Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть для учащихся 6 класса

Материал опубликован 24 October 2021

                                                                                                                6th Grade                       

Test                        1st quarter

Pronouns \ Местоимения    

I)Вставьте  some, any или nо.

 1. There are ... flowers in the garden.

a)some b) no   c) any

 2. Are there ... fresh pies for breakfast?

a)some b) no c) any

 3. There are ... new houses in our new region .

a) some b) no c) any

 4 . Are there ...  English textbooks in the classroom? —No, there aren't ... .

 a) some b) no c) any

 5 . There is ... pencil-case on the desk.

a) some b) no c) any

 6 . Are there ... candies in your pocket? - - Yes, there are ... .

 a) some, any b)  any, some c)no, some

 7 .There is ... record book in his bag. .

a) some b) no c) any

II) Вставьте  something,  anything, nothing или everything.

 1 ... is OK, doctor. My father is much better today.

a) anything, b) something, c) nothing ,d) everything

 2. Is there ... new in this magazine?

a) anything, b) something, c) nothing ,d) everything

 3. I can’t notice   ...  new in his wardrobe.

a) anything, b) something, c) nothing ,d) everything

  4. Give me ... tasty  to eat.

a) anything, b) something, c) nothing ,d) everything

5. I  haven’t got  credit card with me so I couldn't buy ... .

a) anything, b) something, c) nothing ,d) everything

III)Вставьте somebody, anybody, nobody или everybody. 

1. Have you got  ...  new in your classroom?

a)anybody, b)  somebody, c) everybody , d) nobody

 2. ... help her  with homework yesterday .She can’t do it herself.

a)anybody, b)  somebody, c) everybody , d) nobody

 3. The problem was not so easy and ... could solve it alone.

a)anybody, b)  somebody, c) everybody , d) nobody

 4. I am sure that …. is in the office now. It is 10 p. m. .

a)anybody, b)  somebody, c) everybody , d) nobody

 5. ... knows that water and air are necessary for people’s lives.

a)anybody, b)  somebody, c) everybody , d) nobody

IV) Вставьте  a lot of, many, few, little, much

1. There is too … salt in that salad.

a) a lot of b) many c) much d ) little

2. There are … sky-scrapers in our city(много)

a)much   b) a few   c) a little d) a lot of

3. I’ve got … CDs of this rap group (несколько)

a) a little b) a few c) many d ) much

4. I am a pensioner, that’s why I can travel ….

a) much b) a few  c) many d) a lot

5. I’ve got … free time(немного), so I can’t go the disco tonight.

a) many  b) few c) little


V) Fill in the words :

1There is a nice park on the…of the river.

2. Which Russian …was the last in our country?

3…. the textbook! You are in the 6th grade.

4. Who was the sculptor of this …?

5. Don’t …. by the window! It’s cold outside.

6. The…..on the blood is the most beautiful in our city.

7. There are only some ….houses in our region.

8. It is snowing today. And the snow …the water.

9. The 21st …is the age of information technology.

10. ….Charles is the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth 2.

(Monument, prince, turn into, century, tsar, wooden, bank, stand, cathedral, change)


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