"One happy big family"

Материал опубликован 7 September 2024

Этап мотивации к учебной деятельности

Слайд 1:

Good afternoon! Stand up, please! I am glad to see you. Sit down. How are you today?

Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today? What is the weather like? Is it sunny or cloudy?

Слайд 2:

Фонетическая зарядка.

Let’s do some phonetic drill.

Read this tongue-twister, please.

Father, mother,

Sister, brother,

Hand in hand

With one another

Этап актуализации знаний и пробное учебное действие.

Слайд 3: Look at the pictures on the board. Who can you see here? (Family) How do you think what about we will talk about today? What is the theme of our lesson? (about family)

Yes, today we will continue to talk about family and learn to describe members of your family.

Слайд 4: Firstly, guess the words and match them with pictures.

Family, mother, father, daughter, son, uncle, aunt, cousin. Do you know who are uncle, aunt and cousin? (noooo)

Let’s learn about them!

Этап выявления места и причины затруднений

Cлайд 5:

Let’s meet Larry and Lulu’s relatives. Look! This is Uncle Harry. Say Hello to Uncle Harry. This is Aunt Pam. Say Hello to Aunt Pam. And this is Cousin Robbie. Say Hello to Cousin Robbie.

Now we will listen to the words. You should listen to them, but don’t repeat.

Now we will watch it again. Listen and repeat.

Слайд 6: Now open your books on page 10. You should match pictures with the words.

Этап построения проекта выхода из затруднений

Слайд 7: Well, I need your help. Help me find Uncle Harry, Aunt Pam and Cousin Robbie.

Great! Who has got fair/dark hair?

Who is funny/kind/friendly?

Who is short/tall?

Who is slim/plump?

Can you name the words that describe the appearance of the person? Вы можете назвать слова, которые описывают внешность человека. (tall, short, slim, fair hair, dark hair)

Can you name the words that describe the character of the person? А теперь назовите слова, которые описывают характер человека. (funny, kind, friendly)

Этап реализации построенного проекта

Cлайд 8: Look at the 2nd exercise. Alina and Lyala, read this dialogue, please.

Слайд 9: Do you know the difference between these questions? (noo)

What do you look like?

What are you like?

fair hair





Когда мы спрашиваем о внешности человека, мы говорим What does he/she like?

А когда мы хотим узнать о характере человека, мы говорим What is he/she like?

So, how can we answer to this question “What do you look like?” (fair hair, short, tall…)

How can we answer to the “What are you like?” (kind, friendly, funny)

Now let’s work in pairs. You will describe your mom/dad/sister to your neighbor. In the exercise 2, you can see an example. Опишите члена вашего семьи вашему соседу по парте, используя данный образец.


Слайд 10: Ребята, сегодня мы посмотрим небольшой мультик о семье Ларри и Лулу. Но сначала сами побудем мультяшными персонажами. В мультиках герои умеют быстро уменьшаться и увеличиваться в размерах, полнеть и худеть, они смешные добрые и дружелюбные. Давайте покажем это.

We are short. (сели на корточки).

We are tall. (выпрямились в полный рост и подняли руки вверх, можно еще потянуться).

We are fat. (Руками показываем большой живот и поворачиваемся из стороны в сторону).

We are slim. (руки прижимаем к бокам).

We are kind. (Гладим себя по голове)

We are friendly (рукопожатие)

We are funny (изображаем движущиеся ушки над головой).

We are noisy (хлопаем).

We are naughty (прыгаем «через скакалку»)

Этап первичного закрепления

Now, we will watch a video. Open your books on page 11, ex.4. Watch it attentively, and then we will do some tasks.

Слайд 12:

1 этап:

-Who can you see here? (Larry, Lulu, Chuckles, Nanny and her uncle)

- Do you see the the plane?

- Where are they? (at the airport)

- Where uncle Harry and his family come from? (from Australia)

Слайд 13:

Now we will watch it again and do the exercise 5.Your task is to say yes if this sentence is true and no if this sentence is false.

The plane is from Australia. (yes)

Uncle Harry is fat and has got fair hair. (no)

Uncle Harry has got a lot of pets. (yes)

Great, here you should choose the correct answer.

What does Uncle Harry look like?

Tall and slim

Short and slim

What is he like?



What has he got?

A lot of sweets

A lot of pets

Well done!

Этап самостоятельной работы

Слайд 14: Open your workbooks the page 16, ex.4 and do this task.

Now exchange your copybooks with your neighbor and check your tasks.

Слайд 15: Let’s play in pairs. Do you know them?

Один из вас загадывает персонажа. Другой пытается угадать, задавая вопросы о его внешности.

Этап подведения итогов и объяснения домашнего задания

Слайд 16: Here you should choose the correct answer.

Слайд 24: Write down your homework, please. Your task is to describe one member of your family, using this example.

I have my brother. His name is Bob. He is tall and slim. He has got dark hair. He is friendly.

Этап рефлексии

Do you like uncle Harry, Aunt Pam and Cousine Robbie? Are they nice?

Can you talk about appearance and character?

How good were you at the lesson?

Great! That’s all today. Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye!

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А где презентация?

7 September 2024

Слайды отсутствуют, цель и задачи урока тоже..

9 September 2024