"Lexical parallels in the Russian and English languages"
Main body……………………………………………………………………3
The words with absolute sound likeness…………………………………..3
The words with partial sound likeness……………………………………3
«False friend»……………………………………………………………..5
Appendix №1…………………………………………………………………7
Appendix №2…………………………………………………………………12
Appendix №3…………………………………………………………………13
Lexical parallels in the Russian and English languages.
I like to learn English. I learn it at school and with my private teacher. At my English lessons our teacher paid our attention to the fact that some English words look like the Russian words. One day my mother bought me the English book «The Jungle book» by R.Kipling. I found out that many English words looked like the Russian words (Appendix №1). For example, jungle – джунгли, a panther – пантера, a tiger – тигр etc. I became interested and decided to pay special attention to the choice of words, which look like the Russian words. The aim of my work is to find lexical parallels in the Russian and English languages for making my English vocabulary rich.
Main body
I have read 10 books (Appendix №2). I have chosen the words which have absolute or partial likeness in the two languages (Appendix №3). I divided these words into some groups and subgroups.
So, I could:
see common features of the words;
learn that a new word can give interesting information about Britain;
understand that learning a new word can give a chance to learn more words.
Тhe words with absolute sound likeness.
We read these words in the same way in Russian and English and understand them at once.
For example:
stop – стоп, остановиться
tennis – теннис
jam – джем
text – текст
film – фильм
The words with partial sound likeness.
We cannot read these words in the same way in Russian and English because there are specific rules of reading in the English language. But we can hear some sound likeness.
chocolate – шоколад
rice – рис
tiger – тигр
sister – сестра
These groups can be divided into some subgroups:
The words which came into Russian from English and are used together with our native Russian words:
present- презент, подарок;
airplane- аэроплан, самолёт;
sandwich- сандвич, бутерброд(из нем.);
puzzle- пазл, головоломка;
pilot- пилот, лётчик;
show- шоу, показ.
The compound words which came into Russian from English and help us learn not only a new word but several new words:
football- футбол = foot-ступня + ball- мяч;
bulldog- бульдог = bull- бык + dog- собака;
cowboy- пастух = cow- корова + boy- мальчик;
gentleman- джентльмен = gentle- вежливый, знатный + man- человек;
butterfly- бабочка = butter- масло + fly- муха.
The words which came from English into Russian and help us learn not only a new word but also some information about the countries of the English speaking world:
- бадминтон + название города в Англии, где эта игра зародилась;
- ватман + имя английского бизнесмена Дж. Ватман;
- напиток + листья коки (кустарник) и плоды колы (дерево).
I found out some common features of borrowed English words:
сombination «дж» can not be met in Russian words.
jumper-джемпер, gentleman-джентльмен, jungle-джунгли, jeep-джип, image-имидж
aspirate «h» is not known in the Russian phonetics and we pronounce the sound «х» or «г».
hockey – хоккей, hobby – хобби, hall – холл.
suffix -er in nouns.
sweater-свитер, cracker- крекер, thriller-триллер, hamburger- гамбургер.
ending - ing.
rating-рейтинг, meeting-митинг.
- man in compound words.
businessman-бизнесмен, sportsman-спортсмен, policeman-полисмен, showman-шоумен.
3. «False friends».
A group of words which have a sound likeness with some Russian words but their translation is different:
magazine- журнал;
artist- художник;
biscuit- сухое печенье;
velvet- бархат
We should remember these words!
2. The words with partial sound likeness.
1.Тhe words with absolute sound likeness.
3. «False friends».
c) The words which came from English into Russian and help us learn not only a new word but also some information about the countries of the English speaking world
This separation of words into the groups helps to find their common features and so to remember a lot of new English words quickly. It makes a process of studying English faster and more interesting.
I have made some rules:
- We should read English words attentively.
- We should look at the English words carefully.
- We should use the knowledge about the word formation.
- We should have a wish to learn English.
So, I can make a conclusion:
1. There are many words in English which look like the Russian words ( I have made the dictionary of these words. My work will be continued).
2. People of different nations borrowed and borrow many words from other languages.
3. I think that we can find words which look like the Russian and English ones in many other languages. That’s why studying one more language will not be difficult.
Selected bibliography.
Chicken Run, Level 2, retold Nonia W.Dodd
Beauty and the Beast
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, adapted for ELT by Joanne Swan
Pat’s picture, level 2, by Ben Smith
Little Red Riding Hood,
Oliver Twist, by Charls Dickens
Jennings and his friend, by Antony Buckeridge
The Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling
The Mummy: Against the Elements, by Greg Klein and Tom Pugsley
Английский в фокусе 2,3,4, Н.Быкова и др.
Контрольные задания к учебнику «Английский в фокусе»
3000 примеров по английскому языку, автор О. В. Терентьева
Appendix №1.
accord аккорд
actor актёр
аccurate точный
Africa Африка
ananas ананас
Antarctic Антарктика
antenna антенна
aspirin аспирин
atlas атлас
baggage багаж
begonia бегония
ball балл, бал
ballet балет
cabinet шкаф
cacao какао
cactus кактус
calendar календарь
camera фотоаппарат
canal канал
centre центр
check чек
chocolate шоколад
class класс
cobra кобра
coca-cola кока-кола
coffee кофе
combination комбинезон
computer компьютер
concert концерт
conductor проводник, провожатый, дирижер
consultant консультант
cosmos космос
crab краб
creme сливки
crocodile крокодил
crocus крокус
cross кросс
culture культура
director режиссер
disk диск
diskette дискета
doctor доктор
document документ
duet дует
ellipse элипс
elixir эликсир
engineer инженер
fantastic фантастика
festival фестиваль
figure фигура
file файл
film фильм
final финал
finish финиш
flag флаг
formula формула
gamma гамма
geometry геометрия
giraffe жираф
gnome гном
goose гусь
hacker хакер
hall холл
hockey хоккей
hospital госпиталь
hotel отель
idea идея
ideal идеал
image имидж
jaguar ягуар
jam варенье
jeans джинсы
jeep джип
junior юниор
June июнь
lady леди
laser лазер
leader лидер
lemonade лимонад
lemur лемур
lily лилия
machine машина
mango манго
May май
mayor мэр
master мастер
metro метро
Mexico Мексика
microscope микроскоп
million миллион
minus минус
minute минута
mode мода
mum мама
nose нос
ocean океан
orange оранжевый
original оригинал
panama панама
panda панда
park парк
penguin пингвин
pelican пеликан
photographer фотограф
piano пианино
pilot пилот
plan план
player плейер
present презент
prince принц
problem проблема
product продукт
program программа
professional профессионал
professor профессор
puma пума
puzzle пазл
quartet квартет
radio радио
radish редис
rebus ребус
rice рис
robot робот
rose роза
safe сейф
salon салон
salute салют
sandwich сэндвич
satin атлас
scorpion скорпион
secret секрет
shorts шорты
show шоу
sister сестра
site сайт
sofa софа
start старт
stop остановиться
soup суп
sphinx сфинкс
student студент
studio студия
superman супермен
sympathy сочувствие
tango танго
taxi такси
telephone телефон
temperature температура
tennis теннис
test тест
text текст
tomato помидор
vase ваза
velvet бархат
video видео
video cassette видео кассета
viking викинг
visit визит
yogurt йогурт
yoyo йо-йо
zebra зебра
Chicken Run, Level 2, retold Nonia W.Dodd 500
Beauty and the Beast 500
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, adapted for ELT by Joanne Swan 1650
Pat’s picture, level 2, by Ben Smith 500
Little Red Riding Hood, 650
Oliver Twist, by Charls Dickens 10400
Jennings and his friend, by Antony Buckeridge 9500
The Jungle Book, by Rudyard Kipling 500
The Mummy: Against the Elements, by Greg Klein and Tom Pugsley 500
Spotlight 2,3,4 (student’s book) by Bikova.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The diagram to show a number of topical words in the general number of words in the books
█ - The general number of words in the books.
█ - A number of topical words.