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Белова Светлана Сергеевна8512
Россия, Ярославская обл.

Контрольная работа
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Контрольная работа 9 класс к УМК В.П. Кузовлева «English»
Unit 3 «What's the news?»
Part I. Listening (16 points-max)
Task 1. Listen to the tape about mass media and answer if these statements are true or false.
Mass media (that is, the press, the radio and television) play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. Mass media mould public opinion. Millions of people in their spare time watch TV and read newspapers.
Everybody can find there something interesting for him. On the radio one can hear music, plays, news and various discussions or commentaries of current events. Multiple radio or TV games and films attract a large audience. Newspapers are used in different ways, but basically they are read.
There is a lot of advertisment on mass media. Some of the TV and radio stations and newspapers are owned by different corporations. The owners can advertise whatever they choose.
But it is hardly fair to say that mass media do not try to raise cultural level of the people or to develop their artistic taste. Mass media brings to millions of homes not only entertaiment and news but also cultural and educational programs.
There are more then six TV channels and lot's of radio stations and newspapers now in the Russian Federation.
1. Mass media play a great role in the life of society.
2. Multiple radio or TV games and films don't attract a large audience. 
3. There isn't a lot of advertisment on mass media nowadays.
4. Millions of people in their spare time read books.
5. There are less then five TV channels and radio stations and newspapers now in the Russian Federation.
6. People don't like listen to the radio in Russia.
7. Mass media do not try to raise cultural level of the people.
Task 2.What information was not mentioned in the text?
1. The information about the Internet.
2. The information about different kinds of mass media..
3. The information about the radio.
4. The information about the television.
Part II. Reading (19 points-max)
Task 3.Read the text and decide if the statements given below are true/false or not stated.
Newspaper is a publication that presents and comments on the news. Newspapers play an important role in shaping public opinion and informing people of current events.The first newspapers were probably handwritten news-sheets posted in public places. The earliest daily newssheet was "Acta Diurna" ("Daily Events") which started in Rome in 59 B.C. The first printed newspaper was Chinese publication called "Dibao" (pronounced "Ti -pao") started in A.D. 700's. It was printed from carved wooden blocks. The first regularly published newspaper in Europe was "Avisa Relation" or "Zeitung", started in Germany in 1609.Newspapers have certain advantages over other mass media — magazines, TV and radio. Newspaper can cover more news and in much detail than TV or radio newscast can do. Magazines focus on major national and international events of the preceding week. But newspaper focuses on local news as well and provides information and comments faster than magazine can do.There are about 1700 daily and 7500 weekly newspapers in the US. The circulation of some weeklies is no more than a few hundred of copies per issue and the circulation of some dailies is over a million of copies.There are daily newspapers and weekly newspapers. Daily newspapers print world, national and local news. Many dailies are morning papers, others are afternoon papers. Sunday issues of the dailies are usually larger than the weekday ones. They may include special sections on such topics as entertainment, finance and travel or Sunday magazine, a guide to TV programmes, colored comics. The major dailies in the US are "Christian Science Monitor", "New York Times", "USA Today", "Wall Street Journal", "Washington Post".Weekly newspapers serve usually for smaller areas. They are printed in small communities where people know each other and are interested in activities of their friends and neighbours. Weeklies report of weddings, births, deaths and news of local business and politics. Most weeklies do not print world or national news.
1)Newspaper is a publication that presents and comments on the news.
a) True
b) False
c) Not stated
2) Newspapers don't play a great role in shaping public opinion and informing people of current events.
a) True
b) False
c) Not stated
3) The first newspapers were printed in 1854. 
a) True
b) False
c) Not stated
4) The first regularly published newspaper in Europe was  "Spiegel".
a) True
b) False
c) Not stated
5) Magazines focus on major national and international events of the preceding.
a) True
b) False
c) Not stated
6) Weekly newspapers are printed in small communities where people know each other and are interested in activities of their friends and neighbours.
a) True
b) False
c) Not stated
Task 4.Match seven texts A— G with the appropriate titles. One of the titles is extra.
1. A new music instrument
2. The latest fashion
3. A mobile for grandma
4. Phone addiction
5. A strange competition
6. A law against mobiles
7. Back to real-life communication
8. Digital personal assistants
A. Young people often worry about the style and functions of mobile phones. However, today companies present more models for people who are over 50 or 60 years old. They need a mobile phone with large buttons, so that they can dial numbers without glasses. The menu is also simple. It really doesn't matter if the phone has a camera or the Internet. For them, less is more.
B. Today, when friends meet in a cafe, they put their mobile phones in the middle of the table. They aren't allowed to touch them at all. If someone does it and answers the phone, they have to pay for everybody. Sounds fun, right? The idea is to make people concentrate on a real conversation with each other instead of using their mobiles all the time.
C. Visitors of theatres and cinemas often complain that mobile phones ring during performances. The city government of New York passed a new act. It is now forbidden to use mobile phones in places, like theaters, libraries, museums, galleries, and cinemas. Those who don't switch off their mobiles will have to pay $50.
D. With mobile phones we can contact anyone, anywhere, any time. Scientists say that some people are so used to mobiles that they can't go to the kitchen without them. They are in panic if they leave them at home or lose. It has become a habit to have a mobile everywhere. People depend on mobile phones so much that doctors have started worrying. They say it may be a thing similar to drugs.
E. Throwing mobile phones is an international sport that started in Finland in 2000. Traditionally participants throw mobile phones over their shoulders. The person, who throws farthest, wins. There's also freestyle throwing. In this contest sportsmen should throw a mobile in a beautiful and creative way.
F. In 2010, a young girl from China made a song using only her mobile phone. She wrote it without any guitars, pianos, drums. She used different functions of her mobile. It took her several days to record the song. Later she made a video of it and put the video on the Internet, where over a million people watched it. She sent the song to the Apple company and suggested using it in their advertisements.
G. Today's mobile phones can already send e-mails, surf the Internet, and keep you in touch with friends. Tomorrow's phones are like helpful secretaries. In a few years you'll see that they know your habits and can advise you what to cook for dinner. They will remind you where to go and what present to buy.
  Part III. The Use of English (17 points-max)
Task 5. Read the following text.
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте слово, напечатанное заглавными буквами в скобках так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста. Заполните пропуск полученным словом.
Anna was glad that the academic year was about to finish. Like most ___________(CHILD) she was looking forward to the summer but not because she wanted to relax. Her plans ____________(BE) ambitious. Anna wanted to buy a professional digital camera and it wasn't easy to save enough money. Anna had already chosen the model she wanted. Her dad said that he ______________(GIVE) her the camera in a couple of years. But Anna ____________(NOT CAN) wait so long, she needed it right then. “If I __________(HAVE) it now, I would be able to take part in the Professional Photograph Competition. Everyone says I've got talent,” she said to herself looking at the magazine where an article about the competition _____________(PUBLISH). While she was reading the article for the _________(TWO) time, a brilliant idea came to her — why not take up a summer job as a photographer? She reached for the phone and dialed the number of the ____________(LARGE) photography agency in the town. “Hello, can I help you?” the woman's voice sounded encouraging and Anna _____________(THINK) that she probably had a chance.
Task 6.Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.
1) a network                                               a) публика
2) an audience                            b) сообщать, передавать
3) to transmit                          с) коммерческая передача
4) advertising                                   d) незаимствованный
5) a commercial                                          e) за границей
6) to go online                                            f) вещать
7) original                                      g) выходить в Интернет
8) overseas                                           h) рекламирование
9) to broadcast                                            i) (-теле/-радио) сеть
Part IV. Writing (10 points-max)
Task 7.Your pen-friend Jane wrote a letter to you. In her letter she asks you to tell her about your favorite mass media.  Don't forget to answer Jane's questions:
-Do you like reading to newspapers? Why?
-How often do you buy newspapers?
-What is your favorite TV programme?
Part IV. Speaking (13 points-max)
Task 8.Tell about your favorite mass media in 10-12 sentences. 
Task 9.Answer 6 questions on the topic «Mass media»:
1. How old are you?
2. What is your favorite journal?
3. How often do you read newspapers?
4. How often do you listen to the radio?
5. What is your favorite TV channel?
6. What TV programmes are popular in Russia?
7. What newspapers are popular in Russia?
Максимальное количество баллов - 75 бaллов
37-57 баллов – оценка «3»
58- 70 баллов оценка «4»
71-75 баллов – оценка «5»
Опубликовано в группе «Наши интересные уроки по английскому языку»

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