Методическая тема: «Роль самостоятельной работы на уроках иностранного языка» тема «Учебно – методическая литература при изучении иностранного языка»

Материал опубликован 2 June 2021 в группе

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Панченко Лариса Сергеевна – преподаватель иностранного языка Методическая тема: «Роль самостоятельной работы на уроках иностранного языка» тема «Учебно – методическая литература при изучении иностранного языка»

Изучение английского языка ориентировано на углубление знаний учащихся по конкретным профессиям и предусматривает знакомство с профессиональной лексикой. Изучение английского языка ориентировано на углубление знаний учащихся по конкретным профессиям и предусматривает знакомство с профессиональной лексикой.


At the Supermarket There аге manу kinds of shops catering for needs of tlle population. You сап go shopping to small food stores: tlle grocery store, liquor store, store of dairy products, butcher's, bakery, greengrocer's, fish­monger's, confectionery, candy store. But 1 prefer to shops in large stores - supermarkets. Supermarkets sell mоге than just food. Мапу sell items for the саг,household goods, cosmetics and cigarettes. Some еуеп sell books, medicines and flowers. А large modern supermarket has Ьееп opened recently not far from mу block of flats and most often i go shopping there. I ат its regular customer now. When you соmе into the supermarket, you have to take а food basket ог а shopping cart to put all the products you buy. Аll the necessary foodstuffs сап Ье bought here: meat, fish, milk, grocery, baked items, sweets, cooked sausages, smoked foods, vegetables and fruit.

In tlle meat aisle the customers сап Ьиу beef, pork, mutton, veal, poultry and game. Тhеге is always а rich choice of fish there: live сагр, pike, Ьгеаm and heat fish. Тheгe is much fresh-frozen fish: percll, cod, plaice and some other like pike-perell and sturgeon.There is herring, kipper аnd much tinned fish too. In the grocery aisle уоu сап see all kinds of ceгeals: oatmeal, semolina, rice, buckwlleat, millet, реагl baгley. Уоu саn Ьuу cooking soda, spices, flour, реа, potato flour, salt, oil, macaroni, vermicelli, nооdles and some other products. Everything is sold in ready packets. Уоu go to the dairy counter to Ьиу milk products. There is always а wide choice of them: milk in bottles апd packets, сгеаm, kefir sour cгеаm, cheese, curds, cottage cheese, сгеаm cheese, mапу kinds of yogurt, mayonnaise, mагgагiпе and butter. Most often eggs аге sold in the dairy department too. At the bread counter уоu take loaves of brown (гуе) ог wllite (wlleat) read, rusks, rolls and buns. Тheгe is а big choice of items in the confectionery: sugar, granulated gar, caramel, sweets, chocolates, bars of chocolate, biscuits, pastry,jam puffs, fапсу cakes, tarts, fruit cakes, wafers, marmalade and also tеа, coffee, сосоа.next to it is the delicatessen соuпtег (deli) which offers уои all ·nds of sausages: boiled,half-smoked and smoked, liver paste,ham,lean boiled pork witll spices (buzheпiпa), tiппеd beef and pork. The green grocery апd fruit aisles look уегу attracting. Неге уои саn buу fresh,tinned and dried vegetables, fruit and greens. Juicy pears, ples, plums, grapes, oranges, tangerines, bananas, lemons and pinеаррlеs аге sold in еуегу season. In spring and summer the shop has great variety of Ьеrriеs: stгаwЬеrriеs, сhеrriеs, гаsрЬеrriеs, black and d сuпапts, gооsЬепiеs. In autumn and winter - red ЬilЬепiеs and cranЬеrriеs and all уеаг round уоu сап have fruit and Ьеггу jams. After buying all the necessary products, уou соmе uр to the cashier"s desk to рау the mоnеу. Sometimes there аге а lot of customers in the shop and уоu havе to get in line, but most often it dоеsп't take uch time. If уои аге а smart shopper, уои сотраге prices, pick out foodstuffs, ·ays look at tlle date оn the labels of perishable foods, check the change and look fог bargains. As the English say, "А реnnу saved is а penny earned."


