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Lesson 1 Personal identification

What are we going to talk about today? *family *address *character *likes and dislikes *telephone number *date, place of birth, age *appearance *occupation

You meet a boy near your school. He is a new boy in your class: * ask him to answer your questions: -What’s your name/surname? -Where are you from? How old are you? Where and when were you born? When is your birthday? What’s your address and telephone number? What are you likes and dislikes? How lagre is your family? What does your mother (father etc.) do?

Here are two forms. The first one is Boris’. Look at it and say all you can about him. Than talk about yourself.

Say what their telephone numbers are. Nina: 545-17-36 Klim: 332-14-02 Vova: 430-29-50 Larisa: 953–00-22 Oksana: 955-38-40 Andrei: 275-82-20 Page 5, ex. 5.

Look at the pictures and a) say what their jobs are; b) divide all the jobs into 3 columns: -er, -or, -man.

Read the sentences to guess the meaning of the following jobs. A baker is a person who makes bread. A butcher is a person who sells meat. A grocer is a person who sells sugar, flour, salt, etc. A greengrocer is a person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit. A nurse is a person who works in hospitals and helps doctors. A salesman is a person who sells different things. A secretary is a person who works in the office and helps her boss with letters and other papers. A typist is a person who types letters and other papers.

Word Transcription Translation A baker [‘beikə] пекарь A butcher [‘bʊtʃə] мясник A grocer [‘ɡrəʊsə] бакалейщик A greengrocer [‘ɡri:n’ ɡrəʊsə] Зеленщик, продавец фруктов A nurse [nɜ:s] Медсестра, няня A salesman [‘seilzmən] продавец A secretary [‘sekrətri] секретарь A typist [‘taipist] машинистка

Look at the pictures and say what their jobs are: