Презентация на тему «Венецианские маски» (к теме «Фестивали и праздники»)

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Carnival-this is music and dancing in colorful costumes and masks.Holiday associated with disguises, masquerades and colorful processions accompanied by mass festivities with street parades and theatrical performances. In the Latin countries of Western Europe spring folk festival accompanied by a disguise and mimic games (corresponding Russian Shrovetide). Carnival-this is music and dancing in colorful costumes and masks.Holiday associated with disguises, masquerades and colorful processions accompanied by mass festivities with street parades and theatrical performances. In the Latin countries of Western Europe spring folk festival accompanied by a disguise and mimic games (corresponding Russian Shrovetide).
History of the Venice Carnival Venice Carnival has its roots in the distant pagan past. The word "carnival" comes from the Latin carrus navalis (which means "amusing chariot", "ship celebratory procession") - because in ancient times was called Ritual wagon-ship, which in Europe as far back as the Bronze Age during the holidays were taken idols fertility.
Asked when it hosted the first Venetian carnival, and there are many versions. The earliest version refers to the XI century. In 1094 the Republic of Venice received under the agreement with the Byzantine Empire in Constantinople home and additional privileges in taxation, which gave her a huge advantage for Mediterranean trade. The celebration of this event would be the first Venetian carnival.
The history of Venetian masks Since ancient times, Venetian masks were used to hide people person consisting in reprehensible intimate relationships or openly involved in illegal activities. Over time, masks became the symbol of Carnivale (Carnival of Venice) - magnificent procession or street fair, praising hedonism.
Carnival masks Venetian carnival mask - is the quintessence of the Venetian spirit, uniting and innocent fun, and human sins. In Venice, in those days there were many occasions to wear a mask, moreover, they were not removing most months of the year. In the 18th century, the whole world knew that in Venice are the most famous Carnivals. They were attended by representatives of all classes, and the brightest characteristics of such a diverse audience is reflected in masks.
Zany Types of Venetian masks Jester masks
Types of Venetian masks Moretta Bout Columbine
Peste dottore Captain Scaramouche Gatto
Volto mask Brighella Harlequin
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