If уои аге in а huггу, уои сап have а snack in а Ьаг. There аге mапу kinds of bars in Moscow: snack bars, express bars, milk bars, Ьеег bars. Besides, if уои аге hungгу but have too little time for eating, уоu сап take а quick bite in а cafe "Russian Bistro" ог "Russian Bliny". But if you seek the gastronomical experience of your life, уои should go somewllere else. There аге hundгеds of restaurants in Moscow to satisfy everyone's taste - from traditional Russian food to the finest of French wines and delicacies of tlle Far East. The Russian people have always Ьееп gourmets. Moscow famous restaurants were геЬоrn in оur time. Оnе сап again visit "Уаг" ог "Metropol". Мапу new restaurants keep tlle old traditions ofthe Russian cuisine and hospitality. Each restaurant has its specialties of the house. Iп Еuroреап, American and oriental restauгants of Moscow уоu сап order international dishes although each restaurant as а rule specializes in опе of the national cuisil1es. The French cuisine has had the leading role in Moscow homes and restaurants since Peter the Great's times. Iп today's Moscow you сап find а classical choice of French dishes at the art restaurant "Nostalgie". The restaurant has а vast wine list and а sommelier to help уоu make the right choice. Italian cuisine il1 Moscow is опе oftlle most popular. Speaking about Italian cuisine, it is impossible not to mention the beloved pasta and the internationally popular pizza. Best Moscow restaurants, "Pizza Express" for example, offer you а great cllOice of pasta with different sauces as wel! as тапу pizzas - Neapolitaпa, 4 Seasoпs, Margarita,which Ьесаmе Muscovites' favourites. North America cuisine is also уегу popular in Moscow. The main food for modern Americans and Canadians is vegetables and fruit salads. Steak-house restaurants аге proud of meat dishes. Тhe leading dish here is American steak. If you аге interested in the culinary arts of Indoclina, you have to visit popular Cllinese, Japanese ог Когеа11 restaurants. The people of Indochina eat practically еуегу kind of food, but in the culinary art they don't use Еuropean dairy products. They almost nevег use salt but they use soya sauce, rice wine, sesame oil and starch diluted in water as dressings. It is impossibIe to describe all the variety of delicious dishes of different countries. Оuг advice is to visit these restaurants and taste everything yourself.


Russian Cuisine Russian cuisine is rich and varied. Тlleгe is а big choice о[ appetize soups,hot and dessert dishes .. Soup makes аn important part оf а Russian meal. The traditional Russian soups аге shchee (fresh cabbage теat shchee, sauerkraut shchee, shchee Petrovsskie cooked from pike-perch and fresh cabbage), borshch,rassolпik (kidney and salted сиситber soup), meat and fish solyaпka, ukha, mushroom soup and soup season - okroshka and cold beetroot soup.No two recipes аге the same fог borshch and shchee. Мапу ways оf cutting and cooking meat сате from France, that is why they have Fгепсh temls: апtrеkоt, eskalop,file. Roast suckling pig_is а classic festive dish оп the Russian tabIe. The traditional method was to roast the pig оn а baking tray in the оvеn. it was cooked with the hеad left оn, basted frequently with oil ог butter and seгved witll buckwlle and sometimes witll а ]1Ot sauce. A1exander Grigoгyevich Stroganoff gave his nаmе at the end оf the 19th centuгy to а dish-beef Stroganoff . Stroganoff lived in Odessa and had а уегу good cook why was either french.

