12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Старцева Ангелина Николаевна115


Variant 1

1. Translate the following expressions and fill the gaps.


1. Frostbitten fingers -

2. The agonizing decision -

3. Life or death decisions -

4. Determined not to die -


1. We've got some _________ to make at the next board meeting that will determine the fate of the company. 

2. She made ________ to cancel the trip. It cost her a lot.

3. You cannot untie a knot with _______.

4. He was ________ alone, he was surrounded by loved ones even in his last days of life.

2. Choose the right word.

1. He suffered cracked ribs and internal/inside bleeding.

2. The Club confirm Ryan Mason suffered a bruised/fractured skull when facing Chelsea.

3. You can swim only once the injury/wound has fully healed.

4. The woman was unconscious/subconscious when paramedics arrived.

5. He had a narrow/slim escape from drowning in Portsmouth harbour in 1795.

3. Fill in: head, runny, slight, flies, feet.

1. Except for Jimmy, who had a _____ nose, the children seemed in good health.

2. It is serious infection and people all around you are dropping like ______.

3. I was still feeling sort of dizzy or something, and I had a ______ache all of a sudden.

4. Good to see you back on your _____, Mr Bradley.

5. Nothing serious, just a _____ temperature that won't do her any harm.

4. Rewrite in passive.

1. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention.

2. By six o’clock they had finished the work.

3. We must bring the books tomorrow.

4. They won’t stage this play at the beginning of next season.

5. They are repairing the clock now.

5. Write sentences in causative.

1. The Smiths ______ the roof _________ last year. (repair)

2. Molly _________ the room _____________ next month. (decorate)

3. You should ________ your eyes ______ regularly. (test)

4. How often ________ you _________ your windows ________? (clean)

5. Our neighbors __________ a new garage _________ at the moment. (build)

6. Fill in: away, into, of, on, to.

1. She had nothing to complain ___ as regards her health, thank goodness!

2. I think he hides something, so I will not go ____ further detail.

3. We have no time to stop, we must go ___ running.

4. What was he allergic ___?

5. I'll be able to make the nightmares go ____.


Variant 2

1. Translate the following expressions and fill the gaps.


1. Against all odds -

2. Reach the summit -

3. Incredible tale of survival -

4. Send them to certain death -


1. Using certain routes, climbers can ________ without ropes or technical equipment.

2. But he also can heal travelers or ________ to Baba Yaga.

3. But unbelievably, Alexander woke up - ________.

4. Aron Ralston who is famous for his self-amputation – is the great example of the ________.

2. Choose the right word.

1. Was it true that these pills could cure/treat her serious illness, or you lied all this time?

2. This trip is too exhausting for me, my legs really hurt/pain.

3. Tom scratched/cut his finger while he was cooking meat.

4. Oh my God! That woman fractured/broke her leg, I could even see her bone!

5. For this task you need forceful or even harsh/severe temper.

3. Fill in: color, pain, infection, blocked, weather.

1. I got an eye ____ and had to wear an eye patch on stage.

2. You know, when I was in that hallway, when the lights went out, last thing I remember was a sharp ____ in my shoulder.

3. Your wife is a little under the ____ at the moment she must stay in bed.

4. For other patients with very dry, _____ noses, frequent sprays of salt water can help.

5. I feel off ___ today, may I stay at home?

4. Rewrite in passive.

1. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century.

2. They sell milk in this shop.

3. The girl’s mother did not allow her to go to the concert.

4. We should translate this article at the lesson on Tuesday. 

5. They will show this film on TV.

5. Write sentences in causative.

1. My mother ________ her hair ________ blonde by her hairdresser yesterday. (dye)

2. I _________ my teeth __________ one a year. (check)

3. Peter ___________ his car battery ________ right now. (change)

4. _____ you _________ your car _________ regularly? (service)


5. I _________ my room ___________ in white soon. (paint)

6. Fill in: with, through, ahead, from, in.

1. Maybe something spooked him and he couldn't go _____ his usual routine.

2. He was absolutely helpless and covered ____ blood.

3. Dill had seemed to be all right that day, nothing wrong with him, but I guessed he hadn't fully recovered ____ flu.

4. I suppose we need to go ______ this task right now, or it will be too late.

5. Russia has been involved ______ both investigations.


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