Bicycles are one of the most harmful air polluters. ____
  5. Arkhangelsk is the dirtiest town in Russia. ____
  6. Water from The Northern Dvina is not suitable for drinking. ____
  7. Ultraviolet rays cause skin cancer and other diseases. ____
  8. Government helps us protect the environment. ____

6. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. Why do people do a lot of harm to nature? ________________________________________________________________________
  2. What is one of the most important problems the civilization is facing today? ________________________________________________________________________
  3. Water from what river is not suitable for drinking? ________________________________________________________________________
  4. What military object is situated near Arkhangelsk? ________________________________________________________________________
  5. Does the government help us protect the environment? ________________________________________________________________________
  6. What is “Green peace”? ________________________________________________________________________
  7. What does the solution of the problem require? ________________________________________________________________________



Ответы к тесту:

  1. 26351.
  2. 1-j, 2-i, 3-h, 4-g, 5-f, 6-e, 7-d, 8-c, 9-b, 10-a
  3. 1-a,2-b, 3-c, 4-a, 5-b, 6-c, 7-a, 8-b, 9-c, 10-c
  4. 1-C, 2-A, 3-E, 4-B, 5-D
  5. 1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-F, 5-F, 6-T, 7-T, 8-F
  6. 1 - They don't understand that the man is the part of environment, 2 - Pollution of water and air, 3 – From the Northern Dvina, 4 - kosmodrom "Plesetsk", 5 – No, they don't pay much attention and money for construction of cleaning enterprises, 6 - One of the most famous and strong environmental organizations, 7 - The cooperation the people's efforts in nature conservation.





Расшифровка записи

Speaker A. Environmental problems are important today. People in big cities suffer from pollution but it's partially their own fault as their cars produce huge amounts of carbon dioxide which is the main cause of pollution. The number of personal cars is rising and when they get stuck in traffic jams, the amount of gases increases several times. People will experience problems until they learn to care more about the environment than their own comfort.

В. I've lived all my life in the city centre and I've always enjoyed the city lifestyle. However, now I'm considering moving to the countryside. It's a difficult decision but my son has started to fall ill too often. The doctors say that the polluted environment is the main reason. We live in one of the busiest streets. The traffic is very heavy there and there are often huge traffic jams. The doctors strongly recommend that we move to a healthier place.

С. I live in the suburbs. We moved there several years ago as the houses are much cheaper there than in the city centre. However I don't want to change my job so I have to commute to the centre five days a week. A personal car is a must for me. Fortunately, my children's school is on the way to the office and I drive them there every morning. When the classes are over, my wife drives them home — she can't do without her car either.

Speaker D. I live in the city centre, in a historical house. I like the place very much and would never move anywhere else. Neither me nor my neighbours drive personal cars — there's no need as living in the centre is very convenient: it takes me only fifteen minutes by bus to get to work. There are good shops and supermarkets nearby. And when I go out in the evening, I don't have to bother about where to park my. car. Life is easier on foot.

Speaker E. I believe that city dwellers should use personal cars less if they want the environment to be healthy. I never use my car if I can get to the place by bus or train. Trains and buses come and go according to the schedule and I'm never late to work or appointments. Also, buses go along special routes and escape traffic jams. I also enjoy reading on a bus or looking through the window — it's relaxing.


A−2: People in big cities suffer from pollution but it's partially their own fault as their cars produce huge amounts of carbon dioxide which is the main cause of pollution.

B−6: I've lived all my life in the city centre and I've always enjoyed the city lifestyle. However, now I'm considering moving to the countryside.

C−3: A personal car is a must for me. Fortunately, my children's school is on the way to the office and I drive them there every morning.

D−5: Neither me nor my neighbours drive personal cars — there's no need as living in the centre is very convenient

E−1: Trains and buses come and go according to the schedule and I'm never late to work or appointments. Also, buses go along special routes and escape traffic jams. I also enjoy reading on a bus or looking through the window — it's relaxing.




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