Pelmeпi is another specialty of Russian cookery, which has its histогу. Under the Mongol yoke pelmeпi Ьесате estabIished in siberia and the Urals and gradually spread оп all the territory of Russia. Nowadays there is а great number of recipes and varieties of them. Traditional muxture of beef, pork and elk is used to make minced meat. it is interting that the whole ceremony of making pelтeпi exists in the villages of Siberia. There is а local tradition there that the families gather at the table опсе or twice а month in winter and spend the whole affernoon tо make а vast batch of pelтeпi.the women make the dough and chop the meat, the mеп do the fоlding.the traditional fогm is ear-shaped, but they соте iп all shapes froт square to triangles. Тhеп the pelтeпi are deep fгоzеп and kept in sacks, bags or buckets iп cold pantries. Russian cooking makes greater and more varied use of mushrooms thап апу other cuisine iп the world. They are еаtеп raw, dressed with herbs, cooked into soups апd pies, baked with cream. А popular wiпtег delicacy is pickIed or salted mushrooms, which are eaten as hors doeuvres. The great Russiап fish are fresh water fish, headed Ьу the celebrated sterlet froт the river Volga. They include severa] varieties of sturgеоп and over а dozen diffегепt sаlтоп. Of the extensive sаlmоп fami]y fera(trout) - sig - is still kпоwп to some people as "the Tsar's fish". They аге seгved hot апd cold, smoked, il1 aspic or stuffed, fried, marinated and tl1e like. And, of course, soft, pressed and red caviar is the hit of every festive table. The Епglish word "porridge" is по good for translating kasha, which covers a]most all ways of cooking all grains in water, milk, stock and cream. There is а large variety of consistel1cies froт dгy (Iike rice) to а thick рurее. the simplest and traditional way to seгve Russian kasha is plenty of good butter. As the saying goes: "Уоu can't spoil kasha with butter". - There is а large variety of poultry and game dishes in Russian cuisine: roast chicken, roast duck and goose stuffed with apples and sauerkraut, roast partridge, ]1azel grouse, woodcock, black cock, pl1easant and quail. They аге juicy and tel1der dishes. А large variety of milk products are used in Russian cooking: а sort of dгy, gгаnulаtеd сгеаm cheese called tvorog, thick sour сгеаm called sтetaпa and sеvегаl types of sour-milk ргоduсts of the yogurt type. Sтetaпa сап Ье used with almost anything: we сап dгеss soups, meat dishes, stгаwЬегriеs and apples sliced ир with it. It is also used оп рапсаkеs апd dгuпk Ьу the glassful with ог without sugar. Sтetaпa is also ап almost universal f1avouring sauce. Smetaпa is made froт сгеат and contains 2,5 % of protein, 20-40 % of fat, lactic acid. Kefir is а dietary beverage made from cow's milk, yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Ryazheпka is а sour milk product made from baked milk. Pelmeпi is another specialty of Russian cookery, which has its histогу. Under the Mongol yoke pelmeпi Ьесате estabIished in siberia and the Urals and gradually spread оп all the territory of Russia. Nowadays there is а great number of recipes and varieties of them. Traditional muxture of beef, pork and elk is used to make minced meat. it is interting that the whole ceremony of making pelтeпi exists in the villages of Siberia. There is а local tradition there that the families gather at the table опсе or twice а month in winter and spend the whole affernoon tо make а vast batch of pelтeпi.the women make the dough and chop the meat, the mеп do the fоlding.the traditional fогm is ear-shaped, but they соте iп all shapes froт square to triangles. Тhеп the pelтeпi are deep fгоzеп and kept in sacks, bags or buckets iп cold pantries. Russian cooking makes greater and more varied use of mushrooms thап апу other cuisine iп the world. They are еаtеп raw, dressed with herbs, cooked into soups апd pies, baked with cream. А popular wiпtег delicacy is pickIed or salted mushrooms, which are eaten as hors doeuvres. The great Russiап fish are fresh water fish, headed Ьу the celebrated sterlet froт the river Volga. They include severa] varieties of sturgеоп and over а dozen diffегепt sаlтоп. Of the extensive sаlmоп fami]y fera(trout) - sig - is still kпоwп to some people as "the Tsar's fish". They аге seгved hot апd cold, smoked, il1 aspic or stuffed, fried, marinated and tl1e like. And, of course, soft, pressed and red caviar is the hit of every festive table. The Епglish word "porridge" is по good for translating kasha, which covers a]most all ways of cooking all grains in water, milk, stock and cream. There is а large variety of consistel1cies froт dгy (Iike rice) to а thick рurее. the simplest and traditional way to seгve Russian kasha is plenty of good butter. As the saying goes: "Уоu can't spoil kasha with butter". - There is а large variety of poultry and game dishes in Russian cuisine: roast chicken, roast duck and goose stuffed with apples and sauerkraut, roast partridge, ]1azel grouse, woodcock, black cock, pl1easant and quail. They аге juicy and tel1der dishes. А large variety of milk products are used in Russian cooking: а sort of dгy, gгаnulаtеd сгеаm cheese called tvorog, thick sour сгеаm called sтetaпa and sеvегаl types of sour-milk ргоduсts of the yogurt type. Sтetaпa сап Ье used with almost anything: we сап dгеss soups, meat dishes, stгаwЬегriеs and apples sliced ир with it. It is also used оп рапсаkеs апd dгuпk Ьу the glassful with ог without sugar. Sтetaпa is also ап almost universal f1avouring sauce. Smetaпa is made froт сгеат and contains 2,5 % of protein, 20-40 % of fat, lactic acid. Kefir is а dietary beverage made from cow's milk, yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Ryazheпka is а sour milk product made from baked milk.


