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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Борис-Глебская средняя общеобразовательная школа

Контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для 7 класса

Разработала: учитель 1 квалификационной категории

Зубарева Юлия Сергеевна

Данная контрольная работа разработана для учащихся 7 класса общеобразовательной школы.

Направлена на проверку у учащихся знаний по темам:

-appearance and character,

- job,

- modal verbs,

- health.

Работа включает в себя задания на установление соответствия, восстановление последовательности событий, множественный выбор, альтернативный выбор, восстановление соответствия.

Инструкция для учащихся по выполнению.

На выполнение работы отводится 45 минут. В работе вам встретятся разные задания. Все ответы заносятся в таблицу после каждого задания. Внимательно читайте задания! Если вы ошиблись и хотите исправить ответ, то аккуратно зачеркните его и запишите тот ответ, который считаете верным.

1.Choose the correct verb to complete each of the sentences:

Jane’s parents sent Jane to England so that she ___________ learn English.

Could b) should c) can d) must

Tom helped Kate to clean the kitchen so that they ____________ go to the cinema in the evening.

Have to b) can c) could d) may



2.Choose the right synonym of the word or expression given below:

As a rule

Usually b) recently c) always d) never


Shy b) quiet c) noisy d) confident


angry b) kind c) wild d) cruel




3.Match each words with the right synonym

1.Strong a)sociable

2.Shy b)polite

3.Rude c)weak

4.Selfish d)sensitive





4.Read the dialogue and decide if the sentences are true or false

Tom was discharged last week

Ten others workers were discharged with Tom

Tom has already found a new job

Tom doesn’t get benefit

Chris think that Tom was underpaid by his company

Anne: Have you heard the latest news about Tom?

Chris: No, I have not. What happened?

Anne: He was discharged last week together with nine other workers from his company.

Chris: Poor Tom. So he is unemployed now.

Anne: That’s right. He started to look for another job but with no success so far.

Chris: But he gets benefit, does not he?

Anne: Yes, he does. But it is not much.

Chris: I suppose not. I think Tom was underpaid by his company, but I am sure he will be able to find a better paid job soon.






5.Read the sentences and match the right adjective to complete the sentences:

She is so ___________. Her mouth never closes.

Please do not eat this. It can be ________________

When somebody’s feelings are easily hurt, you can say that this person is__________

When somebody is about 45 years old, you can say that this person is_____________





6.Put the sentences in the correct order

1.Everybody stays up late to celebrate the arrival of another new year.

2.Times Square in New York City is one of the noisiest and most crowded places in America on that night.

3.Thousandsof New Yorkers get together there and millions of Americans join them via.

4.At home or in restaurant, most Americans spend the last hours of the old year and the first hours of the new year drinking and dining with friends.

5. New Year ‘s celebrations often continue till two or three o’clock in the morning.

6.When midnight comes to New York, it is 11 p.m in Chicago, 10 p.m in Denver and only 9 p.m in Los Angeles.

7.The New Year arrives earlier in the east than in other parts of the country.

8. New Year’s Eve is a time for merriment.

9.Many people travel from one party to another to ctlebrate with several different groups of friends.










7.Match the titles with the paragraphs


Retirement age

Different programmes of help

To take care of people

At the end of the 19th century an average American lived to the age of 47. Today life expectancy has risen to 74. At the same time infant mortality has gone down and now fewer than one percent of infants die in their first year. Good medical care, hospitals and extensive medical health services are available to most Americans.

One of the main health problems in the United States is the care of older people who suffer from incurable diseases. The government helps those who are 65 or older and who cannot pay for health benefits. The Medicare programme helps these person in paying for hospital care, home-nursing services and outpatient hospital diagnosis and treatment. It pays about 75 percent of the money needed for hospital care and about 55 percent of the money needed to pay doctors’ fees.

There are many other government programmes which help people. The largest of them is the Social Security programme. The money for this programme comes from people’s taxes. About 7 percent of each working American’s wages goes to the Social Security programme. This money is used in several ways. When people reach retirement age –they must be at least 62- they can stop working and receive a monthly Social Security payment. Most Americans prefer to retire at the age of 65 because the payment is a little higher then. When a worker becomes disabled and cannot work, he or she receives some Social Security payment. Also widows and the young children of workers who die before retirement age are paid some Social Security benefits.





Задание 1

1-А 2-С

Задание 2

1-А 2-В 3-С

Задание 3

1-c 2-a 3-b 4-d

Задание 4

1-T 2-F 3-F 4-F 5-T

Задание 5

Talkative 2- Poisonous 3- Sensitive 4- Middle-aged

Задание 6

8, 1, 4, 2, 3,7,6, 5,9

Задание 7

A-1 B-4 C-3

Система оценивания

За каждый правильный ответ начисляется 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов -30.

Оценка «5»-26-30 баллов

Оценка «4»-18-25 баллов

Оценка «3»- 9-17 баллов

Оценка «2»-0-8 баллов

Дата проведения: с 10 февраля по 17 февраля
Опубликовано в группе «УРОК.РФ: группа для участников конкурсов»

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