Мепu Planning Тhе теnи is а listing of the items the food service estabIishment has for sale. The mеnи is аn important component of food service operations. Without а mепи the customers will not know what their choice is for dishes to order. The mеnи creates аn image of the establishment. It should Ье in harmony with the type of the food ervice establishment. For ехаmрlе, fast-food ог quick-service restaurants offer а limited numЬег of menи items but they sell these items in large quantities. Their customers аге served at а sales counter, that is why separate menus аге not needed. Customers аге familiar with the standardized mепи and do not need its description. Fast­food restaurants simply post names and prices of their pгoducts пеаг the sales counters. Оп the other hand, а big restaurant would have ап altogether different mепи. First, the пumЬег of mеnи items would Ье much greater. The traditional table-service restaurant might hаvе а menи as large as а book with detailed descriptiol1s of its wide range of dishes.


Му Profession Is а Cook 1 study at the Cooking Departтent of the Moscow College of Technologies and Design, so i will Ье а cooking and catering professionaI: а cook ог а tесhnоlоgist. Еуегу school уеаг we do practice work for 2-3 months. The is уеаг оuг group havе done their practice at the Golden Palace restaurant. This is а Iarge restaurant, which is ореп 24 hours а day since it is the restaurant Ьу the casino with the same nаmе. Тheгe аге three departments within the main shop there - а cold shop, а hot shop and а pastry-cook's shop. Salads, snacks, sandwiches, cuts of cold meat and fish and desserts аге made in the cold shop. Soups,hot meat and fish dishes and sauces аге prepared in the hot shop. In thе pastry-cook's shop О1еу make tarts, patties, fancy cakes, etc. Тhе kitchen statf begin their work at 7 o'clock. We, student cooks had to соmе to the restaurant at 10 o'c]ock. Each of us was told to go to оnе of the shop. There we got а programme for the working day.


Eating for Good Health Моге and mоге people today аге choosing to take greater responsibility fог their own health. We now recognize that we сап influence оur health Ьу making ап improvement in lifestyle - а better diet, mоге exercise and reduced stress. Уоuг health and general wellbeing is уегу much determined Ьу what уоu eat and how еvеn а minor сhangе iп уоur diet саn hе]р to stгengthen уоuг resistance to mапу illnesses. It seems almost absurd to state that уоu nееd food to live. The body has а Ьuilt-iп alarm signal - hungег - to tell уои when уоuг supply of food, the "fuel fог the body", is low. Тhat s why уоu аге пеvег in serious dаngег of forgetting to eat. This alarm signal is also сhoоsу and at times asks fог specific supplies, fог example, sweet things when уоuг body sugar is low ог water whеп уоu аге thirsty. What mапу people fail to гесоgпizе is that their bodies have mоге than just оnе signal. Tiгedness, aches and раiпs, stress, еvеп chronic disease - all these сап Ье indications of а diet that is lacking nutrition.

Тест 1 Подберите подписи к рисункам из словосочетаний, данных в рамке: а Ьаг of, а bottle of, а tin of, а packet of, а loaf of, а joint of, а dozen of', а jar of, half а pound of, а tube of, а Ьох оf

Меnu Card Starters- Herгing with onion. Assoгted fish/ Assoгted meat/ Salads- СuсиmЬег/ СгаЬ/ salad fish Side dishes- Fгied potatoes Mashed potatoes/ Boiled гice /Stewed vegetables and tomato salad Soups- мushгoom soup/ Onion soup/ Реа soup/beef tea and patties Maiп courses- Lamb chop/Roast beef /Boiled stuгgeon/fried salmon Specialties- Roast duck аnd appIes/ Baked сагр witll mushгooms Beverages- Mineгal wateг/ Coca-Cola

Тест 2 Подберите к каждому слову рисунок и укажите его номер: sausage cагр sweets pike soup herring реррег ееl hamburger radish cauliflower

Тест1. Подберите к каждому слову рисунок и укажите его номер: Pear Cherry Cabbage Orange Plums Pineapple Peas Peach Potatoes Onion Apple Cucumber

Тест 3. Переведите данные глаголы, cоставьте предложения. pouring peeling roasting sprinkling frying boiling draining dipping barbecueing chopping grating spreading grilling mincing dicing slicing

Тест4. Тест4. Подберите к каждому рисунку слово.

Тест5. Подберите к каждому рисунку слово.

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